Hi everyone!!

Well obviously I'm new on this site, just seeing how things work and looking for others to help me stay motivated!


  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Hey ShaRogan, welcome. I'm new too. I've just this evening. I'll cheer you on.
  • eeks
    eeks Posts: 2
    Hey, I'm 'new'ish too, I suppose. I've been using the app on my iPhone sporadically for a couple months and am now just looking around the website to see if there was any groups for accountability and stuff like that. I think it would probably help me to have others to connect with.
  • donton77
    donton77 Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm new also. I have been down this road before using Weight watchers so I know how to loose it but I just can't seem to keep it off! I'm tired of paying money to loose the same 30 lbs over and over. I hope to be able to use this site to help me do it again. Support would be appreciated.
  • AndiB79
    AndiB79 Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm a new girl! This looks like it will be a lot of fun. Good luck to everyone!!
  • Scheherazadea
    Hiya and welcome! This is my 3rd day here and also the 3rd day of my weight loss diet. MFP is such a great source of inspiration and keeps me on track--just look at all the before and afters!
  • meetpapa
    meetpapa Posts: 20
    Hello, I just started this program again this week . This is my 2nd day. It was working for me last year. I had some knee problems so stopped. Back on track again. I really want lost about 30 pounds with 3-4 months. Let's all stay forced.