trying to find time for exercise with a 7month old

Hi everyone! I've been away from here for almost a year! I had a baby and now I'm ready to lose some weight! my challenge is that I work full time and I have a 7 month old. By the time I clean up after dinner, get ready for the next day and put the little one to bed.. I'm exhausted!! Any feedback on exercises that are quick and effective would be great. I also need to lift my butt....the odd thing about birthing a child is that your body changes in unexpected ways, I used to have a nice plump butt which has now been replaced by a much smaller flatter one. Any support/ideas would be so appreciated! Thanks and peace to all!


  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Exercise first thing in the morning before all your energy is zapped thru the day.

    That's all I got.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been away from here for almost a year! I had a baby and now I'm ready to lose some weight! my challenge is that I work full time and I have a 7 month old. By the time I clean up after dinner, get ready for the next day and put the little one to bed.. I'm exhausted!! Any feedback on exercises that are quick and effective would be great. I also need to lift my butt....the odd thing about birthing a child is that your body changes in unexpected ways, I used to have a nice plump butt which has now been replaced by a much smaller flatter one. Any support/ideas would be so appreciated! Thanks and peace to all!

    Walk, run or go to a gym on your lunch break.
  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    I don't know how qualified I am to giving exercise advice while working full time and having a little one at home...perhaps that's why I'm losing my 'baby weight' now, and not 5 years ago when my baby was still actually a baby. Enough about me...

    Firstly, be kind to yourself! I know the full time working mum gig and it is haaaaaard work. Some days you will have nothing left in the tank, lucky to have even washed up after dinner before collapsing into bed - let alone exercise. some days it's just not going to happen, no matter your good intentions. Your life is up to this chapter at the moment, it won't be forever - don't punish yourself for it.

    In saying that, I wish I had found the spark within myself to start this journey earlier. If I was able to go back and do it all again, I would find the time in the same way I find the time now that my little ones are a bit bigger. As it turns out, kids get older and a little more self sufficient, but still use all of your time up, which can lead to an easy excuse not to move at all.

    The only way I get in a walk/run/stagger in the day is to go before they wake up. Hubby is still in bed, but if there was an emergency, he could go and find the children for help.

    The only time I get to myself sometimes is in the bathroom. Even then, they are all yelling at me though the door. The bathroom is a great place to smash out a set of squats, lunges and push ups. Only adds an extra 2 minutes to the time I spend alone behind a closed door, at least 3 x sets per day get done. Every minute is precious in a working mums life.

    We got a dog. Now she makes me feel guilty with those puppy dog eyes. Sometimes I can make an excuse for another walk in the evening...because look at that sad-wad wittle face...

    I can bench press my son...

    Use the park to your advantage. Walk, and jog some. Stop and do some squats, burpees, lunges, chin ups etc. If you usually do 3 laps around the lake, aim for 4. Park the car in the furthest park from the shop.

    I started a karate class. I didn't know how I was going to fit it in at first, but after a few weeks it is like an appointment in my diary that can't be moved. It helped finding something I loved to do. I used to have an appointment in my diary for the gym, but I hate gyms, so that appointment was often moved and later cancelled. If you find something you love as a workout, ask your partner, family, friends to help you keep that appointment each week and babysit for you.

  • Zeppgirrl1316
    Zeppgirrl1316 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you so much for your response! I think working out before I leave for work may be the answer. I hate getting out of bed in the morning ( baby still wakes up in the middle of the night) but once Im awake I'm energized. I'll try this tomorrow. As far as finding a class I have a hard time being away from her for ten hours a day so I avoid anything extra. Once she gets older I'll definitely consider some dance classes!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    yup, do it in the morning. I work out early (430) before everyone else wakes up so I don't get interrupted. 4 kids here, youngest two are 11 months and 22 months - I work and am in school as well. I could never do it at night, I'm beat by 3pm.
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member

    The only way I get in a walk/run/stagger in the day is to go before they wake up. Hubby is still in bed, but if there was an emergency, he could go and find the children for help.

    The only time I get to myself sometimes is in the bathroom. Even then, they are all yelling at me though the door. The bathroom is a great place to smash out a set of squats, lunges and push ups. Only adds an extra 2 minutes to the time I spend alone behind a closed door, at least 3 x sets per day get done. Every minute is precious in a working mums life.

    Funniest thing I've read all day!! Thank goodness he knows where to find the kids if he has an emergency!

    And seriously, I get in a lot of extra steps in the bathroom!! During the time it takes me to shower and get very-minimally-ready, I can squeek out about 1000 steps in place. This includes IN THE SHOWER because, ya know, multi-tasking (**If you fall, do not blame me! Be careful ladies!).
  • johannavonleliwa
    johannavonleliwa Posts: 1 Member
    These are probably not the most effective exercises out there, but have you tried incorporating your kid into your workouts? That might at least solve the time aspect of your problem :smiley:

    Here are some videos I found on Youtube:

    Mommy and baby Yoga:
    30 minute mommy baby workout:
    Working out with Baby:
    Workout with baby:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    i have to agree with the do it during your lunch break or after work i put him in his stroller and we go for a walk