30 Day Shred?

Quick question and I know I could probably just Google this but Id love to hear REAL feedback and stories.

What is the 30 day shred? Tell me all about it. The good, the bad, the ugly.


  • candycaronlee
    candycaronlee Posts: 8 Member
    It is Jillian from the Biggest Loser show and it kicks your butt (;
  • alice74
    alice74 Posts: 28
    It's a Jillian Michaels DVD.:smile:
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    The basic:
    It is a cardio, strength and ab work program. It's about 25m long, end to end. There are three levels of the program, typically done as 10 days at level 1, 10 at level 2, 10 at level 3, though varied depending on tolerances and abilities.

    My feedback:
    Jillian makes me nuts. She's entirely too cocky and some of her turns of phrase make me nuts. However, I've only done level 1 - today was my 10th day, tomorrow I start level 2. In the first ten days, I've lost 17 inches. I'm going to go with she's irritating, but not so irritating I'm not willing to stay with it to get the results. ^_^
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    What they said! I just did day1 and it's a pretty good butt kicker. In the Fitness forum, there's a few people that have posted pictures before and after!
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    3 minutes strength, 2 minutes cardio, 1 minute abs. it really gets your heart pumping and you'll be pretty much wiped at the end. at the beginning i was barely able to do level 1 but now i can do level 1 + 2 back to back so it shows how much it has helped my fitness. you will improve as you go along and it's only 20 minutes so why not. i'm a huge fan of 30DS.
    there are modifier moves and the harder moves so do what suits you. you're given 5 second breaks if you so choose to use them. all you need is yourself, your dumbbells and your mat. quick, cheap and easy!
  • jackieh1191
    Thanks guys! Is it a DVD or weights? Do I need to buy any additional things. Sorry for all the questions!
  • IrishChick71
    IrishChick71 Posts: 311 Member
    :heart: It's Jillian Michaels DVD that involves strength training, cardio and ab workout into one workout. It has 3 levels. You start with level one then move on to the next after 10 days and so on. Though some people do it every other day or do level 1 for one month then level 2 for a month then level 3.

    You do use light weights (3lbs, 5 lbs. or 8lbs or whatever is comfortable) with it and a mat if you only have a hard surface to work out on.

    It's a great workout and really helps to build muscle along with slimming you down.

    Warning: The first day will kick your butt if you're not use to weight training.

    Hope that helps! :heart:
  • larkinsde
    larkinsde Posts: 1
    I just started it yesterday.... very basic movements, jumping jacks, push ups, lunges, ab crunches. It's 3 circuits of 3 mins of strength training, 2 mins cardio, 1 min of different types of crunches. The good: it's only 20 minutes, the bad: at 51 years old and sedentary for the last 12-15 years its really hard - the ugly: umm jumping jacks when over 250 lbs, lol I'm only using 2 lb weights to start off and it's working well.

    More good...
    1. These aren't skinny, overly made-up. model types showing the exercises they are 'real' women.
    2. Jillian's motivation is real, the timing perfect, it actually helps.
    3. There are advanced and beginner styles shown for the exercises.
    4. I've had 2 knee surgeries, one on each knee, and haven't had any knee pain following her instructions.
    5. After I've caught my breath when I'm done, I actually do feel better already.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Thanks guys! Is it a DVD or weights? Do I need to buy any additional things. Sorry for all the questions!

    I believe she uses 3lb weights and that's it :)
    Oh, and a mat if necessary
  • jackieh1191
    Great! You guys have pretty much sold me, thanks! I have the dumbells and a matt, just need Jillian Michaels! Woott bring it on!
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    Good luck with it, Jackie! I'm on Day 6 Level 1, and yes, it's pretty hard, but not miserable. I LOVE what it's doing for my arms and abs! I just commented on my page that now Jillian is not kicking my *kitten*, she's just slapping me around a little. I'm becoming a huge fan of this dvd, and at $9, there's almost no risk. Have fun with it! :happy:
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    The basic:
    It is a cardio, strength and ab work program. It's about 25m long, end to end. There are three levels of the program, typically done as 10 days at level 1, 10 at level 2, 10 at level 3, though varied depending on tolerances and abilities.

    My feedback:
    Jillian makes me nuts. She's entirely too cocky and some of her turns of phrase make me nuts. However, I've only done level 1 - today was my 10th day, tomorrow I start level 2. In the first ten days, I've lost 17 inches. I'm going to go with she's irritating, but not so irritating I'm not willing to stay with it to get the results. ^_^

    Awww I love her "banters"! :) They may be annoying; but everything she says is right: we don't push ourselves enough and justify just "take taking the stairs". I think we (generally speaking) need to hear the ugly truth. She's tough, but also very encouraging. Her little "banters" motivate me to work to the point of wanting to give just a bit more. Oh and side note: my friend's sister-in-law if Jillian's personal assistant. I hear Jillian is actually very nice and easy to work for. And one of my co-workers was an actual contestant on the biggest loser and he enjoyed working out for her.
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    Ah, what gets me is "we're right here, doing it with you..." and "you don't get to the finish line and quit!" I figure if she really wants to be doing it with me, she needs to have a 50# inner tube around her waist, and OF COURSE you stop at the dang finish line - that's what it's FOR. I get what she means, but DUDE. She is right, though - you don't get to do 20 minutes and take breaks, and she does promise results - and if you work for it, you'll get them. I'm hoping that Level 2 has less stuff that annoys me, but I'd be perfectly fine to stay with level 1 forever if I kept seeing these results. It's INCREDIBLE. I may not like some of her choices in phrasing, but she puts together a h3ll of a workout, and it's doing great things for me. ^_^
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks guys! Is it a DVD or weights? Do I need to buy any additional things. Sorry for all the questions!

    The "30 Day Shred" is the name of the DVD and you need weights + a yoga mat for it (assuming you'll be on hard ground).
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    The basic:
    It is a cardio, strength and ab work program. It's about 25m long, end to end. There are three levels of the program, typically done as 10 days at level 1, 10 at level 2, 10 at level 3, though varied depending on tolerances and abilities.

    My feedback:
    Jillian makes me nuts. She's entirely too cocky and some of her turns of phrase make me nuts. However, I've only done level 1 - today was my 10th day, tomorrow I start level 2. In the first ten days, I've lost 17 inches. I'm going to go with she's irritating, but not so irritating I'm not willing to stay with it to get the results. ^_^

    Awww I love her "banters"! :) They may be annoying; but everything she says is right: we don't push ourselves enough and justify just "take taking the stairs". I think we (generally speaking) need to hear the ugly truth. She's tough, but also very encouraging. Her little "banters" motivate me to work to the point of wanting to give just a bit more. Oh and side note: my friend's sister-in-law if Jillian's personal assistant. I hear Jillian is actually very nice and easy to work for. And one of my co-workers was an actual contestant on the biggest loser and he enjoyed working out for her.

    I love the "If my 400lb clients can do it, so can you!" Because it's true! They fight through on the biggest loser, and look at them! GEts me moving!
  • jackieh1191
    Haha you guys are awesome!