vegetarian diet weight gain

shreya1810 Posts: 4 Member
Hello all! I am underweight at this time with BMI ~14. I have to gain weight on a vegetarian diet(eggs ok) with prediabetes. So I am working on increasing my caloric intake. Any idea when should I start lifting weights? or do any cardio exercises? I have had a significant muscle mass loss and weight loss in last 1 year. Thank you!!!


  • worldofalice
    worldofalice Posts: 148 Member
    If your BMI is 14... no exercise of any kind until you are at the bare minimum BMI AT LEAST,then slowly introduce it if you do, while making sure you keep gaining until you are within you own healthy weight range (because barely anyone is naturally BMI 18.5). I know it's probably not what you want to hear, but trust me - you body will not thank you for putting it under pressure any sooner, and your weight-restored body will look and feel much better if you do this properly. Speak to your doctor. What are your calories looking like at the moment? I gained 12 kg as a veggie, it's very doable! I started lifting once I hit BMI 17.5, which I regret to be honest - I should have waited, it's made things harder and perpetuated many health issues, meaning I am going to have to gain several kg OVER my set point to sort them out! Not worth it.
  • shreya1810
    shreya1810 Posts: 4 Member
    my daily caloric intake right now is ~ 1500 cal per day with about 30% carb and 35% protein, 35% fat. My carb intake is mainly from dairy(regular milk) and veggies, small amount beans and quioa. fat intake is from nuts,coconut oil, EVOO and cheeses. Protein is from eggs, whey protein pwd and nut butters.
  • jedhuth
    jedhuth Posts: 2 Member
    More food simply, you have to eat more. Even as a vegan I was able to eat 2300-3000+ calories a day while working 2 full time jobs and lifting. Rice, white or brown, black beans, potatoes, tofu. You need to look for the most caloricly dense foods. Milk has massive amounts of sugar in it. If possible take a day or of your week and pre cook your foods for the week, makes things easier. Biggest thing is you're gonna have to get used to eating way more than normal. It takes a bit of time but can be done.
  • jedhuth
    jedhuth Posts: 2 Member
    At the point you decide, if you decide to lift weights in any form. The most important thing is form and technique, you'll need to find someone to teach you the right way to lift your major lifts and accessory lifts if using all free weights. My advise there is to keep a journal and be performance based progress and not progress based on a mirror or scale. Obviously you have to eat enough to make it all work and as I said doing it veg or vegan way requires tons and tons of food since vegetables and green things are not so caloricly dense. Most will say shoot for an 80/10/10 split 80% carbs 10/10 fat and protein based on your daily caloric intake and macros. That's a general vegan split that's why guys who do it are eating up to 7k calories a day while lifting heavy all week. But when it comes to lifting be performance based the looks etc will come as a result of performance. Take the attitude of being as strong as you can for your weight class etc. Look at international Olympic lifters the women range anywhere from 42-65kg and lift amazing numbers which takes years but goes to show you what can be accomplished overall
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Why are you only eating 1500 cals when trying to gain? I lose at 1600...... And I am a lot bigger than you. Do not do any exercise until you are at an 18 BMI, and consult your medical team, not strangers on a calorie counting website.....
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