Struggling to lose weight

Ahh!! Imstruggling so much right now. I'm not sure who to talk to about what I'm doing wrong!!
So I went to the doctor a few months ago about not being able to lose weight and she told me to really watch my carbs. (Blood work came back perfect) So I have been trying to pay more attention to what I'm eating and trying to keep the gym in my routine. The last week I have REALLY started watching my carbs. I try to keep them between 50-80 and they all come from veggies and my advocare spark drink. I have also been doing cardio like crazy! (Crazy for me) Gym at least 5 days a week depending on work. I have been doing just cardio. Nothing less than 2 miles at a time. Usually more. So far, I had lost 1/2 lb. that's it! And this morning I had actually gained that back and another 1/2lb.

My doctor said she can refer me to a nutritionist, but it seems like that would be a waste of money! Any advice?


  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    You don't need to go low carb to lose weight (barring certain medical conditions) and you certainly don't need to waste your money on that scammy advocare crap.

    Are you weighing all your food?
  • ShandaLeaS
    ShandaLeaS Posts: 136 Member
    Are you using a DIGITAL scale to weigh EVERYTHING?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited August 2015
    Would you please Share your diary so we can see if there's anything about your logging that could use improvement?
  • danniellel111
    danniellel111 Posts: 10 Member
    My doctor suggested low carb because she feels that's what was causing my problems. I'm not diabetic or anything like that. I only do the advocare spark because it gives me a little energy and is full of vitamins.
    I don't exactly weight my foods, but I'm careful with the portions. I buy chicken that comes in 4 ounce breasts, tuna in the small packages, etc.
    I understand it's not going to happen over night, I just get super discouraged when I don't see any results after working so hard.
    I used to go to the gym off and on, but now I go at least 5 days a week and I really busy my butt when I'm there.
    I'm not super overweight. I'm 5'2" and I weigh 150 lbs. I'd like to get down to 120 or so. I'm going on vacation in December, so I would like to see some results by then. Any advice?
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    When you have no medical issues with eating carbs...than just eat everything you want only less

    Weigh EVERY solid foods on a food scale. Don't use cups or spoons, but weigh everything you eat.
    Try to move more ( exercise) but not needed. Only helps you get fitter and you can eat 25 to 75% back from the exercise calories.

    That is how i lost 102 pounds in 9 months
    And i eat a lot of carbs!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Get a food scale. It's so easy to overeat, even if you're measuring with cups/spoons. Also, make sure you're getting enough water. I eat low carb, and if I don't get enough water I either stall or gain a lb.
  • danniellel111
    danniellel111 Posts: 10 Member
    So how exactly do I decide how much of what I'm supposed to eat? I can weigh everything, but I have no idea where to even start. I'm terrible at making good nutrition decisions. One says not to eat carbs, the other is low fat, one is vegan...etc. I'm confused on what's good and what's not.
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    You eat what you want up to what your calorie goal is.
  • danniellel111
    danniellel111 Posts: 10 Member
    I already do that basically
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    Well if you aren't using a scale you are most likely under-estimating your food
  • rune1990
    rune1990 Posts: 543 Member
    Do you know what your caloric intake is for the day?
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    The only thing absolute required for weight loss to occur is a calorie deficit.
  • danniellel111
    danniellel111 Posts: 10 Member
    Today it was 1230 or so with a 200 workout
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    If you're not losing weight, you are eating too much.

    Full stop. End of discussion.

  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    As long as you don't know, you can't plan.
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    If you feel like you make terrible nutrition choices, maybe you should take your doctor up on the referral to visit a registered dietician a few times. Some workplaces and insurance companies offer nutrition phone/online counseling too - included in their wellness programs. (If you're in the U.S., anyway)
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    How long have you been eating at a deficit? If you're eating the 1230 calories daily, you'll lose weight, and probably quickly. You just have to make sure your logging is accurate.

    How long have you been exercising? It takes a while for your body to get used to a new routine.

    Are you walking or running? How fast? My 10 minute (1 mile) run today was ~100 calories, maybe. That's so easy to negate if I hadn't measured the beans I put in my salad. Basically, you can exercise all you want but if your logging is off, you won't get too far.
  • rune1990
    rune1990 Posts: 543 Member
    Just eat what you enjoy, weigh it all out however. I'm guessing MFP gave you 1230 as a calorie goal.

    You will see what you could eat and stay within your totals. Maybe you will decide some foods just don't fill you and they become treats.

    Eat back half of your exercise calories for extra food options as well as to stay fuelled up.