Worst Weight Loss Advice You've Received



  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    "Why don't you try the cayenne pepper and lemon cleanse?"

    Yeah, I've heard this one. I remember actually trying it and the cayenne pepper tasted so awful!!! Couldn't do it anyways.

    I've never done the cleanse, but I have tried the drink and I actually like it.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    umm. can i have her body? (i mean this in a non-sexual way...)

    No Kidding!!! Was thinking the same thing. That video just motivated me to workout. lol
  • bjscmg
    bjscmg Posts: 77
    I was told by a friend to just eat carrots cuz she did it and lost 20 lbs....a month later she was about 30 lbs heavier Hmmmm no thanks, I'm not a rabbit.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    So a few weeks ago I went on a business trip to Colorado and went to dinner one night with my co-worker. We went to a German restaurant and our waiter was a late 20's German guy who had just recently moved over to the states. We got to talking and he said he was a personal trainer in Germany and began giving me "tips"... it was the WORST information I have ever heard and I don't think he was joking! I mean he was in great shape... but honestly worst advice ever! So I can't remember everything he said but here are the top two:

    1. Don't drink water. When you exercise, you sweat out the water. If you don't drink water then you sweat out the fat. So the more water you drink, the more you have to sweat out before you can start burning fat.

    2. Bicycling burns more calories than running or being on the elliptical. You can burn 1 lb of fat by bicycling for 60 minutes.

    So what's the worst advice you've ever gotten? Everyone's always full of fun facts!

    Actually I can vouch for the second one. I went from 280 - 210 in 7 months doing 2 spin classes a week, so actually a little over 2 pounds a week. I also did this consuming at least 3000 calories per day. Once I hit 210, I found a brick wall, most likely because I was eating so much (though, at this time I went for three days eating nearly nothing, so I may have shocked my body as well, I don't know). I asked one of the main trainers (I'm talking body competitions kind of guy) what I should do to finish losing the gut and he said, "more cardio." :noway:
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    So a few weeks ago I went on a business trip to Colorado and went to dinner one night with my co-worker. We went to a German restaurant and our waiter was a late 20's German guy who had just recently moved over to the states. We got to talking and he said he was a personal trainer in Germany and began giving me "tips"... it was the WORST information I have ever heard and I don't think he was joking! I mean he was in great shape... but honestly worst advice ever! So I can't remember everything he said but here are the top two:

    1. Don't drink water. When you exercise, you sweat out the water. If you don't drink water then you sweat out the fat. So the more water you drink, the more you have to sweat out before you can start burning fat.

    2. Bicycling burns more calories than running or being on the elliptical. You can burn 1 lb of fat by bicycling for 60 minutes.

    So what's the worst advice you've ever gotten? Everyone's always full of fun facts!

    Actually I can vouch for the second one. I went from 280 - 210 in 7 months doing 2 spin classes a week, so actually a little over 2 pounds a week. I also did this consuming at least 3000 calories per day. Once I hit 210, I found a brick wall, most likely because I was eating so much (though, at this time I went for three days eating nearly nothing, so I may have shocked my body as well, I don't know). I asked one of the main trainers (I'm talking body competitions kind of guy) what I should do to finish losing the gut and he said, "more cardio." :noway:

    I don't doubt that bicycling or spin classes can definitely burn major calories but this guy made the statement that it burned MORE calories than running or using an elliptical for the same amount of time. Also he wasn't taking into account anyone's weight, gender, etc which will determine how long you have to work to burn a certain number of calories. All he kept saying was "you can lose 1 lb of fat in 1 hour by cycling". so not true. i wish it was so easy :-)

    but congrats on all of your success and keep up the good work!!!
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    "try a colon cleanse once a month, they remove all the toxins in your body that cause you to gain weight."

    "eat ONE large meal a day."

    "Try the atkins diet."

    and my favorite " Why don't you go on that twinkie diet? You know that woman really did lose weight."

    eating 1 large meal a day has a ton of health benefits compared to spreading your meals throughout the day.
    This advice for sure is one of the "Worst Weight Loss Advice I've Recieved".

    I've lost over 30 pounds eating 3 square meals a day and snacks too! I really think it's a bunch of B.S. to be telling people to eat one large meal a day instead of spreading ones meals. MAYBE if you don't exercise and sat on your bum all day than MAYBE.
    AmBeRLyNnGETTINThIN Posts: 56 Member
    The worst advice I have been given was to do an all fruit diet....and I love fruit with a passion! Some also do the grapefruit diet! If u want to literally kill ur insides by my guest. I was dumb and tried it for about 3 days...I spent prob 36 out of 72 hrs in the potty room! Don't do it! And the best advice I can give is stop dieting.....make a life change! Diets dont work!
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    So a few weeks ago I went on a business trip to Colorado and went to dinner one night with my co-worker. We went to a German restaurant and our waiter was a late 20's German guy who had just recently moved over to the states. We got to talking and he said he was a personal trainer in Germany and began giving me "tips"... it was the WORST information I have ever heard and I don't think he was joking! I mean he was in great shape... but honestly worst advice ever! So I can't remember everything he said but here are the top two:

    1. Don't drink water. When you exercise, you sweat out the water. If you don't drink water then you sweat out the fat. So the more water you drink, the more you have to sweat out before you can start burning fat.

    2. Bicycling burns more calories than running or being on the elliptical. You can burn 1 lb of fat by bicycling for 60 minutes.

    So what's the worst advice you've ever gotten? Everyone's always full of fun facts!

    Actually I can vouch for the second one. I went from 280 - 210 in 7 months doing 2 spin classes a week, so actually a little over 2 pounds a week. I also did this consuming at least 3000 calories per day. Once I hit 210, I found a brick wall, most likely because I was eating so much (though, at this time I went for three days eating nearly nothing, so I may have shocked my body as well, I don't know). I asked one of the main trainers (I'm talking body competitions kind of guy) what I should do to finish losing the gut and he said, "more cardio." :noway:

    I don't doubt that bicycling or spin classes can definitely burn major calories but this guy made the statement that it burned MORE calories than running or using an elliptical for the same amount of time. Also he wasn't taking into account anyone's weight, gender, etc which will determine how long you have to work to burn a certain number of calories. All he kept saying was "you can lose 1 lb of fat in 1 hour by cycling". so not true. i wish it was so easy :-)

    but congrats on all of your success and keep up the good work!!!

    lol if it were im sure we all would do an hour a day!! 7lbs a week lmfao
  • lol the worst one i've heard of (never tired!! sounds rank!) is the cabbage soup diet. That sh)t sounds naaaaaasty!!!!!!!
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