starting back up after almost 6 months off. need motivation friends.

Hello I recently had taken time off of working out it can be hard to get motivated. About a year ago I lost 70lbs through eating better and exercising. I really enjoy working out..However it would be nice to have a few buddies here to encourage one another. Has anyone had success using mfp? I love keeling track of what I eat feel it helps me make better choices. Good luck to us all on a journey to a healthier lifestyle!


  • yogiamazon
    yogiamazon Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I always like to be active but it's most often on a lower intensity scale. I'm working on amping up my cardio and continuing weight training.
    A few years ago, I used MFP and found it a great help to lose 20 lbs. Recently, due to having much more going on, it's been difficult to stay motivated to keep track and log my meals and exercise. I would like to see myself improve on keeping track - knowledge is power :)
    Having people to keep up with helps alot!
    I wish you luck as well!
  • Roachdb09
    Roachdb09 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you! Its great that you lost the weight and kept at it. Good job! Sometimes life does get in the way and its easy to fall off track. I go through the same thing. Thank you for your friend request! Let's do this journey to a healthier and leaner us!
  • WhoDeyMa
    WhoDeyMa Posts: 7 Member
    I'll join in here! I was losing weight w/ MFP a long time ago. I lost 30lbs. Well, then things happened and I stopped using MFP. Recently, I was working out and "kinda" watching what I was eating, then I gained more weight back because I gave up on that. Now I'm diving back in 100%. I'm doing this. I'm going through a divorce & I'm a single mom. I've gotta get healthier. I've got about 100lbs to lose.
  • Roachdb09
    Roachdb09 Posts: 6 Member
    Glad you decided to join the group! I'm kinda new to this. I'm sorry about the difficulties you are going through. Excersing is definitely a stressreliever.. We should check in with one another and see how our weight loss journey is going. Thank you for responding to the post. I'm trying to lose about 40 lbs. I actually just got home from the gym :)
  • WhoDeyMa
    WhoDeyMa Posts: 7 Member
    I went to the gym before work! It helps wake me up. haha.
  • SuzyJRyan
    SuzyJRyan Posts: 6 Member
    I truly believe MFP is the reason I was successful before. I lost 30 pounds on it. I have a very busy, hectic life. I barely have time to do the things that I have to do, and it makes it so easy to not realize how much food I was eating. Initially, I just kept a written list of the food that I ate. It made me accountable... More aware. While on Facebook, I saw that one of my friends was using MFP. Always looking for that miracle, I checked it out. It took a little getting used to at first, and time to learn the ins and outs of the screens. But once I had a database setup, it became very easy. It's sort of annoyed my husband that I was so obsessed with logging everything. But once he saw that it was working, he kept his opinions to himself. And was very happy with the results. I lost 30 pounds and was in the best shape of my life from a fitness standpoint. But a very busy, stressful year temporarily sidetracked me. I thought I could handle it on my own, but apparently I was wrong. Now, I am starting all over from scratch. With not 30 pounds to lose, but 45. I'm not ready to throw in the towel and be a fat, old lady yet. Snowmobile season is right around the corner, & I am NOT about to go buy all new riding gear because I couldn't get my crap together. So maybe with a little support and encouragement of everyone on here, I'll be as successful as I was last time. And smart enough to not walk away from it once I hit my goal.
  • WhoDeyMa
    WhoDeyMa Posts: 7 Member
    SuzyJRyan - that's awesome though! You've done it before and made it to your goal. I've never been lucky enough to feel that. Maybe someday... :)
  • Roachdb09
    Roachdb09 Posts: 6 Member
    WhoDeyMa wrote: »
    I went to the gym before work! It helps wake me up. haha.

    Same here lol!
  • Roachdb09
    Roachdb09 Posts: 6 Member
    WhoDeyMa wrote: »
    I'll join in here! I was losing weight w/ MFP a long time ago. I lost 30lbs. Well, then things happened and I stopped using MFP. Recently, I was working out and "kinda" watching what I was eating, then I gained more weight back because I gave up on that. Now I'm diving back in 100%. I'm doing this. I'm going through a divorce & I'm a single mom. I've gotta get healthier. I've got about 100lbs to lose.

    Hey good job on not giving up. I was almost 280 which all together I gained 120 lbs! I was diagnosed with as disabled neurological disorder so that made me super depressed and I guess you can say I lost hope but I got tired of feeling uncomfortable and not being able to fruit into my clothes! But anything can be achieved if we try. Keep up the good work ladies. Thank you all for responding to my posts! ;)
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    I lost 70lbs+ a couple of years ago and maintained it for almost 2years and comfortably and then a bit of a marathon setback knocked my confidence and motivation and suddenly within 6months I'd gained around 3st of it as I just vegged out and barely did anything.

    Since then I've decided to go travelling in January so with that in mind I've set myself a target to lose at least 2st as I don't want to be too concious about my body when I'm suppose to be enjoying myself.

    I tend to talk a lot of random stuff but hey if you can put up with that then by all means add me.
  • Nearly125
    Nearly125 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to join here. There's a bit of trepidation about accountability (but then that's the POINT, to be accountable, right?). I'm about 40 pounds above my comfort zone, the last 15-20 happening over the past year. Ah, middle age.