I'm back, obese person doing at least 4 months of low-carb

Hi all,

I'm back.... I am a life-long obese person. I have been obese from age 6 or 7 onward. I saw a movie last night about a "fat" kid in high school and his struggles. That kid only weighed 188lbs at age 14. I weighed about 280lbs by age 14 and by graduation at age 18, I was at least 320lbs and wearing size 54 pants. I had to buy from the "big and tall" section of the JC Penney catalog as a kid starting at age 12-13, because it was the only place I could find jeans that fit once I got over about size 42.

I struggled weigh weight loss many, many times. I remember listening to weightloss tapes at age 12, spending my summers walking around in 100degree temps in the neighborhood trying to exercise/sweat out the fat. I perhaps got slightly thinner, but the weight didn't melt off. I didn't drop clothing sizes.

Over the years starting from age 12, I've done weightloss tape diets, Richard Simmon's "Deal-a-Meal," Atkins (by the book), low calorie/fat diet, Quick Weightloss Centers program, untold numbers of supplements, including ephedrine-containing supplements in the early 2000's. If I eat a caloric intake, as suggested for weightloss, of around 1900 calories, I do not lose weight. I maintain my current 300lbs-ish status. In fact, I can eat poorly.... fast food, Big Macs, pizza and still more or less maintain weight so long as I don't gorge. I'd say I can eat from 2000-3500 calories a day without gaining. To lose, on a low-cal diet, I have to drop below 1600 calories consistently every day. I've done it before. I was down to about 278 back in 2013. I got lazy and gained some of that back. I got up to nearly 320 again before I decided to turn it around.

What I'm doing now to "kick start" my weight loss is a 4 month ultra-low carb diet. That is, I am eating NO breads, no sugars, and no starches that don't originate from vegetables. I am eating a very small amount of fruit, maybe 1/2 of an apple a day, on average. I am going to start using MFP to track my carbs & protein. I'm not concerned with fat intake and not overly concerned with the total calories, so long as they are not excessive.

Doing this "low carb" thing for a week and a half now, I've lost 9lbs. I'm at 300.0 today and I plan to be back to 278 by next month. My goal is 40lbs by Christmas.

I know everyone says it's not "safe" to lose weight quickly, but frankly, I find that to come out of the mouths of people who have very little or nothing to lose weight-wise. Sure, if you are 170 and need to get down to 145, you don't want to lose 10lbs a month. That's maybe too fast. But if you weigh 350, losing 10lbs a month is more than appropriate, if not a tad bit slow.

Thanks for your support. I know I'll get flack about the low-carbing, but the scale doesn't lie. I ate bacon-wrapped chicken and grilled vegetables last night (cooked myself), and this morning I was down in weight again.

To the finish line! BTW, after 4 months, I plan to go to a modified lower-carb, no-sugar diet, but adding back in healthy carbs, such as brown rice. My goal is 195lbs. I'm 40 years old. If I read 195lbs, it will be the first time since about age 11 that I was under 200lbs. Keep that in mind prior to, as a thin or moderately overweight person, giving advice to life-long obese people.



  • LisaAnn642015
    LisaAnn642015 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi ZeroTx!
    I just wanted to say congrats on your weightloss! You can do anything you put your mind too and I understand where you're coming from because it's been hard for me to lose weight too. Have a Great Day and keep up the good work!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I've been heavy since the 3rd grade. Lost weight & gained it back more times than I can count. Low carb is not for me, but as long as you have a game plan....phase 2, phase 3 and so on....it could work.

    For me it's lifestyle changes all the way.....carbs are not my main focus....I won't do no-sugar because someday I will not be trying to lose weight. I need to be managing sugar now. Measuring and logging "regular" foods is important.
  • FindingLovely
    FindingLovely Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! This was like reading my life story. I totally understand! Just last week I had a body composition analysis done and from my results I found that I was protein deficient and that the recommended calories on MFP were way too high. My maintenance calories were 1816 but MFP said I should be eating over 2200 to lose 2lbs a week. I have known for a long time that carbs are not my friend. I've been vegan for 21 days, pescatarian for nearly 2 years, yet I have lost little weight. I've been doing a lot of research and from what I learned from my wellness instructor, low carb is my only option. I'm wary of the high fat but I am doing high protein. This is my second day and I'm anxious to see how much I will lose this week. Wishing you much success on your journey. I will be sending you a friend request ☺
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    I wouldn't worry about high fat. The low fat concept is a myth. Your body needs fat. In the absence of carbs, it uses the fat for energy. You especially want healthy fats, like avocado, olive oil, etc.

    My goal of 278 by this month may be a little ambitious... The first week of a diet is always the best. It has slowed down, but still progressing. 296.4 today.
  • lynder64
    lynder64 Posts: 285 Member
    I do/feel best eating low(er) carb and get the best results with this way of eating.(clear head/sleep better/not feeling hungry/better energy levels, etc.,) Do what works best for you. :-) Wishing you well on your journey!!!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Good luck! I did carb cycling for a while last year and I did like the food and way of eating. My youngest child was only 4 months at the time, and I was very tired, so I think it was the wrong time for me to do it.

    Are you exercising at all?
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    Sorry I forgot about this thread. I'm not doing any extra exercise beyond normal daily activity. I'm a school teacher and I work on the second floor, so I have a decent amount of walking, standing, and stair-climbing that I do on a daily basis. Nothing that breaks a sweat, though. I've found (and read in various articles) that 80% of weight loss is diet and 20% is exercise. Meaning, you can still get 80% of the results/speed of weight loss even if you do no extra exercise. By the same token, you can exercise your a** off, but if you continue to eat badly, you WILL NOT lose much, if any, weight. Especially an obese person like myself with genetically slow metabolism. When doing a calorie-measured diet, I probably have to eat anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 as many calories to maintain weight as my skinny friend, who no matter what he eats, never gets more than a tiny belly that easily goes away with 2 or 3 months of eating only slightly better. He's 40, like me.

    I'm down to 287.0 today, maybe a little below that. The scale gave me different readings each time and I recorded the highest. I think if I can get down another solid 10-12lbs by new year's day, I'll be pretty satisfied with my progress so far.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    ZeroTX wrote: »
    Sorry I forgot about this thread. I'm not doing any extra exercise beyond normal daily activity. I'm a school teacher and I work on the second floor, so I have a decent amount of walking, standing, and stair-climbing that I do on a daily basis. Nothing that breaks a sweat, though. I've found (and read in various articles) that 80% of weight loss is diet and 20% is exercise. Meaning, you can still get 80% of the results/speed of weight loss even if you do no extra exercise. By the same token, you can exercise your a** off, but if you continue to eat badly, you WILL NOT lose much, if any, weight. Especially an obese person like myself with genetically slow metabolism. When doing a calorie-measured diet, I probably have to eat anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 as many calories to maintain weight as my skinny friend, who no matter what he eats, never gets more than a tiny belly that easily goes away with 2 or 3 months of eating only slightly better. He's 40, like me.

    I'm down to 287.0 today, maybe a little below that. The scale gave me different readings each time and I recorded the highest. I think if I can get down another solid 10-12lbs by new year's day, I'll be pretty satisfied with my progress so far.

    Way to go!!
  • Lshona
    Lshona Posts: 393 Member
    Good for you!
  • LC_onelove
    LC_onelove Posts: 30 Member
    Keep it up! I lost 130 lbs doing very low carb! :)It can be done!

  • sfinsc
    sfinsc Posts: 169 Member
    I just want to say great job! You sound intelligent, motivated, and self-aware. I wish you all the best of luck. :)
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    Thanks! I am pretty stoked. I need to get past a particular threshold of about 279 or so, when I will be at my lowest adult weight, and after which every weight drop will be my lowest ever :)