50-Day Progress (with pics)

copa1069 Posts: 8 Member
Since I had previously posted progress pics at the 1-month mark, I was going to wait to the 2-month mark to take new pictures, but I was feeling very discouraged by the scale today so I decided to document my 50 day progress.

50 days in, and the scale hasn't budged since week 1. But, I do recognize the change from the front view:


Not so much from the side view:


And a little from the back view:


Since my 30-day update, I've gotten better with my calorie tracking. I've been tracking at least 6 days a week. I do HIIT sessions 2 times a week, strength-training 2 times a week and try to get in a few miles of walking 2 days a week.

I know I shouldn't focus on the numbers but focus on the visual, but at some point doesn't the scale have to budge?

- Laura


  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Yes, the scale should budge I would think. I read somewhere that losing lbs is 95% what you eat...working out will help you tone, lean out and feel better. It is super important that you track everything, weigh your food...track it even if you think you've had a bad day.

    You can totally see the progress from your working out but you are working too hard for the scale to not budge at all! You could try shaking up what you are eating....less carbs works for many of us.

    Good luck and keep at it!
  • copa1069
    copa1069 Posts: 8 Member
    suruda wrote: »
    Yes, the scale should budge I would think. I read somewhere that losing lbs is 95% what you eat...working out will help you tone, lean out and feel better. It is super important that you track everything, weigh your food...track it even if you think you've had a bad day.

    You can totally see the progress from your working out but you are working too hard for the scale to not budge at all! You could try shaking up what you are eating....less carbs works for many of us.

    Good luck and keep at it!

    I have been diligent with using my food scale for almost everything. But I will start playing around with my food choices. My stats each day indicate that I come in below the "recommended" allotment in protein and carbs, but high in fat and sodium. I definitely need to tweak that.

    Thanks for the input :)
  • bailj67
    bailj67 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi. Try to keep you daily fat in the 25% range. You probably need to increase your daily protein. I use a 40% per day range. Additional protein is essential for your Weightloss. I'm not a health care professional of any type but protein will help in your recoveries from your workouts, helps you feel full throughout the day and is essential for muscle repair after workouts. I looked for a article for you on best daily protein percentages for women but I couldn't find one but this article seemed pretty good. Let me know if this helped. http://www.womenshealthmag.com/weight-loss/how-to-eat-more-protein
  • copa1069
    copa1069 Posts: 8 Member
    bailj67 wrote: »
    Hi. Try to keep you daily fat in the 25% range. You probably need to increase your daily protein. I use a 40% per day range. Additional protein is essential for your Weightloss. .... Let me know if this helped. http://www.womenshealthmag.com/weight-loss/how-to-eat-more-protein

    Thanks for the link, I appreciate it.

    My trainer has recommended 25% fat, 35% protein, 40% carbs daily. I've been focusing on the caloric goals each day, and know that I now need to get on track with "balancing" those calories.

  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    There are so many ways to do this, you don't have to stick to 25% fat. I do LCHF (low carb, high fat) because 1) I'm diabetic and 2) have problems with my liver and kidneys. My body can't handle additional protein as it gets processed through the kidneys. I have to supplement to low carbs with something and since it can't be protein, it's fat! I eat a lot (A LOT) of cheese and eggs.

    I'm losing consistently with this diet, but this isn't the way for everyone. What's important is making sure you are eating at a deficit and in a way you enjoy! I can't remember all of my settings, but I know I eat 100g or less of carbs daily (with some exceptions).

    Your body is most definitely changing shape! The sodium could really be affecting your weight loss due to water retention. I bet if you focus on keeping that in check you will see the scale budge.
  • AZnewbie00
    AZnewbie00 Posts: 70 Member
    You can definitely tell that you are changing. Great job. I wish I had your drive. I can't get passed day 3 :(
  • beckypierce1
    beckypierce1 Posts: 17 Member
    Try eating the bulk of your calories by 5-6pm. I have found that eating too close to bedtime can slow weight loss down.
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    I've lost about 8 inches from my hips but lost only 12lbs in the past year. Just keep going and don't worry about that silly scale :)
  • copa1069
    copa1069 Posts: 8 Member
    There are so many ways to do this, you don't have to stick to 25% fat. I do LCHF (low carb, high fat) because 1) I'm diabetic and 2) have problems with my liver and kidneys. My body can't handle additional protein as it gets processed through the kidneys. I have to supplement to low carbs with something and since it can't be protein, it's fat! I eat a lot (A LOT) of cheese and eggs.

    I'm losing consistently with this diet, but this isn't the way for everyone. What's important is making sure you are eating at a deficit and in a way you enjoy! I can't remember all of my settings, but I know I eat 100g or less of carbs daily (with some exceptions).

    Your body is most definitely changing shape! The sodium could really be affecting your weight loss due to water retention. I bet if you focus on keeping that in check you will see the scale budge.

    Thanks for the reply - I've been spending a lot of time on these message boards and am amazed at how many different strategies people have success with. I guess I have to play around to see what works for me and what is sustainable for a lifetime, right?!

  • copa1069
    copa1069 Posts: 8 Member
    AZnewbie00 wrote: »
    You can definitely tell that you are changing. Great job. I wish I had your drive. I can't get passed day 3 :(

    This is about my millionth time starting over - for some reason it has really clicked for me this time. I don't know why - but I'm just going with it! You'll be fine - one day at a time, right?!
    Try eating the bulk of your calories by 5-6pm. I have found that eating too close to bedtime can slow weight loss down.

    Late snacking is a downfall for me - I definitely have to focus on reigning that in. I'm sure most of that is just mindless eating (in front of the tv or computer, etc.)
    I've lost about 8 inches from my hips but lost only 12lbs in the past year. Just keep going and don't worry about that silly scale :)

    Great job with the inches lost :). I really should ditch the scale and just gauge my progress by how my clothes fit or by pictures, but it is a difficult habit to break.

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