Hydroxycut caffeine free?

Has anyone used this product? Any results?
This is what's going on, so I'm just looking for a boost.

Ahh!! Imstruggling so much right now. I'm not sure who to talk to about what I'm doing wrong!!
So I went to the doctor a few months ago about not being able to lose weight and she told me to really watch my carbs. (Blood work came back perfect) So I have been trying to pay more attention to what I'm eating and trying to keep the gym in my routine. The last week I have REALLY started watching my carbs. I try to keep them between 50-80 and they all come from veggies and my advocare spark drink. I have also been doing cardio like crazy! (Crazy for me) Gym at least 5 days a week depending on work. I have been doing just cardio. Nothing less than 2 miles at a time. Usually more. So far, I had lost 1/2 lb. that's it! And this morning I had actually gained that back and another 1/2lb.

My doctor said she can refer me to a nutritionist, but it seems like that would be a waste of money! Any advice?
