Who has 80-100LBS to lose?



  • frostyblues
    frostyblues Posts: 6 Member
    Woohoo! I just joined this website and I love it! Super stoked to see my changes...I have already lost 25 lbs but ready for something new!!! I'm hoping this will see me through to get to the skinny me!! I love making friends and always like the support. Or tohelp give it! Good luck everybody! :bigsmile:
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'm officially starting Chalean Extreme Monday and continue with Zumba.

    I was doing alternating lunges in front of my 14 month old and she just laughed at me and tried to mimic the moves. Too cute!
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    Feel free to add me. 100 pounds or bust!!! We can do this!!
  • After giving birth to my daughter 19 months ago I weighed in at 303 pounds! I am now down to 233 pounds and would like to lose another 60 pounds! I am new here, so would love to get to know people in similar situations like mine!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Well it looks like I am in great company here! Thank you all for jumping in!

    My 10 Minute Trainer is supposed to arrive by June 10th and then I'll start with that! For now I am watching my foods, drinking more water and trying to get out walking with the baby!

    I get pretty wicked headaches from exercise, a byproduct I am sure of being so out of shape, so I am easing myself into this!

    What are you all doing to get losing?


    When I first started my transformation I cut all of the garbage out of my food. Right now I am eating a lot of the same thing over and over (until i figure out other things I like) and just started out by walking as much as I have time for during the day before I go to work. Last week I went out and bought a new Mountain Bike so I could add riding into my routine. So I am planning on Alternating days that i walk and ride (to change things up as well as give my butt a rest from the seat!). Also, the other day i saw someone mention www.onehundredpushups.com and thought this would be a good thing add on the days that I walk. I plan on starting this today. So far I am down 21 lbs since May 1, 2011. Hopefully I can keep it up, another 12 lbs and I'll actually weigh what my license says I weigh! Good luck to you.

  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    I think that sometimes the repitition of foods is good, it helps you stay on track and stay in control, and so long as you're not getting bored with it, why not?

    My husband and I have been eating a lot of lean grilled meats with veggies cooked in a foil packet on the grill as well, and because this is so healthy, easy to mix it up, and tasty, I can see us doing that a lot in the coming months! If it ain't broke don't fix it ;)

  • Lets_Do_It
    Lets_Do_It Posts: 202
    I used to have to lose 70 lbs, now I just have 50 or so. :) Good luck everyone!!!

    20 lbs dropped in 2 months because I never give up. I watch my calroies and I exercise every chance I get!
  • Make sure you are drinking tons of water a major cause of headaches is deyhydration. I am in HORRIBLE shape. Gradual is the key I hope. Though when I see biggest loser and think what is up? Last year I did try it well I started with and hour twice a day and worked up until I was ill. I ended up with a stress factor. :( So this time I am going it slow.
  • I have 90 to 100 to lose. I am 5 4 and 237 currently started at 245. This has to work.
  • I'm tall too- 5' 9" with a tentative goal of 180- I have a long way to go! I am getting ready to start the 10 minute trainer too- looking forward to it!
    I don't have many friends on here yet- feel free to add me!
  • christina423
    christina423 Posts: 33 Member
    I have similar goals! Right now I am shooting for the 50 LBS mark because it is more doable! But when I hit that at 190 I still want to loose another 30. Which would put me at 160!

    I am almost half way to the 50!
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