Hi...I'm new ;-)

My name is Amanda and I've just started my "diet" 3 days ago when I ended up in the emergency room with severe abdominal and chest pains. I'm 28 years old and my family has a history of early heart problems. I was scared to death that that was what was happening to me. I was lucky. I was told, however, that my gallbladder (which I already knew I had problems with) was inflamed, infected, and filled 1/3 of the way with gallstones. I was told that I have to be on a strict low fat diet. My doctor said that nothing else is as important as watching my total fat intake, so I decided to join this website (with the referral of my sister) so I can monitor my fat intake. It has been so hard to cut back my fat considering I'm massively overweight and I LOVE chocolate and McDonald's. But, I have 2 daughters and if I want to live to enjoy them growing up and having children of their own, I have to do what I have to do to stay as healthy as possible. My goal on here (according to this site) is 55g of fat...however...my own personal goal is 53. I've done good yesterday and today...lets see if I can continue on this path to healthiness. I'm not worried about losing weight...if I do I do, if I don't I don't. I'm actually happy with my appearance and I love who I am inside and out...I'm just concerned about my health...WISH ME LUCK EVERYONE...OH!!! AND DON'T FORGET TO SEND ME A QUICK ADD! :-):happy:


  • brittanydittman
    Hi! Im new to this site also :) Id be happy to lend some advice or support when i can! ill send u an add!:smile:
  • garnetchic0113
    Sis I am very proud of you for doing this! I know you can do this! It is a long road but once u get into the habit it will com natural and u wont crave any of the fattening foods b4. If you need me...know im a phone call, text, live profile, fb, msg, u get the pic lol Hit me up period!!!

    I love ya sis...im glad u chose LIFE over DEATH cuz id be very upset if I would lose you!!! LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • FinallyGetFit
    hi, im new here too. i hope this is something that can help us not only lose some weight but keep us healthy as well. good luck
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    Congrats on your committment! Ive got 6 grandkids and my reasons for losing are a lot for them. I dont want to be out of breath when I play outside with them. I want to get down in the sandbox and swing on a swing without the chains cutting into my body. I want to go fishing and be able to climb and hike and live to be a hundred! You can do this...for your kids...for yourself! great start! feel free to add me if you would like. My start weight was 206 and my goal is 130...I would love to be your friend!
  • amandaboese
    Thanks Brittany :-) I really appreciate all the help I can get :-)
  • amandaboese
    Thank you everyone!!! I don't know how to add anyone yet, but I'll figure it out! Today was a LOT easier than yesterday was...so hopefully tomorrow will be better...LOL Yesterday I wanted my best friend to hit a deer on the way home so that I could jump out and eat it...lol I know it's stupid but I felt like I was starving myself. Tonight I made a DELICIOUS dinner for myself and it was only a total of 11g of fat!!! I was soooo happy that I allowed myself to drink a tall glass of lowfat chocolate milk and eat 2 small brownies :-) AND I'm STILL under my fat intake goal for the day!!! WOOT!!! I'm really excited about getting to know you all (well..except for that Dorie chick...she acts like she knows me or something...I may have to report her..lol). Thank you so much everyone! Hope you have a fantastic night and good luck tomorrow :-)
  • garnetchic0113
    Report me baby LOL I can prove you know me bwahaha..ur my SISSYPOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

    I love ya girl!...save the deer it will be ok RUN LIL BAMBI RUNNNN
  • amandaboese
    It's alright...Bambi lives another day...lol...I'm not feeling as if I'm starving to death today!!! LOL.