I'm new and looking for support

Happygreenmom Posts: 4 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I'm a 27 year old mother of two who has over 100lbs to loose.

I heard about myfitnesspal.com from a friend. Really she just began posting her progress on facebook. I've fallowed her progress and am overly convicted and inspired.

I have always been interested in loosing weight and becoming healtier. I was 25 lbs overweight six years ago, and now add two pregnancies and a divorce and homelessness and now I'm over 100 lbs heavier than is healthy. Wait did I mention that I am a stress eator? Sugar and fat are my prefered method of abuse.

I am a CPR instructor at a local health club. I have a free membership to the gym and this has been the situation for two years now. I feel guilty everyday I go to work and leave without even setting foot in one of the fitness rooms. Recently I had a cosultation with a personal trainer, they gave me a workout routine and a fitness plan to fallow. I fallowed his suggestions, oh.... twice. I completely gave up and started making excuses for why I wasn't going to work out. All of them were legitimate as I'm sure you could understand. But alas, I gained 8 lbs in 12 weeks. OUCH!

I weigh in at 265 lbs now and no longer feel comfortable in my own skin. I look in the mirror and don't recognize who is looking back at me. I am tired of the excuses and tired of being unhealthy and fat. I would much prefer being healthy and having lots of energy and being that person for my children.

Although I doubt seriously that anyone will read this, I am looking for some moral support. Someone to say 'hey, you're doing great!' or ' ah oh, looks like you miss the boat today. How are you doing?' Any kind of support. So if you are in the mood for some mutual more support please feel free to send a friend request my direction. I don't know if I can do this without support. I am going to give it a go, but I'd do much better with you encouragement.

Thanks. :O)


  • jessienicole05
    jessienicole05 Posts: 83 Member
    Hello, and welcome!! :smile:
  • Hey there! Im new also on here. Im really excited after reading everyones posts and their advice. Seems like a good group of caring people all looking for the same results.

  • candycaronlee
    candycaronlee Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me (:
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    oh wow! your story really touched me. I think that is the wall I hit as well. When I look in the mirror and I want to shatter it into a million pieces. And I keep telling myself, i am worth more then feeling like this. I deserve to feel at home in my body. To feel proud. To feel healthy. To be in control of food and not let it control me. I heard someone say once 'nothing tastes as good as thin feels' and I must agree. I am loving the feeling of choice in my hands. One day I had a team lunch at Olive garden not long ago. Normally I would have sat there and ate 2 baskets of breadsticks without thinking. Instead I chose the soup and salad which I love nad is a treat and I said before the meal I will not eat the bread but as I sat there I realized I could choose a place in between. I ate my soup and salad and allowed myself a half of a breadstick. Wierd thing is the power of that choice made that breadstick taste like manna from heaven! so I say- go girl! We are all behind you!
  • nurseinsd
    nurseinsd Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome! I recently joined Fitnesspal as well and am just getting started with it. Love it so far. I have been on my weight loss journey since September since my doctor told me I had diabetes. I am 39 years old and had a heart attack when I was 35. When my doctor told me I had diabetes, I decided it was TIME to do something, or my children would be growing up without their mom. I have lost nearly 60 pounds and am almost to my goal. I have been overweight ever since I can remember and have tried EVERY possible diet to lose weight. If I can do it, you can do it! I never thought I would be where I am today and I am more than happy to help you in any possible way I can. Share secrets that got me through, or whatever you need. Good luck! Stacey
  • antonio823
    antonio823 Posts: 298 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You're saying a lot of the same things we all have said. There are lots of people on here who give great support and information. If you're determined you will lose the weight. If you'd like you can add me for encouragement.

  • alsnipes
    alsnipes Posts: 34 Member

    It's a great community! Add me if you want : )
  • finabella
    finabella Posts: 176
    You can achieve your goal and I would be happy to help you, Feel free to add me :)
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    You've definitely come to the right place! Feel free to add me as well if you'd like! And good luck to you on your journey! :flowerforyou:
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