Friend me. Sometimes I'm kinda funny.

shmalan Posts: 28 Member
Trying to meet some encouraging people to reach my fitness goal.

They say "you are what you eat." "That's funny. I don't remember eating a sexy beast this morning" ba dum tss!


  • Agatharr
    Agatharr Posts: 22 Member
    Oooooh, snap.
    If you're going to post a lot of those jokes on your wall, I'm totally up for being friends on here :p
  • VanessaCharles1
    VanessaCharles1 Posts: 3 Member
    lol that is cute thank you
  • VanessaCharles1
    VanessaCharles1 Posts: 3 Member
    and how do you friend on hear?
  • shmalan
    shmalan Posts: 28 Member
    So there is only so much salad I can do. I need some advice on what heathy things I could eat today. Any ideas?
  • shmalan
    shmalan Posts: 28 Member
  • shmalan
    shmalan Posts: 28 Member
    With your help we can defeat the Dori that lives in all of us. :p
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
  • autumn_duo
    autumn_duo Posts: 47 Member
    During the Thanksgiving season I always post a picture a picture of a turkey holding a sign that says "You are what you eat" I think it makes me laugh year after year more than anyone else...
  • autumn_duo
    autumn_duo Posts: 47 Member
    shmalan wrote: »
    So there is only so much salad I can do. I need some advice on what heathy things I could eat today. Any ideas?

    Yummy hummus on a whole wheat wrap, with tomatoes, lettuce and pickles.... My go-to lunch.... Great now I'm craving it....
  • shmalan
    shmalan Posts: 28 Member
    @autumn_duo thank you I will put that on my lunch plate for today. It sounds tasty. @Jennloella this is the most honest picture I've seen in years. Guilty as charged! Lol :D
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    shmalan wrote: »
    So there is only so much salad I can do. I need some advice on what heathy things I could eat today. Any ideas?

    You lose weight by eating fewer calories than you burn—period. So learn to log everything you eat accurately & honestly, rather than eating sad salads of sadness for lunch. Logging works.

    That said, I like Chipotle for lunch. All that protein + fiber keeps me full for hours. And they post their nutritional information:

    Or I go to the food carts: portion control + a walk. (And yummier than any brown bag lunch I could ever prepare.) The halal cart has tilapia and white sauce with salad or mixed veg. If you ask, the arepa cart will give you Peruvian salad instead of rice. And Bengali kati rolls are the perfect street food to eat while you walk.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    "Salads of Sadness" LOL, I love that.
    But editorgirl has a point. Eat as close to your normal meals as you can, and just log everything.
    You'll see where the calorie traps are, and start to modify them. Don't try and eat salads all the time, you won't last.
  • mewilliams11
    mewilliams11 Posts: 139 Member
    <3 the upbeat personality! Being funny is most definitely the sexiest characteristic!
  • lpamm1226
    lpamm1226 Posts: 11 Member
    that is something my son would say lol if you like to eat out always check the nutrition facts on the restaurant you are heading to. It helps you have an idea of calorie intake and you can just tell the waiter what you would like instead of looking at the menu.
  • shmalan
    shmalan Posts: 28 Member
    @editorgrrl @annaskiski @mewilliams11 @lpamm1226 lol. Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately these "salads of sadness" will be the end of me. I'll admit that some taste great but not pizza great. You know what I mean. I've been working out 5 days a week and giving myself a cheat meal on Sunday's to keep my sanity. I stopped eating out as much but I'm a man and everyone knows that men can't cook as good a women. Since I've been cooking for myself it's been. Boiled broccoli, grilled chicken, hard boiled eggs, salad. but there isn't much flavor. If I'm going to add fitness and health to my life story is hope to eat something tasty. Thanks for all the advice peeps. You guys are awesome! #saladofsadness lol
  • tkphotogirl
    tkphotogirl Posts: 245 Member
    Man (and woman) cannot exist on salad alone! I still eat absolutely everything that I would eat at maintenance, just less of it. How about seafood, sweet potato, oh and oven bake your broccoli with a little garlic and olive oil, so much better than boiled! I like strong flavours - a little anchovy goes a long way. A little bit of strong, sharp cheese. a couple of teaspoons of balsamic vinegar as a salad dressing...dammit, I'm hungry now :)
  • VervainHelsdottir
    VervainHelsdottir Posts: 4 Member
    I know you think you can't cook well, but pizza dough is SO easy to make, and if you make it yourself you know exactly what goes into it (and you can make healthier choices as to what goes into and onto the pizza)! And you can make pizza crust out of potatoes, yams, or zucchini, and all you really need is something to grate the veggies with.

    Zucchini crust directions:
    Cauliflower pizza crust:
    Sweet potato:

    Hope I'm not coming on too strong, but I really believe that anyone who wants to can learn to cook very well with just a little dedication, and that cooking is THE easiest way to eat healthier. When you know exactly what's going in, you can change what goes in and be more mindful of how much of it you eat. My roommate and I can eat an entire batch of these cookies together in one sitting and I don't feel guilty at all:
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    Why do you call it a "salad of sadness"? Maybe you haven't found the right mix. Some options - bay shrimp plus pico de gallo. Off the shelf easy, and super-healthy. I have actually grown pretty fond of my cucumber/roma tomato/red bell pepper/red onion salad (I make a huge batch on Sunday afternoon, and portion of 3-5 servings, then add tuna and feta to each serving right when I eat it. Seeding the tomatoes *really* helps keep the salad from getting soggy.) I realized I don't care for most salad greens, so my salad doesn't include them. (Although I actually like spinach, diced chicken and mandarin oranges as a salad. And I have been known to deliberately order a Cobb salad or a Salad Nicoise. Opt for a salad of sparkle and joy!)
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Why do you call it a "salad of sadness"?

    Please don't blame OP! I was trying to make a point that you can eat anything in moderation and still lose weight. I never, ever waste my calories on meh food.
  • shmalan
    shmalan Posts: 28 Member
    Chef shmalan is about to destroy his kitchen. That's me by the way. I'm actually kind of excited for dinner tonight. Thanks @tkphotogirl @VervainHelsdottir you guys made me so hungry and thanks for the links. I'll be reading up on my healthy cuisine. Thanks for the push good luck today!