Getting motivated while caring for an almost 1 year old!

I need some help with getting motivated. I have an 11 month old son and I have not lost the baby weight. I had lost all the weight plus 10lbs and then life got in the way and I gained the 10lbs back. My goal is to lose 50lbs total to get me to a healthy weight. My issue is I am always tired and I am struggling with self control. I cant seem to resist the unhealthy food and cream/sugar in my coffee every day. My husband has lost a lot of weight from just cutting out beer and we now have salads every night for dinner which I love, but during the day when he isnt there to keep me on track I eat and drink bad things. Any suggestions on how to hold myself accountable and make me not indulge in the bad things all the time. Oh yeah and I have a whole 45 minutes during my lunch break to go to the gym and I always find excuses not to, that needs to stop as well.


  • LaurenNotLaura
    LaurenNotLaura Posts: 64 Member
    Know that your eating habits and health will transfer to your child as he gets older so you want to set the best example possible. My kids have been my motivation thru this journey. I wrote a post in here about it this morning actually. Check it out, maybe it can help.
  • kymetime69
    kymetime69 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you laurism1, that is a very good point. I hope you dont mind that I added you as a friend on here, you seem like someone I can learn from :)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I second that setting an example for a toddler is a big motivator. Toddlers and young children notice everything and are forming habits that will stay with them for life. Put nutritious food choices in the house, prep them to be easily available and don't buy items you have trouble controlling. But know that when you have the discipline in place, you can enjoy your favorites in moderation. In the end, you have to decide what you want more: the temporary pleasure or your health.
  • LaurenNotLaura
    LaurenNotLaura Posts: 64 Member
    Not at all! I hope we can help and motivate each other!
  • LaurenNotLaura
    LaurenNotLaura Posts: 64 Member
    Oh I just realized it doesn't say who posted what until you click on it lol. The post I shared is titled, Just wanted to share, maybe this can help you too. Its how I started and why and briefly what I've changed
  • kbwilson76
    kbwilson76 Posts: 22 Member
    Once that baby starts walking, you'll find yourself chasing him around trying to keep him alive! The weight will start coming off then.

    I noticed with both my kids I lost more weight when they were toddlers. Now that they're grown I need to motivate myself.
  • I have 5,4,3 yr old boys and an 8 month old little girl, I look at my running time as the only "me" time I get so I enjoy it and look forward to it every day :) and eating healthy and exercising I feel like I'm showing them that working out is fun not a chore and eating right from an early age they don't know any different and will hopefully continue eating healthy when they are grown :) I also sometimes set my alarm for 5 and 6 am workouts and it gets me going for the day and knowing I worked out keeps me in a good mood and my energy up also.
  • kymetime69
    kymetime69 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I am excited to hopefully start to exercise more, I am moving to our first house at the end of the month so I am getting a treadmill. Thats all I tend to use at the gym anyway and the only "me" time I get is after baby and hubby go to bed so I might do that. I would love to do that in the morning but since my hubbys dui last month I have to get up extra early and get myself and the baby ready to get out the door by 6, its such a pain, but luckily its temporary. I really want to show my son how to eat right and so far so good, he loves healthy food. I just need to keep myself from cheating when I am not home and I will be all set.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    edited August 2015
    While we don't eliminate anything from the house we teach our kids (7, 5, & 1) by example and eat everything in moderation. Candy, sodas, etc. are considered treats and are rare. The kids will often turn down soda and ask for water. I admit a degree of pride when this happens.

    We tried to exercise apart from the kids, but this was just too much - instead we work out with them and do calisthenics, walk/jog, bike together. We still break off to the gym for TRX and lifting, but will bring the kids along once they are old enough.

    When at home we use the kids as weights, but be ready for incoming drool when close hand pressing your baby :)
  • wxsarah
    wxsarah Posts: 3 Member
    Get a decent jogging stroller. My now 2.5 year old loves to wake up at 5:45 and remind me it is time to go running. I have brought him along almost every run/walk since he was a newborn. Pushing the stroller can add another 100 calories to your 30-40 minute run or walk. Start with small changes: First stop ALL soda, then slowly try to eliminate processed foods. If you eat a banana or grapes add some protein, like almond butter or raw cashews, to help your body process the fruit like a healthy item. Avoid fat-free or reduced fat dressing with your salad. There are hidden things in those dressings that will not help you absorb those nutrients. Going cold turkey on all your bad habits at once is extremely tough, your body can actually have withdrawal from the junk. It's going to be a long, hard road but with winning small battles/reaching goals along the way you will win the weight war!
  • kymetime69
    kymetime69 Posts: 12 Member
    I like the tip about adding the protein along with the fruit. I eat a banana every day so I will try to add something with that. I wish I could jog or run but I have a few knee issues that prevents that, but I am all for walking!