Food Prep - stripping down/maintaining/gaining - Key to Success?

jakehope87 Posts: 22 Member
edited August 2015 in Food and Nutrition
Hey guys,

So this is more of an advice thread I want to start. So don't be hating, its just advice and what has worked for me recently.

So I want to share this as I'm sure it will help a lot of you out there. I don't want to teach some of you how suck eggs but to those who are new to training and are looking to reach there goals I cant stress enough on FOOD PREPERATION.


So this little edge will definitely help you get where you want to. Whether you are looking to put lean mass on or to help strip down, I believe this is a fundamental effort that should be carried out a couple days a week :smiley:

I spend a couple hours spread over the course of the week to prep my food for both lunch and dinner meals (believe me it can become a chore but its all well worth the extra effort!).

Bulk cooking will save you so much more time and be far more convenient for you to keep hitting the gym or exercise routines knowing that you don't have to worry about hitting the kitchen afterwards.

This played a massive part in my transformation this year where I dropped just short of 2st in the space of 13 weeks.. Although I eat the same meal pretty much twice a day (which can get boring let me assure you!) it really helped me to achieve this.


The image shown is a typical lunch/dinner that I eat on a daily basis through out the week.

Just as an example, but a drizzle of olive oil, rosemary and crack of black pepper.. - Packs flavour and keeps me away from adding sauces which can act like a kiss of death when it comes to stripping!

Give it a go if you haven't!

Look forward to hearing from other peoples advice and tips. Feel free to jump and add comments :)


  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    I prepare and freeze Pyrex glass contains. I also do a lot with the crackpot to prepare, and try to keep about two weeks of frozen meals. Gives me the opportunity to make different things and have a selection.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Looks great. :) These veggies have similar calories to those on your plate if you want some variety occasionally: cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, bell peppers, squash or zucchini.
  • jakehope87
    jakehope87 Posts: 22 Member
    Cheers guys!
    @RHSheetz yeah that's exactly what I do, Pyrex dishes all the way, but hear what you are saying and is a good shout!

    @RodaRose oh without a doubt!, I mix up vegs all the time this was purely an example of what I eat. Broccoli is a winner, raw or cooked! :)

    Possibilities are endless with light dishes like this, perfect way of filling up that balanced meal.

    NOTE: the amount of complex carbs I consume with my meals are usually around the 30g mark simply because that fits in with my current goals and just enough to see me through to the next meal.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    jakehope87 wrote: »
    Cheers guys!
    @RHSheetz yeah that's exactly what I do, Pyrex dishes all the way, but hear what you are saying and is a good shout!

    @RodaRose oh without a doubt!, I mix up vegs all the time this was purely an example of what I eat. Broccoli is a winner, raw or cooked! :)

    Possibilities are endless with light dishes like this, perfect way of filling up that balanced meal.

    NOTE: the amount of complex carbs I consume with my meals are usually around the 30g mark simply because that fits in with my current goals and just enough to see me through to the next meal.

    Yes. I see now. You keep the complex carbs at 30 grams and switch the veggies. :) I love broccoli too -- my favorite probably. Have you tried winter squash -- acorn squash, butternut squash.
  • jakehope87
    jakehope87 Posts: 22 Member
    Yeahhh defintely, butternut squash is decent! Never tried acorn squash or winter squash though!
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    edited August 2015
    RHSheetz wrote: »
    I prepare and freeze Pyrex glass contains. I also do a lot with the crackpot to prepare, and try to keep about two weeks of frozen meals. Gives me the opportunity to make different things and have a selection.

    I freeze everything in individual portions or flash freeze otherwise (things like meatballs, burgers, muffin tin recipes, nuggets, fries, burritos) or freeze sauces in jars (marinara, enchilada, bbq) or ice cube trays (pesto, cheese sauce).