Frustrated and want to cry!

My weight hasnt always been my favorite issue. I never had to watch what i ate or workout religiously before though. I was comfortable with myself though. I'm 24 and my average weight always was 155lbs. Fine whatever... well then I got pregnant and gained 55lbs. Me being 205lbs was hard to deal with because it was most definitely my heaviest ever! After the baby it did take a lot of time to just lose what wasn't willing to stay on permanently. Of course the eating habits changed and I wasn't as tired (understatement) so that probably had a lot to do with it. But now 6 months later I've plateaued at 165lbs. It's nothing completely major but I've atleast tried to do my best in the past month and a half to lose it... I've watched my calorie intake.. eat healthy. .. I NEVER SIT STILL! I'm always moving around on top of that I do my best to impliment as much excercise as I can get with my daughter. But at what point should I feel like it's going payoff? Is it a possible slow matabalism? I just feel like I'm doing the work and nothing is paying off? I'd be ex static to be 155lbs again...... but what can I do to help the process pick up the pace? Please help! I am so frustrated with this it makes me want to cry!


  • sweetcherae
    sweetcherae Posts: 66 Member
    I've realized that no matter how healthy I eat or how much I workout some times the scale won't budge, because of how stressed I am in life at that point in time. If you're not getting enough sleep as well can also have an effect. Hang in there. I totally know how you feel. Don't give up and know that you will reach your goal :-)
  • oxreese
    oxreese Posts: 8 Member
    It'd very relieving to hear that I'm bit the only one feeling this way. Thanks for your support !
  • I agree, stress and lack of sleep will slow your progress. It sounds like you're doing awesome though! Please don't give up! I've never done a cleanse, but have heard they're Good for jump starting weight loss. That and cutting out artificial sweeteners might help give you a push. Best of luck to you and your kid for a happy future!
  • ChezMarie86
    ChezMarie86 Posts: 3 Member
    I feel your pain. I've been trying to shed my baby weight for a month and half with little progress to show even with exercise and calorie counting. It can be so discouraging. However, I do feel much better and more energized from the work. It's even improved my complexion and skin so at least there are some little perks. Keep it up! Stay rested! Once you start to enjoy the routine, forget about the weight, I bet you will start seeing results begin :)
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    hey , never quit ! just keep going.
    if you still look cute after your workout, then you did not workout at all.
  • MysticalT
    MysticalT Posts: 267 Member
    Baby weight can take a long time to lose, I know that's not what you want hear. Some people lose it within a matter of months, some take years everybody is different.

    Please don't give up. Make sure you are weighing everything, check your recipes if you use them and make sure that you haven't altered the weights or amounts of anything without realising, for example I just did this and found I was using more milk in my coffee now so have changed the recipe.

    Try fitting in a little extra exercise or changing the type of exercise you do. Have a walk to the park with your baby but instead of going to your nearest park go to one a little further away if possible.

    You could also try changing the food you eat for a while, try some new recipes and check the fat content of them, I very recently found that although I was within my calorie goal my fat contents were higher than they should be.

    It will happen and in the mean time you will be getting healthier so for now concentrate on that and your baby, they don't stay that age for long!

    Good luck :smile:
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    baby weight takes 9 month to put on and 9 months to take off ... if you breastfeed you might even gain weight during that process as well. Give your body time to adjust !
  • acmanna
    acmanna Posts: 200 Member
    Sorry you are having a frustrating time! Make sure that you are weighing and logging all of your food intake, you might be eating more than you think, it is easy to do. Try to make sure you are accurately logging and you should see results. Best wishes to you and don't give up!