21 Day Fix



  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    It's seductive. "Look at all these great results, and this is how they did it and it was soooo easy!" I think everyone wants an easy time reaching goal. But, as @julielh72 said, you can find all the info about the containers online and how many of each if you really want to try. But as far as the workouts go, meh. I can't work out at home. I have limited space and my family isn't exactly supportive.

    If you need a some motivation via others success, just spend about half an hour in success stories and you'll feel it!
  • Scott7609
    Scott7609 Posts: 204 Member
    Ok thank you @Josalinn and @julielh72
  • MotivatingOthers
    MotivatingOthers Posts: 139 Member
    I'm currently doing the 21 Day Fix and on round 2. It's not a "fix" like bang your skinny. It's to help you get a better handle on the food you're eating and portions. For some people, they don't need that. For others, like myself, I needed a guide and a workout routine that I could follow. I also joined a Facebook group to help keep me accountable. I lost 7lbs and 7 inches total in my first round. Round 2 started this week and I still am loving it and not as sore as round 1! Using the containers more so hopefully will see more results. I also drink Shakeology every morning. It's WAY better for me then going to McDonalds every day like I used to plus I love the chocolate! :)
  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
    edited August 2015
    You can get almost any of their workouts and many others on YouTube. Just do that if you like. As far as shakes go, I like Muscle milk pro 50. It's tasty and the calories aren't too high. It gives you 25 gm per scoop for about 150 calories. I do that on days when I need extra protein. As for a diet, just watch your portions, weight and measure, cook at home, avoid stuff that comes out of a can or box unless it's low or no sodium. Follow the "my plate" recommendations: 1/2 your plate non starchy vegetables, 1/4 carbs( such as corn, potato, rice, pasta ) and 1/4 protein. Try to eat 4- half cup servings of vegetables and 2 fruits per day. Hope that helps.
  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    I personally haven't done the 21 day fix myself, but I've seen and read a lot about it, and the phrase 'if it seems too good to be true it probably is' comes to mind. It seems a lot like an 'easy way out' for people who would rather spend money and do things the 'easy' way (nothing wrong with that, as long as you feel you're getting your moneys worth).
    I've been using MFP for 80 days now, and I've lost 32lbs, 7 inches off my waist and 5 off my hips. And MFP is completely free.

    If its workouts you're interested in, there are tons of free ones on youtube- FitnessBlender is particularly good, it tells you how many calories you've burned and you can select which areas of the body/difficulty you want :)
  • MotivatingOthers
    MotivatingOthers Posts: 139 Member
    Before I post this note that I'm not trying to get you to buy Shakeology, everyone has their own opinions and this is just mine.
    Scott7609 wrote: »
    Yea I have friends trying to get me to the Shakeology it's expensive

    I also do the Shakeology, yeah the initial cost of $130 sounds like a lot but that's 30 meals! Plus you can get a discount on it. So if you actually break it down it only costs about $4-$5 a meal. So it's actually been saving me money and is WAY better for me then stopping at fast food or Kwik trip on my way to work.
  • Scott7609
    Scott7609 Posts: 204 Member
    @MotivatingOthers thank you for your input very helpful
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Beachbody is all overpriced junk.

    Use a food scale, weigh everything you consume ,log it here.
    Eat at a deficit for weight loss.
    Pick any workout program that you like. ( many are online for free if your looking for a beach body type of workout routine . don't waste your money )
  • lcelio22
    lcelio22 Posts: 11 Member
    I can see how the containers may be a ways of time when you can look up portions online. As far as the 21 day fix, I parsonage prefer the workout, which you can also find online. However, I do like Shakeology due to its nutritional value. It's not meant to be used to be used as a protein shake, it's a multivitamin in shake form. Yes it's expensive, but what else are you spending your hardworking money on that's not as valuable?
  • Scott7609
    Scott7609 Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks @thorsmom01 love the name btw
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Scott7609 wrote: »
    Thanks @thorsmom01 love the name btw

    Thanks !
    PS search online if you really want the sizes of those containers ( some people like the idea of portion containers) and you can get the exact sizes of each and buy your own for a lot cheaper. No need to ever deal with any beach body people ever !
  • mollystout7
    mollystout7 Posts: 2 Member
    Agree with mostly everyone. I did 21 Day Fix Extreme and ended up gaining 4 lbs, not muscle mass. I wasn't eating how the "plan" suggested I eat prior to the program, therefore, I gained. I don't mind most Beachbody workouts, however I was rather bored with this one. My good friend had success with the original though. But, like what others are saying, you can look up the portions and be on your way. If you like to workout at home, like to follow along to a program/instructor, maybe give it a try (youtube, borrow or try to buy a used system). Thumbs down to Shakeology. If Beachbody wants the world to be a healthier place, lower the price, and make it taste better for goodness sakes!
  • Scott7609
    Scott7609 Posts: 204 Member
    Thank you @mollystout7
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    I have to agree with mollystout on that one. The shakeology tastes awful! I am going back to my GNC shakes. They taste so much better and are a lot cheaper! I have been using just regular tupperware and measuring my food and it's helping a lot. I am limiting my carbs though, since I am getting kind of a Budda belly haha
  • Scott7609
    Scott7609 Posts: 204 Member
    Ok thanks @Tiff1124 .. I'll check those out
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    stop stop stop with all these 'programs'. I lost 90lbs, this is waht i did: i didn't eat fast food or *kitten* food, didn't drink beer, i lifted every day, i did some cardio 2-4 times a week (15 minutes of a 1-2 mile run, with sprint intervals, run hard for 30 seconds, walk for a minute, repeat). Get an ideal amount of protein and your body will respond fantastically. These programs are all dumb and gimmick and take advantage of desperate people. If you're committed do waht i say, PM me and i'll give you any workout knowledge i have. But don't bother buying nonsense. Eat chicken breast, vegetables, rice, salmon, 99% lean turkey, almost all seafood.

    It's just about spending 60 minutes a day, and not eating donuts and you'll get any body you want.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    Before I post this note that I'm not trying to get you to buy Shakeology, everyone has their own opinions and this is just mine.
    Scott7609 wrote: »
    Yea I have friends trying to get me to the Shakeology it's expensive

    I also do the Shakeology, yeah the initial cost of $130 sounds like a lot but that's 30 meals! Plus you can get a discount on it. So if you actually break it down it only costs about $4-$5 a meal. So it's actually been saving me money and is WAY better for me then stopping at fast food or Kwik trip on my way to work.

    4-5$ a meal?, i buy chicken breast for 1.99lb, it's extremely lean, nutritious and not some crap shake. combine that with a vegetable and some rice and then you'll save more money and you're actually eating food like a human.
  • slimmerang
    slimmerang Posts: 79 Member
    I have it and like it. I sometimes use the shakes and sometime I don't. For me it gives me help with my portions and I love the workouts that come with it. I find them challenging and different.
  • Scott7609
    Scott7609 Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks @slimmerang