Looking for Nutrisystem buddies!



  • maineapple
    maineapple Posts: 133 Member
    While on the Nutri System discussion board, I read about the new frozen food plan, called "Uniquely Yours". I decided to check it out. But, it was way, way to expensive. A few weeks later, I learned that there was a promotional sale on Uniquely Yours...so I called...and found that with my discounts...and by using the Costco gift cards...that plan was only a few more dollars then what I was paying for the shelf stable foods. I went for it...and I am so glad that I did. The frozen food is awesome...I haven't found one item that I didn't like! I look 'so' forward to meal time now! I LOVE the Nutri System frozen foods!!!!!!!!

    I too am on NS and have been doing very well with it. I too am doing the Uniquely Yours program and like the frozen food very much. I tried using just MFP for a while and I did lose weight, but needed more structure to keep losing. I am logging everything through the MFP app because I did not like the NuMi app at all. I think there are as many different diet approaches as there are people. Each person has to find the approach that works the best for them and that won't necessarily be the same as everyone else.

    I wish we had a Costco near us, but we don't. Do you get the Costgo cards at Costgo? I'd love to save some money because it is expensive. Good luck campjackson!
  • maineapple
    maineapple Posts: 133 Member
    Yes...I have lost...then gained it back...so many times.

    While on the Nutri System discussion board, I read about the new frozen food plan, called "Uniquely Yours". I decided to check it out. But, it was way, way to expensive. A few weeks later, I learned that there was a promotional sale on Uniquely Yours...so I called...and found that with my discounts...and by using the Costco gift cards...that plan was only a few more dollars then what I was paying for the shelf stable foods. I went for it...and I am so glad that I did. The frozen food is awesome...I haven't found one item that I didn't like! I look 'so' forward to meal time now! I LOVE the Nutri System frozen foods!!!!!!!!

    I don't think my prior post correctly quoted that first pargaraph as campjackson's.
  • reeves45
    reeves45 Posts: 55 Member
    I have done just about every diet out there. There is a plan for every life style. There are many factors that go into what works for you. My husband just lost 30 lbs on nutrisystem in about 2 months. He loved it. After plodding along using herbal life and only losing .5 lb a week if I was lucky, took 8 months to lose 20 lbs, I switched to nutrisystem. Lost 5 lbs this week. Less hungry, food is decent, 4 star restaurant quality, no.
    I don't want to mess with cooking that often, don't want to weigh anything, and the convenience keeps me from making poor choices for convenience sake.
    I friended you. I think it does teach you portion control. In my estimation it is a good choice.
  • sparkynazca
    sparkynazca Posts: 169 Member
    Nutrisystem is a convenience I don't mind paying for. It may not be teaching me anything, but sometimes you need to step away from being dangerously obese, however you can.
  • reeves45
    reeves45 Posts: 55 Member
    Amen sparky.
  • missemmibelle
    missemmibelle Posts: 100 Member
    I love Nutrisystem. Lost 35lbs on it three years ago for my wedding and 12lbs, so far, when I restarted last month.

    Tried the calories in, calories out method of MFP and lost some but found it difficult to maintain consistent results and therefore motivation. On MFP, a beer is 150 calories and there's no distinction between that and a healthy 150-cal dinner. MFP by itself is only as effective as your inherent knowledge of good choices. Even the forums erupt with bad information and conflict about just about every aspect of weight loss science and speculation.

    Contrary to popular belief, Nutrisystem does have transition and maintenance plans to help you when you reach your goal. NS will get you to where you're going, but then you need to pay attention to keep the weight off. Food is categorized and your snacks (powerfuels and smart carbs) are what your entrees will be when you get off the plan - just in different combinations (don't have the guide on me at the moment).

    It's nice to know I can grab and go. With three kids and college, it's not always easy to keep quick and healthy options at hand.

    My current plan, $239/mo, is nothing compared to my fast food and bar tabs :) This is practically a discount on my regular lifestyle HA. I have the Uniquely Yours plan, and roughly half of what I order is frozen - which tastes better in my opinion. You change your relationship with food when you view it as sustenance and not merely entertainment for your mouth.

    Haters gonna hate.

    I've been using MFP for several years, and if I've seen anything around here... it's a dislike of methods that people know nothing about... especially from people who either can't afford it, or have all the free time in the world to workout and plan their meals.

    Either way, I log 100% through MFP since they shut down the regular app. I'm happy to have other NS friends.
  • Xoxo24H
    Xoxo24H Posts: 11 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi I been on NS for close to a month have lost 8pounds as of today:)
  • surrealchereal
    surrealchereal Posts: 60 Member
    maineapple wrote: »

    I wish we had a Costco near us, but we don't. Do you get the Costgo cards at Costgo? I'd love to save some money because it is expensive. Good luck campjackson!
    I think if you are not a member you can still buy them online and you pay 4 dollars more. So you would get a card worth 100.00 for 83.00 instead of the 79.00, and they go on sale a couple times a year for 59.00

  • MaggienEm
    MaggienEm Posts: 1 Member
    Wow, I was shocked when coming on here for the first time and seeing all the negativity directed at people who are trying a method to lose weight. I think whatever method works for you, helps, makes you feel better about yourself emotionally, and assist in starting a healthier lifestyle is a win - win.

    If someone wants to spend their own money on Nutrisystem, then go for it. It's your money, its your life and you absolutely can choose to do whatever you want.

    I give you kudos for starting something, and working towards a healthier lifestyle in whatever method you choose.

    Intolerance and negativity towards a person trying something they feel is positive........ wow.

    Was thinking of using this site, now............... maybe not.

  • jessidora
    jessidora Posts: 1 Member
    I love Nutrisystem. Lost 35lbs on it three years ago for my wedding and 12lbs, so far, when I restarted last month.

    Tried the calories in, calories out method of MFP and lost some but found it difficult to maintain consistent results and therefore motivation. On MFP, a beer is 150 calories and there's no distinction between that and a healthy 150-cal dinner. MFP by itself is only as effective as your inherent knowledge of good choices. Even the forums erupt with bad information and conflict about just about every aspect of weight loss science and speculation.

    Contrary to popular belief, Nutrisystem does have transition and maintenance plans to help you when you reach your goal. NS will get you to where you're going, but then you need to pay attention to keep the weight off. Food is categorized and your snacks (powerfuels and smart carbs) are what your entrees will be when you get off the plan - just in different combinations (don't have the guide on me at the moment).

    It's nice to know I can grab and go. With three kids and college, it's not always easy to keep quick and healthy options at hand.

    My current plan, $239/mo, is nothing compared to my fast food and bar tabs :) This is practically a discount on my regular lifestyle HA. I have the Uniquely Yours plan, and roughly half of what I order is frozen - which tastes better in my opinion. You change your relationship with food when you view it as sustenance and not merely entertainment for your mouth.

    Haters gonna hate.

    I've been using MFP for several years, and if I've seen anything around here... it's a dislike of methods that people know nothing about... especially from people who either can't afford it, or have all the free time in the world to workout and plan their meals.

    Either way, I log 100% through MFP since they shut down the regular app. I'm happy to have other NS friends.

    ^This. Now I don't have to post!
  • javakitty
    javakitty Posts: 31 Member
    I think we should all be a bit more supportive! I am so happy for anyone who finds a plan that suits them. There are different paths to success.
  • prattmb1
    prattmb1 Posts: 1 Member
    To offer another perspective, I've been logging and weighing my food for years. I've carefully and slowly been dropping my weight. Then, I started Grad School. Over the period of a few months, I gained over 15 pounds. I'd been so careful for so long, what happened? Well, I had less time to cook and was tired more often. Being so tired and crunched for time, I was giving into cravings more often. Before, I had allowed myself regular 'cheats,' and still managed to lose weight. But the cheats were coming more often than they should and my ability to say no was less successful.

    Yes, I know how to maintain my weight and do everything right, but right now, NutriSystem is what I need to keep me on track over the next year or so.
  • Pirates43
    Pirates43 Posts: 252 Member
    Wow, there sure are a lot of beeotches on MFP.