I've jumped on the plateau boat too.....grrrrrr!!!!

bkthomas2004 Posts: 130 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm starting to get a little tee'd, ok I'm lying I'm freakin pissed with myself and my body, because I've been juggling the same 3-4 pounds for at least two months now (which I'm just really realizing) :explode: and today I came in at my highest in a long long time.:sad: I never go over my sodium, or fat, if anything a few cals over here and there. - Yes, I log everything, from a stick of gum to a blow pop candy, to a few bites of celery. I'm starting to get seriously concerned because I want out of the 160's....could it be water? Muscle gain? Exactly how much more does muscle weigh than fat? smh @ me :noway:

I just started a new workout program w Jillian 'Ripped in 30' and I am able to do push ups a lot better than I used to, so I'm noticing more muscle definition in my arms, however, have I really gained that much muscle that I have stalled on actual pound lost? Do I need to do more cardio?



  • Jillk1023
    Jillk1023 Posts: 121 Member
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hard to tell since you have your diary blocked. What's "a few" calories over? Are you weighing and measuring EVERYTHING or have you started to eyeball? Are you diligent in logging EVERYTHING that passes your lips? What's your calories set at? Are you reaching 1200 NET calories a day?

    One can only guess since you've given such limited info. Hang in there!

    **ROCK ON!!!!! re: the push ups!
  • jbudzins1
    jbudzins1 Posts: 17
    I am afraid that you may have eaten too many emoticons with out realizing it.:wink:
  • barbarajean3
    barbarajean3 Posts: 132 Member
    yes muscle can cause the 4-5 lbs uppage. Also you need to measure, if pounds are up and inches aren't moving you have done something wrong. If you are loosing inches then the weight could be muscle. Good luck
  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    The Plateau is just your body's way of trying to maintain it's mass.

    The scientific facts haven't changed, if you are consuming fewer calories than you are burning - you WILL lose weight. Your body is just hanging on to some excess water ... be patient. And in a week or so; you will weigh yourself and instead of dropping 1 lb, you may have dropped 2.5 lbs. When you body finds that it's no longer able to maintain your old weight - the water will be released and the weight will drop faster than you would have thought.

    Then, you repeat when you hit your next plateau. I hope your plateaus are far, far apart.

    Keep up the good work, you'll thank yourself later.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I ended a many month's long plateau by doing the following:

    1) Stopped eating at a deficit and logging for 2 months.
    2) Stopped all cardio.
    3) Did only yoga and walking as exercise

    The above was to reset my metabolism and leptin levels.

    4) Bought a FitBit to know exactly what I was burning.
    5) After 2 months off, began eating at a deficit again (jan 1)
    6) Weighed and measured and logged every single thing I put into my mouth
    7) Eliminated cheat meals/days. I allow 1x a month to eat at maintenance (never over) and 1 week at maintenance every 3 months.
    8) Began doing the most difficult thing in the world, for me - running. I run every other day....and getting better at it.

    My ticker is since Jan 1. I am losing after 8 months of frustration last year. I think my plateau/lack of loss was due to underestimating my food intake plus overestimating calories burned during exercise plus cheat meals killing cumulative deficit. Maybe I just needed a break too.
  • bkthomas2004
    bkthomas2004 Posts: 130 Member
    Thanks for the responses everyone. I think I've figured out what some of the problem can/could be.
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