I'm a lazy sack of lard

Hey I'm Jade and all I do is lay down and eat pasta and cheese. I want to change that because if I keep going this way, by the time I am thirty I will be the size of a small island nation.


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Hey - don't be so hard on yourself. You've decided you want to change something - you've got this. What are your goals? Do you want to lose weight? Get healthier? How are you planning to do it?

    I started by logging my food honestly, every single day. If I ate or drank it, I logged it... even when I went over on calories. How are you planning on beginning?
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    edited August 2015
    first off, you shouldnt talk about yourself like that. putting yourself down will get you nowhere. be kind to yourself. take little steps at a time. change one habit at a time so you don't get discouraged
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Get up and get out!!! Go to the park and walk. Amazing what you will see and who you will meet!!!
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    first off, you shouldnt talk about yourself like that. putting yourself down will get you nowhere. be kind to yourself. take little steps at a time. change one habit at a time so you don't get discouraged

    Agree and disagree. I think we need both voices, the good cop and the bad cop. It comes down to messaging, tone, volume and the confidence each voice has in our head.

    I'm not sure I would have ever started working out and eating better if I didn't have one voice in my head saying, "Hey fat *kitten*, how are you enjoying your trajectory to future health problems or death?" Sure, it sounds horrible (and not PC.....get over it.....I'll pay my fine to the PC Police later), but it got me started.

    After that nasty voice got me off the couch, the good cop came in, patted me on the back and said, "Great job.......yes, you're sweaty. Go take a shower. Yes, you're sore, but that will pass. Yes, you're hungry, you should grab a snack......." [Bad cop jumps in] "But it better not be a candy bar or donut, lardo!!!".

    It's my own internal checks and balances, and it keeps me from hanging it up and stopping.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    first off, you shouldnt talk about yourself like that. putting yourself down will get you nowhere. be kind to yourself. take little steps at a time. change one habit at a time so you don't get discouraged

    Agree and disagree. I think we need both voices, the good cop and the bad cop. It comes down to messaging, tone, volume and the confidence each voice has in our head.

    I'm not sure I would have ever started working out and eating better if I didn't have one voice in my head saying, "Hey fat *kitten*, how are you enjoying your trajectory to future health problems or death?" Sure, it sounds horrible (and not PC.....get over it.....I'll pay my fine to the PC Police later), but it got me started.

    After that nasty voice got me off the couch, the good cop came in, patted me on the back and said, "Great job.......yes, you're sweaty. Go take a shower. Yes, you're sore, but that will pass. Yes, you're hungry, you should grab a snack......." [Bad cop jumps in] "But it better not be a candy bar or donut, lardo!!!".

    It's my own internal checks and balances, and it keeps me from hanging it up and stopping.

    One day, I will realize that I was Tyler Durden all along.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    JadeCutler wrote: »
    Hey I'm Jade and all I do is lay down and eat pasta and cheese. I want to change that because if I keep going this way, by the time I am thirty I will be the size of a small island nation.

    Most of us that gain weight have one or more underlying health issues. We eat to have more energy. Gain more weight then have to eat even more.

    I finally found a way to lose weight that works for me and cutting out my pain with my diet is key to losing 50 pounds. Best of luck but it will be hard to change old ways of doing.

  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    Somewhere in that sack, is a strong person too. Keep working at it.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    JadeCutler wrote: »
    Hey I'm Jade and all I do is lay down and eat pasta and cheese. I want to change that because if I keep going this way, by the time I am thirty I will be the size of a small island nation.

    Please don't talk about yourself like that. Please use this forum or other parts of the internet to learn as much as you can about nutrition/health. Please take small steps and keep moving forward. You will change physically and without noticing it your mindset will change.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    first off, you shouldnt talk about yourself like that. putting yourself down will get you nowhere. be kind to yourself. take little steps at a time. change one habit at a time so you don't get discouraged

    This. The first and more important step in losing weight -- and one that I think a lot of us have to relearn with time -- is treating your body and your self with respect and dignity. People don't take care of things that they deem worthless.
  • BeckFair
    BeckFair Posts: 35 Member
    You may be a lazy sack of lard but you don't have to be. I was a lazy sack of lard and then I started walking and riding my bike. A body in motion stays in motion. The more you move the more you want to move. Now I'm an active sack of lard, but that is changing. Bit by bit. Love yourself. Be kind to yourself, but push yourself to do more stuff. Tough love.
  • Katzedernacht
    Katzedernacht Posts: 266 Member
    You may need the harsh motivation at least right now,well you know what you are,or what you think you are,so that's the first step towards changing it!! but with no self-hatred that only causes trouble,trust me, just love the person you are and work for the person you want to and can be. Demand all you can give, be tough but still never despise you.

    You're the only person who's gonna be with you for ever. :smile:
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    JadeCutler wrote: »
    Hey I'm Jade and all I do is lay down and eat pasta and cheese. I want to change that because if I keep going this way, by the time I am thirty I will be the size of a small island nation.
    So, let today be the first step in that long journey out of your wilderness.
    Let me add this...ENJOY THE JOURNEY!
    Stop with the negativity, and allow yourself the joy of small steps forward.

  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    I felt very lazy for quite a long time. Then I decided that I am going to do something about it. To tell you the truth, I started with cleaning my house and organizing things. It started to make me feel better about myself. Then I started my day with a quick walk with my dog. Then I was looking on-line and found MFP. Just writing down how far or how long I walked each day was starting to give me incentive to see how much I could waljk in a week. Then I got a pedometer, then a friend of mine decided to walk with me in the mornings. Then when it got too cold outside, we decided to join a gym.

    So you see how things can progress? I am still in the process of losing weight but I refuse to quit moving. It has been a little over a year of consistent moving and it really makes you feel better.

    Good luck and glad you are here.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    I am also a lazy sack of lard, albeit one who weighs 70 pounds less than she did a year ago. Just get into the habit of logging every bite and staying within a deficit and results will follow. Then one day you might get a weird impulse to take up fitness and you'll realize that afterwards, you feel much better than you do after a day of Netflix and cheese.

    Good for you for taking the first step. Now follow through with forming good habits.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    If you are putting a few pounds on each year then you are in for serious trouble. I hope you get on board and make this work. Your body, health and family will all thank you. I lost 50 pounds, dropped my cholesterol 50 points, lowered my BP to normal, stopped snoring and cured insomnia. You gotta go all in and change your lifestyle from here on out. That includes portion control, types of food and exercise. I would back off the pasta too. Good luck!
  • 50andfabu
    50andfabu Posts: 112 Member
    Behaviour changes before attitude.
    Make yourself go for a short walk.
    Offer to walk a friend's dog.
    Tell yourself you will make one small change today.
    Find other foods that you really enjoy. Track your food intake.
    Read these forums for motivation and ideas.

    You are worth the effort.
  • cmoorofum
    cmoorofum Posts: 187 Member
    At least you joined MFP so you are def on to something..
  • BettyBoles
    BettyBoles Posts: 68 Member
    It seems that your goal is to lose your weight. You need to change your behavior and go for walking regularly. Take proper diet with some extra supplements for your obesity.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    BettyBoles wrote: »
    It seems that your goal is to lose your weight. You need to change your behavior and go for walking regularly. Take proper diet with some extra supplements for your obesity.

  • rseymour9298
    rseymour9298 Posts: 4 Member
    What will your first step(s) be in changing that? Maybe "admission" is the first step. Time for number 2!