What was your 'I need to lose weight' moment?

Hi just want to see what was the moment you thought dieting and exercise is important for your health. The steps you took to get healthy.

Mine was when I hit 101.3kg on the scale with 54% body fat. (Lol more than half of me was fat.)

I'm now 87.3kg and feeling like brand new baby.


  • Bearoniman
    Bearoniman Posts: 50 Member
    First year of college was when I decided that I was through with being the way I was, With my max weight being at a whopping 320 lb something I had also realized for quite some time at that point that any "romantic" escapades were probably out of the picture lol; but being now in the high 230's with another 20 to 30 lbs in the plan, defiantly worth it. Turns out the physical change can be the easier part when compared to mental, one day at a time though I guess.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,303 Member
    When I hit 199 and realized that one more pound would make me 200!! That did it for me!
  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    My 5 year old son being excited to go on a rollercoaster for the first time. Husband and daughter are big sooky la-la's and refuse to go on rollercoasters, so it was over to me to take him on. For the lady to put the bar down, I had to suck it all in really hard and push my back hard into the seat. She got the bar down, but my stomach was rolling over the top. One extra cm on my gut and I wouldn't have fit in the seat.

    I have always wanted to be healthy for my kids but never seemed to get around to doing something about it. The thought of telling his we couldn't ride and breaking his heart because his mother was too fat did it for me.
  • stephchadz
    stephchadz Posts: 143 Member
    Sophomore year of college. Took a picture with my favorite band and I didn't look the way I wanted too, but I didn't do anything about it for a few months.
  • ThatBassoonChick
    ThatBassoonChick Posts: 24 Member
    I realized I was gaining weight at the beginning of my second semester of freshman year at college. It wasn't until my junior year that I started to hate the way I looked. I started with a body positivity sort of thing last summer. Now that I've learned to love my body, I'm ready to change it into what I want it to be. So this summer is the beginning of getting fit and healthy.
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    Clothes were fitting tight. The last straw was realizing my wedding ring, a 90 year old antique from my husband's grandmother, was feeling tight. No way do I want to resize.
  • MarieSwaney
    MarieSwaney Posts: 6 Member
    2013 my Father in law died of heart attack. Then within 4 months both my bro-in-laws died of all overweight n straining the heart. I decided I did not want to be a statistic too as I am 100 pounds over weight. I tried n failed everything till 2015 went to Kaiser Hospital weight management classes for 14 weeks. That started my true turn around.
  • jerimay22
    jerimay22 Posts: 55 Member
    I've had a couple but with being a mommy of 2 and wife to a railroader something always seems to happen. But the one that really got me was not being able to help my son practice pitching for little league as it hurts to get down to catch for him :disappointed: But I also had one yesterday at a theme park where it was a super tight fit to get into a roller coaster with my kids.... time for a change and part of that was finding a gym that offers child care so I cannot use that as an excuse any longer :wink:
  • sbostonRN
    sbostonRN Posts: 14 Member
    It was late 2012, early 2013 and I was over 200 lbs at 5'2". I realized that if I didn't turn things around, the weight would start to affect my long term health and mobility so I just decided to make a change. I had a planned vacation in January and joined Weight Watchers right when I got back from my vacation!
  • ATHLegal
    ATHLegal Posts: 352 Member
  • emk75
    emk75 Posts: 2 Member
    The day I took my 10 year old daughter shopping for school clothes in the plus size section. It killed me knowing that my bad eating habits had caused her to gain weight. Our children model our behavior, and I just didn't realize the negative impact I had become on her. I have since vowed to turn this around. We have started making huge changes as a family. I want to send my children a positive message about the importance of health.
  • loeylovesyou
    loeylovesyou Posts: 21 Member
    My family got together for pictures before my brother deployed 6 years ago.. When we got them back I kept staring at myself wondering who that person was. I was in my 3 year of college and drinking vodka like a fish. I was always a very fit & attractive person (I played sports and was a cheerleader through high school) but looking at what could be my last photos with my brother I realized something HAD to change! I finally stepped on the scale and realized I was 5' 3" and up to 155 lbs!!!! I had no energy, no motivation and no self respect.
    It took me years of yo-yo dieting and failed workout programs before I finally found my groove! I started working out with my now fiancé and eating healthy cutting back on drinking... And I just watched the lbs fall off. I didn't weigh myself for the first 3 months and when I did I saw I was down to 135 and I was still going :) after about a year I hit a plateau and decided to change things up by trying yoga... After one class I was hooked!
    Here I am 3 years later ramping up for my wedding in 8 months and I've never been more confident! I know what works and what doesn't and what i need to do to hit my goals.
    Anyone that is stuck in those early stages or has hit a plateau, please feel free to friend me... I'm a great motivator :)
    Good luck everyone!!!!
  • txrn123
    txrn123 Posts: 47 Member
    When I turned 50 this year. I ignored my hypothyroidism for many years and finally got on track and consistent with taking and staying on my medication. Then realizing I was hitting an age milestone I said enough is enough...I am tired of being overweight. Started with MFP in January, then asked for a fitbit for my February birthday after reading thru these forums.
    My initial weight was 240 and I'm now at 193. Goal weight is 140. I started walking on a regular basis and then added going to the gym about 2 months ago. I make a point to go 3 times a week to get in strength training and cardio.
  • morancelia476
    morancelia476 Posts: 1 Member
    When I took a mini vacay with my hubby & baby and I didn't like any of my pictures, week ago. Lost 5 going for more.
  • eileensofianmushinfine
    When my husband and i vacationed 2 years ago in the Poconos at one of the resorts and we had our picture taken by the photographer. I wanted to cry when I saw them because I truly had not realized how big I had gotten (5'4" and 243 pounds). It took another few weeks for me to make the decision to start this journey. I hired a personal trainer and two years later I am down 50 pounds to 193 -- and wearing a size 14/16. I think I want to lose another 30 pounds....
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Medical issues. I learned to eat right (a process) and started exercising (a little at a time and built on it). The weight came off! 89 pounds so far. :)
  • hneel001
    hneel001 Posts: 4 Member
    My dad is in and out of the hospital all the time (55yo). He has type 2 diabetes, his kidneys function at 10%, he has dead tissue in his feet, he had to have emergency triple bypass surgery a couple of years ago, and he is always fatigued. All of these issues can be tracked back directly to his diet. I get so mad when I think about how easily it all could have been avoided. Hypocritically, of course. I've only lost six pounds, but I decided I can't get mad at him for not doing it if I can't do it either. I have to lose almost 100 pounds to be in a healthy range. I don't want to be in my 50s with the health of a 90 year old.
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    The moment my wife told me my body was disgusting. She just detests fat people.
    The man in the mirror can lie, and I could lie to myself, but hearing from her jolted me into reality.
    Also, this picture...

    Thank heavens for honesty in a solid relationship!
    I lost the weight, became fit and healthy and thank her often for the kick in the butt.
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 776 Member
    The moment my wife told me my body was disgusting. She just detests fat people.
    The man in the mirror can lie, and I could lie to myself, but hearing from her jolted me into reality.
    Also, this picture...

    Thank heavens for honesty in a solid relationship!
    I lost the weight, became fit and healthy and thank her often for the kick in the butt.
    I'm glad your wife is honest with you and you see it as motivation. I find people who detest others for things that are none of their business rather disgusting. But great job losing the weight!
  • LieliWhite
    LieliWhite Posts: 28 Member
    When the doctor told me that I'm pre-diabetic