Pre-run meal first thing in the morning

CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
Usually I eat yogurt & fruit, but I'm seriously getting sick of that. I like that it's not heavy before I go for a run and that it gives me the carbs and sugars to keep me going.. Any runners out there have any pre-run meals that you find work for you?

I'm dying for some variety lol


  • kunmingmom
    kunmingmom Posts: 60 Member
    I like a whole grain waffle with organic crunchy peanut butter. Gotta have the protein with the carbs to give me my energy!
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I can't run on a full stomach so its usually a banana about 30min before I run. sorry not really helpful there. I know others that eat liek you fruit/yogurt before a moring run, some have a bagel too.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I like a whole grain waffle with organic crunchy peanut butter. Gotta have the protein with the carbs to give me my energy!

    same, or toast. Maybe a banana...something that wont give you the burps! haha
  • ksunshine91
    ksunshine91 Posts: 9 Member
    bananas are great. They provide fuel for 90 mins of exercising.
    Also toast with peanut butter
  • alexfaty
    alexfaty Posts: 61
    I like Egg (protein) on Toast (Carbs) at least an hour before. and if I am going for more than a couple of hours a nice bit of bacon with it..
  • crissa413
    crissa413 Posts: 67
    Toast with peanut butter and/or a banana - or a handful of almonds or part of a Cliff bar...whatever I can grab pretty quickly and isn't too heavy.
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    I don't eat before I work out. Makes me hurl. SO if I workout at 5:30AM, i do it with an empty stomach.
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    I'm liking the toast w/ PB & banana idea :) I run for about an hour (and more now that I'm going to be training for a half marathon starting next week) *eek* So these ideas are great. Thank you <3
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I did all my long runs this spring eating a cliff bar before hand. Seemed to work fine.

    But, this last weekend I went 13.5 miles on an empty stomach and felt great. I'm going to try a few more runs on an empty stomach and see how it goes.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Banana, a breakfast bar

    Graham crackers with peanut butter.
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    I much prefer to run first thing in the morning (6am) on an empty stomach.

    On weekends when I dont get out until about 9 I'll have a banana or oatmeal with some nuts/berries about an hour before I run.
  • jipper44
    jipper44 Posts: 111
    my pre-run breakfast of choice is a medium-sized bagel with a little bit of butter. can't do fruit or dairy, gives me gas pains and i won't make it through my run.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    I usually go on an empty stomach...I literally roll out of bed at 5:20 and am hittin the pavement by 5:30.
  • aimdawson
    aimdawson Posts: 31
    I almost always go on an empty stomach. I roll out of bed and run so I don't usually have time to eat. For a race I will have a bar about 1 hour before.
  • ubabe1
    ubabe1 Posts: 144 Member
    If you are running for a race you would want to fuel up with white carbs. I would eat a whole plain bagel with smart balance spread and some grapes. If its a race longer than a 5k you'll want to have some raisens or jelly beans with you to fuel yourself on the run. Everyday run, if its short..2-3 miles I go on an empty stomach, anything longer maybe a banana, fruit bar or bagel.