What made YOU decide it's time to change?



  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    KaseyDH83 wrote: »
    I lost both of my parents in 2013. My dad had a heart attack while he was driving and it caused him to wreck his vehicle, and my mom lost her fight against breast cancer 8 months later. My dad was 52 and my mom was only 49. They both come from families that have a host of health issues: heart disease, diabetes, cancer, strokes … the list goes on. In fact, my dad's brother passed away in June after spending 6 months being bed-ridden because of complications from diabetes and strokes. This was a wake-up call. Genetics are not in my favor; and while I can't change genetics, by eating healthy and exercising I am at least improving my quality of life, and hopefully prolonging it a little. I'm down 40 pounds (having lost 20 before joining MyFitnessPal). I still have a ways to go before I reach my goal weight, but I'm already noticing big changes in my body and overall well-being.
    I am so sorry for your losses! I lost my mother at a young age (42) due to an unhealthy lifestyle. I know they are all proud of you!! <3

  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    I'm from London too so I know what you mean!

    For me it was buying my 4th pair of trousers in about a year having outgrown the previous 3.

    I dropped 50lbs but am back up 30 after not logging for 18 months but back now.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    some really bad blood work that illustrated that I was very much on the same health issues path as my dad who died at the ripe old age of 62...I was 38 when I started out a few years ago...I am a father of two young boys and I determined that I wanted to see them become men and have families of their own.

    I really could care less about the weight...I was never unhappy with my weight or anything. It was the health scare that got me. I didn't want to be that guy that leaves his wife and babies behind when there's something that can be proactively accomplished to remedy the situation.

    Three years later and all of my blood work is in the good to optimal range. The only meds I take currently are for my hypertension which would not appear to be a result of diet and exercise, but rather hereditary. In RE to heredity, I still fight an uphill battle...diet and exercise have fixed a great many things for me at least for the moment...but I won't be surprised if down the road issues arise simply due to heredity; particularly cholesterol.

    A nice bonus of all this good livin' is that I dropped 40 - 50 Lbs or so.
  • courtsley_fitnessjunkie
    I've had problems with my menstrual cycle and then doctor told me I had PCOS. I've also been obese my whole life. Last but not least, some heart problems that I have to deal with. So the main reason I decided to change was because of health issues. I just want to live a healthier lifestyle. I would say I'm pretty active but couldn't do the things I wanted because of my weight. I dream of running my first ever marathon and that is on top of my list at the moment.
  • Jessalane0607
    Jessalane0607 Posts: 89 Member
    When my 7 year old daughter felt she had to defend me against kids in her class about my weight. I cried for two days after that, and then strapped on a pair and have lost 29+ pounds and still going strong. I didn't want my children going through life having to defend me against their peers. I work in the medical field, and I see families that do this on a daily basis. I would NEVER let it come to that for them or me.
  • bodymindmusic
    bodymindmusic Posts: 118 Member
    Seeing my mom and gma for the first time in 4 years and both of them wearing Nitro-necklaces in case they have heart failure.
  • carlyp79
    carlyp79 Posts: 95 Member
    So many reasons...
    1. I have twin girls who turn 3 in December. I want to be happy to be in pictures with them
    2. I want my girls to see a strong and healthy mother as a role model, and not to hate their bodies like my mother does
    3. I have rampant diabetes in my family
    4. My Mom gave me some shorts she was getting rid of or bought from a Thrift shop - they were very tight, and I even wore a size larger than I normally wear (like a glove!)
    5. I take ages getting dressed because I hate how I look
    6. I have lots and lots of clothing that i cant wear because they are too small now
    7. I would like my husband to have a confident and sexy wife again (and it still is me!! hahaha)
    8. My husband has an autoimmune disease, and I need to be healthy incase I am suddenly the only one left to look after our girls
    9. I think we will be moving house in about 10 months and I need to be able to pack and lift as much as I used to!

    I'm sure I could go on, but that's plenty.
  • saraherren
    saraherren Posts: 59 Member
    1. The summer before my junior year of high school (July 2007), I was getting ready for a job interview for a gymnastics coach position, and my mom made a comment to me about what I was wearing and how they wouldn't hire me because it made me look big and that I didn't look like I had ever done any gymnastics (which I did for 8 years). I ended up getting hired.
    2. Between January 2012 all the way through 2013 (spring of my 3rd year of college into the fall of my 4th year), my mom always made comments about my weight and would buy me girdles or other clothes that some may wear to make them look skinnier. I was already struggling with major depression and had thoughts of suicide, and her doing all of that just added way more fuel to the fire.
    3. I had a breast reduction surgery in May 2012, and in January, my mom said that if I lost weight, I probably wouldn't have had to get the surgery.
    4. When I was 12, my dad told me that I needed to lose weight.
    5. I was tired of my mom making comments about my weight and buying me clothes that made me look smaller all throughout my college years and making me feel 100 times worse than I already felt (and still feel) about myself.
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 818 Member
    saraherren wrote: »
    1. The summer before my junior year of high school (July 2007), I was getting ready for a job interview for a gymnastics coach position, and my mom made a comment to me about what I was wearing and how they wouldn't hire me because it made me look big and that I didn't look like I had ever done any gymnastics (which I did for 8 years). I ended up getting hired.
    2. Between January 2012 all the way through 2013 (spring of my 3rd year of college into the fall of my 4th year), my mom always made comments about my weight and would buy me girdles or other clothes that some may wear to make them look skinnier. I was already struggling with major depression and had thoughts of suicide, and her doing all of that just added way more fuel to the fire.
    3. I had a breast reduction surgery in May 2012, and in January, my mom said that if I lost weight, I probably wouldn't have had to get the surgery.
    4. When I was 12, my dad told me that I needed to lose weight.
    5. I was tired of my mom making comments about my weight and buying me clothes that made me look smaller all throughout my college years and making me feel 100 times worse than I already felt (and still feel) about myself.

    Your mum is a Dick. I'm really glad you are able to use this as fuel to get healthy and boost your self esteem
  • gilliebee63
    gilliebee63 Posts: 94 Member
    Your mum is a Dick. I'm really glad you are able to use this as fuel to get healthy and boost your self esteem


    You'll do it, too, @saraherren, with the positive support you find here.
  • Eri0515
    Eri0515 Posts: 85 Member
    I have been overweight my whole life and I always hated it. I would try the fad diet of the moment and it would fail and I was so "whatever" about it, I just accepted that this was the way things were.

    When I met my spouse we were both a size 14-16 both of us ballooned up to 20-22.

    I topped out at 304 lbs. I was in university and severely depressed and ate trying to dull the ache. After I switched universities and majors I lost just under 20 lbs. I plateaued there and neither one of us were trying to lose weight. We would eat whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted.

    Then I read the book Wheat Belly. Think what you may about what that man says, that book changed my life. I haven't cut wheat out of my life completely but I have REALLY cut back.

    My spouse and I decided when summer rolled around and school let out, she is a teacher, that we would change our eating habits. I knew we were going to try to cut out wheat. I don't know what made me look for a calorie counting app but I'm never more glad than now that I did! This morning I weighed in at negative 15.2 lbs from where I started this journey. My spouse has lost 10.

    She always says it isn't about the weight for her, it's about being healthier. Well, that is only part of it for me. It is about the weight for me. I've been obese for years. I'm sick of it, sick of shopping in "the fat girls' section" where they think they are designing clothes for not only fat girls, but fat BLIND girls. Seriously, have you seen the eye searing material patterns?!

    Anyway, I got sick of the things that my weight was keeping me from being and doing so I decided to change.
  • saraherren
    saraherren Posts: 59 Member
    edited August 2015
    Your mum is a Dick. I'm really glad you are able to use this as fuel to get healthy and boost your self esteem


    You'll do it, too, @saraherren, with the positive support you find here.

    Thank you @JessiBelleW and @gilliebee63. I will always have some amount of resentment towards her for treating me that way. She said she only did that because she "was worried about my health" (to use her words), but a big part of me doesn't buy it. Back in May 2012 while recovering from my breast reduction surgery, she was on the phone with a co-worker who was using MFP to lose weight, and her co-worker said she had already lost 5 lbs using it. My mom looked at me and said that I should use it so I can lose weight like her co-worker. When I was overweight, she treated me like I was less of a person because of my weight. It's almost like deep down she despises all overweight and obese people. Her co-worker that I mentioned above sadly gained all of the weight back that she lost plus more, and now my mom is using me to "show off how I good I look in front of her to hopefully give her the push she needs to lose it again" (again, her words). I feel like that's extremely disrespectful. I didn't start my weight loss journey in March 2014 and reached my goal weight at the end of January this year. Lost 50 lbs during that time and a total of 80 lbs. I lost the first 25 lbs somewhere between May 2012 and March 2014 without realizing it. I still struggle daily with my self esteem and try to avoid mirrors because I still see myself as the super overweight girl I used to be. But now that I'm at a healthy weight for my age and height (24, 5'0", 122 lbs), I don't eat any of the foods I was so used to eating growing up and through college (fast food/restaurants and Starbucks multiple times daily). It's been surprisingly easy for me not to go back to eating that way anymore. Haven't had Starbucks in over a year, and the only time I ate out more than once in a day was on my birthday this past April. It seems like my mom is trying to get me to eat those foods again. Not daily of course, but every now and then. I'm not opposed to enjoying myself every now and then, but I just don't have an appetite for those foods anymore, which is a huge change considering where I used to be. I also choose not to eat it bc I'm afraid I'll get addicted to it again and will revert back to my old habits. The only thing though I will eat is froyo, but it's not very often that I do (like once every 2 weeks or so).
    I've been struggling for several months now with a severe loss of appetite, that even eating at home is extremely difficult for me. I've basically gone from one extreme to another (eating way more than I should growing up to almost nothing at all). I can't even get to 300 calories a day. I didn't start eating this little until just over a month ago. I know this is just as unhealthy as what I used to do, but it's extremely difficult for me to eat when I'm literally never hungry. I've been to the doctor and got blood work done. All of my hormones are normal except for my estrogen and progesterone. She wants me to be eating 1,500-1,800 a day so my sex hormones can normalize again. I return on September 25, so hopefully I can find the courage to eat that amount daily. It's been difficult eating because I have an intense fear of gaining back the weight I lost.
  • nerdgirlinlv
    nerdgirlinlv Posts: 32 Member
    Decided to put myself first! You only get one life, 2015 has been the year of change in my life.
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    saraherren wrote: »

    Thank you @JessiBelleW and @gilliebee63. I will always have some amount of resentment towards her for treating me that way. She said she only did that because she "was worried about my health" (to use her words), but a big part of me doesn't buy it. Back in May 2012 while recovering from my breast reduction surgery, she was on the phone with a co-worker who was using MFP to lose weight, and her co-worker said she had already lost 5 lbs using it. My mom looked at me and said that I should use it so I can lose weight like her co-worker. When I was overweight, she treated me like I was less of a person because of my weight. It's almost like deep down she despises all overweight and obese people. Her co-worker that I mentioned above sadly gained all of the weight back that she lost plus more, and now my mom is using me to "show off how I good I look in front of her to hopefully give her the push she needs to lose it again" (again, her words). I feel like that's extremely disrespectful. I didn't start my weight loss journey in March 2014 and reached my goal weight at the end of January this year. Lost 50 lbs during that time and a total of 80 lbs. I lost the first 25 lbs somewhere between May 2012 and March 2014 without realizing it. I still struggle daily with my self esteem and try to avoid mirrors because I still see myself as the super overweight girl I used to be. But now that I'm at a healthy weight for my age and height (24, 5'0", 122 lbs), I don't eat any of the foods I was so used to eating growing up and through college (fast food/restaurants and Starbucks multiple times daily). It's been surprisingly easy for me not to go back to eating that way anymore. Haven't had Starbucks in over a year, and the only time I ate out more than once in a day was on my birthday this past April. It seems like my mom is trying to get me to eat those foods again. Not daily of course, but every now and then. I'm not opposed to enjoying myself every now and then, but I just don't have an appetite for those foods anymore, which is a huge change considering where I used to be. I also choose not to eat it bc I'm afraid I'll get addicted to it again and will revert back to my old habits. The only thing though I will eat is froyo, but it's not very often that I do (like once every 2 weeks or so).
    I've been struggling for several months now with a severe loss of appetite, that even eating at home is extremely difficult for me. I've basically gone from one extreme to another (eating way more than I should growing up to almost nothing at all). I can't even get to 300 calories a day. I didn't start eating this little until just over a month ago. I know this is just as unhealthy as what I used to do, but it's extremely difficult for me to eat when I'm literally never hungry. I've been to the doctor and got blood work done. All of my hormones are normal except for my estrogen and progesterone. She wants me to be eating 1,500-1,800 a day so my sex hormones can normalize again. I return on September 25, so hopefully I can find the courage to eat that amount daily. It's been difficult eating because I have an intense fear of gaining back the weight I lost.

    This may be none of my business, but I figured that I will feel terrible if I don't say something. I have suffered a similar situation to yours, not as extreme, but similar. My mother always comments on my weight or would scold me for eating something because it would "make me fatten up like a pig." I developed eating disorders over this, among other things, and your fear of gaining weight could very well be the start of one. Please, for your own health, tell your doctor exactly what you said here. They can direct you to people that can help, especially because of your history of essentially being bullied by your own mother. I'm sorry if this may have crossed a line, but it does seem like therapy could really help begin building some confidence in that weight isn't worth the fear of eating.

  • dhindeasa
    dhindeasa Posts: 4 Member
    Saw video of myself, realised my rear huge & used to be best feature!!!!! Want my trim rear back.
  • teresa19622015
    teresa19622015 Posts: 34 Member
    My father once said he'd give me $10 for every pound I lost. That horrified me that they were that desperate to get me to lose weight (I was about 25 at the time). But that didn't do it. My mother also saw my weight as a moral failure. But really it has to come from within. The first time was in my late 20s and just wanted to look better. Then in my mid 30s because I wanted to meet some one and get married, this time around I am now 50s with school age kids and a widow, I want to live better and longer and also feel strong. And not invisible. I think it was just another day of not being able to do something because of my weight that made me finally get serious.
  • rfg1925
    rfg1925 Posts: 10 Member
    Chasing a 8 month old around was kicking my butt and I realized there was something very wrong about that. What kind of parent was I being to her and my oldest child? It was then I decided I needed to do something, one year and 90lbs later I feel I'm the best father I could be as well as just feeling incredible.
  • wonna13
    wonna13 Posts: 79 Member
    KarlaH9801 wrote: »
    KaseyDH83 wrote: »
    I lost both of my parents in 2013. My dad had a heart attack while he was driving and it caused him to wreck his vehicle, and my mom lost her fight against breast cancer 8 months later. My dad was 52 and my mom was only 49. They both come from families that have a host of health issues: heart disease, diabetes, cancer, strokes … the list goes on. In fact, my dad's brother passed away in June after spending 6 months being bed-ridden because of complications from diabetes and strokes. This was a wake-up call. Genetics are not in my favor; and while I can't change genetics, by eating healthy and exercising I am at least improving my quality of life, and hopefully prolonging it a little. I'm down 40 pounds (having lost 20 before joining MyFitnessPal). I still have a ways to go before I reach my goal weight, but I'm already noticing big changes in my body and overall well-being.
    I am so sorry for your losses! I lost my mother at a young age (42) due to an unhealthy lifestyle. I know they are all proud of you!! <3
    That just woke me up. I am 44 years old and I had an unhealthy lifestyle. I have 2 small children too. Thank-you for sharing. This is giving me a shot in the arm not to give up no matter what.

  • wonna13
    wonna13 Posts: 79 Member
    When my 7 year old daughter felt she had to defend me against kids in her class about my weight. I cried for two days after that, and then strapped on a pair and have lost 29+ pounds and still going strong. I didn't want my children going through life having to defend me against their peers. I work in the medical field, and I see families that do this on a daily basis. I would NEVER let it come to that for them or me.
    That would have did it for me too. I don't want my kids to be ashamed of me. Nor my husband. That is one of the reasons I am doing this. Not the only one though.

  • wonna13
    wonna13 Posts: 79 Member
    Seeing my mom and gma for the first time in 4 years and both of them wearing Nitro-necklaces in case they have heart failure.
    WOW That statement just punched me in the chest. This stuff is real. I am so glad we are all doing something about it. I don't want to be a statistic. I dont want my kids on myfitnesspal saying I am the one that got them started. I want to live healthy because they saw me doing it. We got to break the cycle. It got to be us.
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