Fruit day



  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    punishing yourself for going over is not a good idea

    just go back to normal and eat within your calorie goal
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    fernt21 wrote: »
    My mother did a 7 day detox, dropped 9 lbs (although to me she looked no different). Guess what.... it all came back once the detox ended. I just don't see the point.

    Yep! Every person who does these dumb detoxes and cleanses ends up just gaining it right back anyway. So its pointless and potentially harmful
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    What type of boost do you think this will actually provide ? Just think about it for a minute.

  • ElaineEnriquez
    ElaineEnriquez Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2015
    Try this web site and it will help you understand what your body needs to live ... based on your activity level . It is It will act like it is trying to sell you something but go tho the top and look up “calculators “ and ignore all the purchase info -- much of the info is free - just look look look .Its taken me years to realize it is the macro nutrients and the % ( protein, fat , and carbs ) your body needs .. not go to starvation. They will ask age weight activity level and it calculates as best it can ,then if you chart what you eat on this page .. you can keep track of that .. it is work I know , but you can educate yourself on what you need ... not what anyone else has done to lose weight ...if you can find that you can stick to it , you will see that you do not need to fast or detox ( yoga is the best detox in the world ) I hope this helps and look past sarcasm... and those who feel superior ... that kind of negativity does not work for anyone .
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    It'd be better for you to just consider following MFP recommendations for steady, lasting results.
    Start today...
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited August 2015
    Mezzie1024 wrote: »
    Why are you having green tea if you hate it? (Less important: how can you hate green tea? It's delicious!). Why did you choose fruit for the rest of the day and no vegetables? What are you going to do about protein? About micronutrients that you are only likely to get from a variety of foods? About fats that are an important part of your diet? What the heck do you think you're "detoxing" from? The food you ate yesterday and the day before may have exceeded your calorie goal, but I will take the fact that you're able to post as evidence that it wasn't actually toxic. Really, I fail to see how this in any way is a positive or logical choice.

    These are really good questions, OP. (Except for the why hate green tea bit. Black tea is infinitely preferable, as is coffee. But not important!)

    If you decided to do a low day and had a plan to feel good while doing it, I would think that makes some sense. I know some people have issues with punishing themselves and binge/starve cycles, and I don't know enough about you to know if that's a concern (or how much you overate, where you are in the weight loss plan, so on), but I think it's fine to think of a week as a unit and have higher and lower days, as long as you AREN'T punishing yourself or starving on the lower days.

    The whole thing about "detoxing" and just fruit doesn't make much sense though, and takes away from the possibility that you are approaching this logically. Fruit has calories too, you know, and doesn't do something special for your body to remove the effects of more caloric foods.

    But for one day, whatever. I've fasted for religious reasons and all that and find it hard to worry overmuch about one day of anything. I wouldn't comment except that you seem to want comments, or else why post here about your plan?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member


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  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I don't see much of a problem here.

    I've had days where I've overindulged and had a protein/fruit /veggie smoothie for lunch and dinner the next day to make up for it.
    Then get back on the wagon the next day. Simples...
  • maryelgin1988
    maryelgin1988 Posts: 185 Member
    Hey jenny,
    I haven't read most of the replies so.I'm sure I will be a repeat. A detox is NOT needed. Please do not start punishing yourself for going over, this creates a habit and not a healthy one. If you want to fix your mistake, just bank 100 cals a day for the next week. Problem solved. If you "detox" you are very likely to binge and just feel yucky the whole day. Use mfp for support if you need help staying motivated, some of us are not as harsh as others.
    Also, don't take offense to those who come off as rude, they've simply grown tired of hearing the same nonesense over and over.
    I'm going to add you, if you genuinely would like help staying.motivated accept my request. If not, thats fine too.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have had two days of being over, So I have decided to 'detox' for the day. I've read they are myths and don't work, but I just need a boost I suppose.
    I'm having two glasses of lemon water today, two cups of green tea (ewwww), water, a meal replacement shake for breakfast and tea. And fruit for the rest of the day :D

    Oh no. Not necessary. Stay close to the restroom, too, with all the tea, water, and fruit. :)
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    You're obviously just starting out. :) We all go over at some point. Just log it and workout a little more that day or weekend or whatever. Don't sweat it. Sometimes you can lower the calories the next day by a couple hundred to make up a little but of it. Just get back on the horse and keep going. Sometimes those days you go over help. It makes dieting a little easier. Just get refocused and keep at it. If you're in this for the long haul a couple of days here or there is not going to matter.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I don't understand this at all. Drinking green tea which you don't like and eating a bushel of fruit (because if that's all you're eating I imagine you're having a lot of it) is supposed to do what?! How about just not eating over your calories and eating normal food?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    This is a bad mindset

    What you are saying is it's ok to "fail" if I self-flagellate to prove that I understand I am a bad person

    Screw that

    You're not're human

    So you went over a couple of days happens ...

    Look at your calorie defecit as a weekly challenge ...try to even it out over the week ...try to preplan for days when you know you will be going over ..I find the weekly reports in the app are much better for this type of weekly management

    I don't hold with doing things you know don't work (detox), with stuff you know doesn't work and hate (green tea) to prove to yourself that you're a bad person and deserve to be punished (unless of course you're into punishment in which case I shall put down the thread and back away slowly)
  • chrystal1779
    chrystal1779 Posts: 2 Member
    I see nothing wrong w going over. This is my first completed week. I went over 4 times. But ya know what. Those days I went over I still ate way less then when I wasn't tracking my food. That's a win win to me. What also helps me, because I love food.... I find things like pickles... 0 calories... White corn on the cob 45 cal a lrg cob. Because sometimes you just want to EAT!!!!! Oh. Another love of mine is smart ones frozen dinners bout 220-300 calories thrown on a huge pile of salad. No fatning dressing needed. The Smart One gives it all the flavor needed. And I can have a huge heaping of it. Next weeks challeng. Making spaghetti noodles out of zucchini . So I can have some spaghetti . Yummmmmm
  • jenny181111
    jenny181111 Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks to all the replies for and against it. I ate about 700 calories of fruit yesterday, and my meal replacement shakes for two meals. I did stay under my allowance. And I felt healthier for doing the fruit day.
    I have no plans to do it long term, it was just for the day.