
Is anyone on here vegetarian/vegan? After being vegetarian for nine months I've now taken the vegan plunge, is anyone else out there vege/vegan? I need lots of help and advice as I know very little about the vegan life!


  • pointkoala
    pointkoala Posts: 66 Member
    I'm vegan!!!!
    I was vegetarian for a few years..... since September 2011 I think. Anyway the past probably year I've been transitioning, eating less and less byproducts. And now vegan! :)
    I honestly love it.
    Any questions, feel free to ask! :D
  • tillthefitladysings
    tillthefitladysings Posts: 57 Member
    I'm a vegan, if you'd like a friend! I went vegetarian in May of 2014, and took the vegan plunge this past March, so I'm on the same page as you. :smiley:
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    I've been vegetarian for about 18 years, and finally went vegan at the beginning of 2015. My diet is far from perfect, but I generally hit all my nutrient targets (though I use the CDC protein minimum target of 0.8g per kg of body weight, rather than the general 20% recommendation from MFP). Feel free to add me; my diary is open to friends.
  • kylebryant1495
    kylebryant1495 Posts: 28 Member
    I am vegan I eat 1000 calories a day including over 500g of protein a day
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    I am vegan I eat 1000 calories a day including over 500g of protein a day

    I can't tell if you are trolling or just don't understand the numbers. 500g of protein is 2000 calories' worth and no one would recommend anything near that much protein. 1000 calories total is too low for anyone, especially a male. If you are sincere (I really can't tell), I recommend you start reading the stickies and learn how MFP works.

    If you are trolling, my recommendation would be far less polite.
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for about 10 years now but my diet is *kitten* which explains why I am overweight. I would love to go vegan. Good luck!
  • jadewats
    jadewats Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks guys! I'll add you all now...Yay for vegans :D
  • Ashleingh
    Ashleingh Posts: 3 Member

    I am almost a vegan! But once a week I eat cheese!! I spent 3 months strictly vegan... And then I started eating cheese again!!!

    Anyway, keep in touch if you want someone to go vegan with :)

  • jadewats
    jadewats Posts: 23 Member
    I've just added you, thank you :p
  • tillthefitladysings
    tillthefitladysings Posts: 57 Member
    So many vegan buddies, I love it. :smile:
  • jadewats
    jadewats Posts: 23 Member
    Me too!:D
  • leshle11
    leshle11 Posts: 12 Member
    New vegan!