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My August mission



  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Time for bed and day 6 is done. I had a really good session at the gym today, I managed to do a 5k run on the treadmill, the first time I've done it for about a month due to my ankle so I was really chuffed with that, I took it really slow but am just glad I did it and my ankle hasn't been twinging since :wink:

    Tomorrow I have my abs class in the morning and then the joy of my smear test at lunchtime.

    Todays List:
    12,000 steps DONE 12,208
    Gym workout DONE
    Collect shopping DONE
    Walk dog DONE
    Sort Monsters holiday clothes NOT DONE TODAY
    Write a thankyou note to my aunt NOT DONE TODAY
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day Seven:

    Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
    Current Weight: 147.25lbs

    This weight is not wanting to go anywhere!! Never mind keep on going ....

    The dog was very restless this morning so as it is a nice sunny one I took him for a walk along the beach at 6.45am, it was lovely and peaceful and that's 3500 steps clocked already today.

    Todays List:
    • 12,000 steps
    • Drink 2 litres of water
    • Abs class
    • Smear test
    • Sort monsters holiday clothes
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day Eight:

    Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
    Current Weight: 147lbs

    Well yesterday was a strange day, it started off well with the walk on the beach but I guess as I was tired from poor sleep and combined with the dog still being off colour and not wanting to go far on his usual walks, meant that for the first time in this challenge I didn't meet my step target. I must also confess ... I went over my calories and had a big slice of cheesecake. I'm not even that bothered by cheesecake, but the rest of the family were eating it so I did too. It was lazy of me and I know it was because I was tired and therefore gave in too easily. I was expecting it to show on the scales today but funnily enough they have finally hit 147! I mentally want to get under that, to get into the next half a stone category. Hopefully tomorrow morning ....

    Yesterdays list:
    12,000 steps MISSED - DID 9377
    Drink 2 litres of water DONE
    Abs class DONE & 20 MINS ON BIKE
    Smear test DONE
    Sort monsters holiday clothes DONE

    So today ... Well its the start of the Premier League season, and as a Bournemouth fan its the most amazing day for me, I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve :smile:

    Todays plans involve a good walk this morning and then lots of the day will be spent in front of the tv screen, but I am okay with that today, I've waited 30 years for this day :smiley: I will probably go to the gym tonight to get some exercise in.

    Todays List:
    • 12,000 steps
    • drink 2 litres of water
    • stick to my calories!
    • enjoy the football :smile:
    • walk the dog
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day Nine:

    Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
    Current Weight: 146.75lbs

    Yay!! Finally the scales have gone under 10.5 stone :smiley: I didnt make it to the gym last night as I forgot they close at 8pm on Saturdays, so I took the dog for another walk instead, although due to the amount of football watching yesterday I still didn't make the 12,000 steps again.

    Yesterdays List:

    12,000 steps NOT DONE, 8590
    drink 2 litre of water DONE
    stick to my calories! DONE
    enjoy the football :smile: DONE BUT WE LOST :neutral:
    walk the dog DONE TWICE

    I had a really rubbish nights sleep again last night, the dog was too hot and wouldn't settle (wouldn't lay by the open door either to cool down though ... ). Anyway, today is a lazy Sunday, I'm definitely going to the gym, will probably walk the dog along the beach, watch some more footie and chill!

    Todays List:
    • 12,000 steps
    • dink 2 litres of water
    • gym workout
    • walk the dog
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day Ten:

    Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
    Current Weight: 146.25lbs

    Morning! Another half a pound has disappeared according to the scales this morning, finally starting to see the numbers go down :smiley:

    My sleepiness caught up with me yesterday and I didn't manage to get my steps in again, instead I enjoyed a cozy nap on the sofa :smile:

    Yesterdays List:
    12,000 steps MISSED, DID 6620
    drink 2 litres of water DONE
    gym workout NOT DONE
    walk the dog DONE, IN THE FOREST, WAS LOVELY!

    My monster went to his Dads at the weekend and my other half is at work this week, so this is the one week of the holidays when I can crack on and get some stuff achieved. I have already been to the gym and done my workout for today, I was really annoyed as I decided to concentrate on the treadmill; I can do 5k but haven't gone beyond that before, so today I thought I'd lower the pace a bit and try and do 6k. I had almost reached 5k when one of the staff came round and said the service engineer had turned up and wanted to service my treadmill. I tried to explain I had done 5k and had 1k left to go, (while running!) but she said he didn't have time to wait and I needed to stop :neutral: I was not impressed. Anyway, I managed 5k but I know I could have kept going today, grrr ....

    Todays List:
    • Gym workout
    • Kettlebells class
    • 12,000 steps
    • Drink 2 litres of water
    • Gut the kitchen
    • Food shopping
    • Stick to my calories
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day Eleven:

    Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
    Current Weight: 145.75lbs

    Woohoo, the weights shifted again today :smiley: I'm aching slightly this morning from kettlebells last night but I'm guessing that's a good thing. Yesterday was a good day, I did my run and kettlebells exercise-wise and at home I totally blitzed the kitchen; four bin bags of stuff ready for the tip this morning!

    Yesterdays List:

    Gym workout DONE
    Kettlebells class DONE
    12,000 steps 12,843 DONE
    Drink 2 litres of water DONE
    Gut the kitchen DONE
    Food shopping DONE
    Stick to my calories DONE

    Todays List:
    • 12,000 steps
    • Abs class
    • Gym workout
    • Drink 2 litres of water
    • Go to the tip
    • Blitz the bathroom
    • Take Mum shopping
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day Twelve:

    Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
    Current Weight: 146.75lbs

    Hmm, a pesky pound has re-appeared since yesterday :neutral: Well, his days are numbered, he can buzz right off again! Yesterdays List:

    12,000 steps MISSED - 7829
    Abs class DONE
    Gym workout DONE
    Drink 2 litres of water DONE
    Go to the tip DONE
    Blitz the bathroom NOT DONE
    Take Mum shopping DONE

    Today I'm having another blitzing day at home, visiting my sister for coffee and then I have a kettlercise class and a body conditioning class with 75 minutes free in between so I will do some cardio in the gym then.

    Todays List:
    • 12,000 steps
    • Kettlercise class
    • Body conditiong class
    • Gym workout
    • Blitz bathroom
    • Blitz all my clothes
    • Visit sister for coffee
    • Walk the dog

    Yesterday at my abs class the instructor was saying she is having a knee op next week. She is the on who does kettlercise and there isn't anyone else who can teach that class, they will replace it with something like body pump. So, I went on Amazon and have ordered myself an 8kg kettlebell and a kettlebell workout dvd, hopefully they will arrive by the end of the week. :smile:
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day Thirteen:

    Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
    Current Weight: 146.5lbs

    Grrr, this is tough going - I'm doing the exercise, being fairly good with my calories but the weight isn't budging. There lies the crux of it, I'm not being good enough with the counting, in fact I know I overdid my chocolate treat last night.

    Yesterdays Goals:
    12,000 steps DID 11,677
    Kettlercise class DONE
    Body conditiong class DONE
    Gym workout DONE
    Blitz bathroom DONE & DID MY BEDROOM TOO :smile:
    Blitz all my clothes DONE
    Visit sister for coffee DONE
    Walk the dog DONE

    Today I'm going clothes shopping with my best mate, hopefully lots of walking done without realising :smile: I may go the gym tonight or I may have a day off completely. Last night kettlebells was great, I managed a 6kg bell for the upper body part which was tough, then I did my gym workout followed by body balance which I thought would be nice and relaxing as its based on yoga/pilates ... omg it was tough!! Right, let's see what today brings :)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Meh, it's an unlucky day...number 13. Don't take anything the scale says sersly today, unless you throw it over your shoulder for good luck and it breaks. In which case means 7 years bad luck.
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day 14:

    Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
    Todays Weight: 147lbs

    So I went out for lunch while shopping and had a gorgeous pasta dish but it was sooo salty, I could almost feel the water clinging to me! Hopefully tomorrow it will be better. I did manage my 12,000 steps though yesterday while shopping :)

    This morning I went to my abs class and then have been having my hair cut and highlights done so not much walking done as yet. Need to focus and get back on track!!
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day 15:

    Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
    Todays Weight: 148.5lbs

    Confession time ... yesterday was a disaster, I had a takeaway curry, chocolate and sweets. My partner and I had a very rare evening without the kids and that, combined with having my hair done which meant sitting down doing nothing for three hours, meant I was bad all day. Half way through the month and the figures are looking awful, although I know with a focussed couple of days it will all be looking better. So, that starts right here, I've had a banana and a large glass of water for breakfast and I'm not off to the gym. Absolutely everything gets weighed today, no excuses.

    Todays List:
    • 12,000 steps
    • Drink 2 litres of water
    • Gym workout
    • Stick to calories
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    bbandme wrote: »
    Day 14:

    Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
    Todays Weight: 147lbs

    So I went out for lunch while shopping and had a gorgeous pasta dish but it was sooo salty, I could almost feel the water clinging to me! Hopefully tomorrow it will be better. I did manage my 12,000 steps though yesterday while shopping :)

    This morning I went to my abs class and then have been having my hair cut and highlights done so not much walking done as yet. Need to focus and get back on track!!
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Yep I'm Robert :smile:
    Right, been to the gym and for the first time in my life I ran 6km!!! I had to do it, I had to get back on this thing and do it properly. So, I've already drunk over 1 litre of water, I've burned approx 500 cals in the gym (did the bike too) although I'm not planning on eating them back. Time now for a quick shower then take the dog for a walk.

    On. A. Mission :wink:
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day 16

    Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
    Todays Weight: Dont know

    Yesterday was a really good day, I did my run / gym workout, I ate really well and stuck to my calories, I drank my water, I did my steps and I had an early night as we were doing a car boot sale this morning. Today I got up at stupid o'clock and forgot to weigh myself (first time in about 6 months).

    I haven't eaten too badly today, although I'm getting munchy as I'm tired and its not even 8pm yet. Bit late to do my targets for today, will be having a bath and an early night tonight.
  • bbandme
    bbandme Posts: 90 Member
    Day 16:

    Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
    Current Weight: 147.5lbs

    According to the tracking service the kettlebell I ordered should be delivered today :smiley: I also have a kettlebell class booked for this afternoon.

    Todays List:
    • Stick to calories
    • Kettlebell class
    • 12,000 steps
    • Drink 2 litres of water
    • bbandme
      bbandme Posts: 90 Member
      Day 18:

      Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
      Current Weight: 146.5lbs

      Yesterday wasn't a bad day although I could've done better. I did drink my water & go to kettlebells, but I went over on my calories and didn't even get close to my steps. However, the scales are looking better again this morning.

      Todays List:
      • 12,000 steps
      • stick to my calories
      • do my new kettlebell dvd
      • drink 2 litres of water
      • go swimming

    • bbandme
      bbandme Posts: 90 Member
      Day 19:

      Starting Weight: 149.5lbs
      Todays Weight: 147lbs

      Yesterday went fairly well, I did my kettlebell dvd, it will take some practice as some of the moves are different to what we do in class, but it was good. We also took the dog for a walk and did approx 8 miles (13km). We did stop for lunch at the pub though and I had fish and chips, although I was still full so skipped dinner last night.

      Yesterdays List:
      12,000 steps DONE 15,185
      stick to my calories ROUGHLY ...
      do my new kettlebell dvd DONE
      drink 2 litres of water DONE
      go swimming WALKED INSTEAD

      Todays List:
      • Walk 12,000 steps
      • Drink 2 litres of water
      • Guesstimate calories as best as possible

      We are going to a carnival for the day today so hopefully there will be lots of walking but I need to be careful about the eating side of it.