Newbie Needs Friends!

DancinSMartiPants Posts: 363
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I stumbled upon mfp last week and wasn't sure it would be right for me. I was already losing weight and I wasn't sure I'd like the idea of having to log in everything I ate. Boy was I wrong!

(Question: Can logging food become an addiction? j/k)

At any rate, I first was trying to convince people I know to join the site so we can encourage each other. My husband (who is using the site to try to GAIN weight) is the only one who bit. Then I it occurred to me. Why not ask people who are already on here to be my friends. Duh!

So is there anyone out there who wants to join me on my quest to easily cross my legs?


  • anderftw1
    anderftw1 Posts: 5
    I am new too! We can be new together!

    I came here because a friend of mine used this site to help loose over 100 pounds...I figure it can't hurt

    My name is Kelly. I am in TX, where are you?
  • beckyann858
    beckyann858 Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome! And yes, it's addicting, lol. But there are plenty worse addictions to have! I definitely dream of the day when I can effortlessly cross my legs without having to hoist one up over the other, so I'm sending you a friend request! We'll get there together! :wink:
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Yes. Logging food can become addicting. I find logging into MFP is addicting in general. Between reading status updates, answering questions, posting on the forums, etc. I find myself lost here.
  • ascrof
    ascrof Posts: 34
    you can add me
  • im new too, just started yesterday and let me tell u how great this really is. i always thought counting the calories was to comlpicated but this makes it so easy. also the ppl here also have been really great
  • I'm in Louisiana. New Orleans to be exact.
  • cottom91
    cottom91 Posts: 1
    Add me to plz, just joined today and need some friends to help me along the way
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    Im new here too! I joined a day, or two, ago and Im LOVING it! And to answer your question.....logging food IS addicting! lol I sure wish I knew about this site ages ago. I was doing WW online (16.95/month) and I like this 100% better. Anyhoo, feel free to add me as your friend...4boys4me04 and welcome to MFP!
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