for those who have had ITB syndrome...

did you find that wearing a strap/tape during running helped the problem at all?


  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    Yes, the Pro-Tec compression strap works very well to take the edge off the pain initially. But it doesn't cure the problem. And things will continue to get worse unless you take steps to fix it: rest and rehab.
  • pearshapedmum
    pearshapedmum Posts: 131 Member
    oh, I thought it might have been more of a preventative measure. I have completely healed from my last case of ITBS last year, and am now bringing up the miles slowly, and doing stretches, strength training etc, but just wondered whether a strap was a good measure to use to help prevent it occurring again. Clearly not :-)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I missed 6 weeks of running a few years ago trying to self-treat ITBS, 2 excruciating sessions with a massage therapist had me running again and regular massage sessions combined with strength training / foam rolling have kept me running pain free.

    Tape etc is, literally just a band aid, it may provide some relief from the symptoms but what you want is a cure. Google strength training for runners & exercises it'll be glad you did.