Lordy look who's 40 and over it!


So, I turned 40 this year and I did exactly what I was told not to do...go into my 40's obese. But it's ok, I blame it on my last daughter...who is 6. Never mind the 2 daughters that came before her that also left me with an extra set of love handles each...and a husband that travels for a living and a full time desk job.....and 2 dogs...and ... oh wait....did I fail to mention that I eat... a lot. When I am happy, sad, frustrated, tired, bored, working...yep...food. I am starting to figure out the problem here.

Ok, I confess, this is not my first time on myfitnesspal...I have been here before. In fact, I check in when I am doing great, staying on track, eating healthy and want all of my friends to see how great I am doing. And I don't check in when I just finished 3 slices of pizza and a brownie and guzzled 2 beers... cause really...who wants to know about that right? So, I think by now you have figured out two things about me.... I HATE to be serious about my problems...it only makes me depressed, mad or angry which makes me do what....yes class...eat. The second thing about me is, I give up easily. I have done many programs. I have had great success with many of them! I may even do them again.... i'm sure I will. So, you are wondering why I am here...if you are still reading this...

I need support. Not the kind of help that requires me to check in every 5 mins and tell you that I walked up a flight of steps and how proud I am. I will be proud, trust me. I need to talk to people like me. Moms. Working moms. Moms that don't always cook perfect 3 course meals for their families. Moms that fall off the wagon and get back on. Moms that go into the gym and hope that everyone in there is blind so they don't see all of your parts jiggle on the machines. Moms that feel like taking an hour a day to herself is cheating her family out of something, everything. Moms that are DOING IT. They are the success stories, the work in process, the awesome before and after photos...that mom.

Hello, I am Hyacinth, I am 40 years old. I am 5'3 with 220 lbs. on a 120 lb. frame. My knees hurt, my back hurts, and I am tired. Do you want to be my friend? :)


  • AlphaHowls
    AlphaHowls Posts: 1,979 Member
    I want to be your friend. Granted I am not a mom, but I am a caregiver to my mom. I was at 223 lbs and I am working it down.
  • hyacinthmason
    hyacinthmason Posts: 4 Member
    Lol. Works for me!of course I am friends with everyone...it was just something relatable for me. Thank you for being my friend!
  • VondaleeBuehler
    VondaleeBuehler Posts: 2 Member
    I'll be your friend. I am 42, a mom of 2, 212lb 5'6". Gained all my weight after I stopped working in 2007 due to disability. Gained last 35 lbs by a med but have lost most of that.
  • hyacinthmason
    hyacinthmason Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I totally feel ya. I gained 50 lbs on meds 2 years ago as well and never quite recovered. On new meds..same ol' body. Lol. Today was my 50 first time starting fresh! everyday is a new chance to make changes right!
  • amandamauldin2
    amandamauldin2 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a high school teacher and mom to a 9 year old. I feel ya! 8th day logging in a row...just got engaged so I'm trying to drop some weight before I get married. Once you have gone past 3 weeks it gets easier! Good luck :)
  • hyacinthmason
    hyacinthmason Posts: 4 Member
    Fantastic! Congratulations and good luck! I have been off of here for a while but there always has to be a day one right! Cheers (with a healthy beverage of course) to completing a new day!
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    I'm not a mom, but I do have 4 beagles and went into my 40s obese, and have a very similar relationship with food! Would be happy to support you. Knees hurt? Check. Hips hurt? Check. Trouble bending over? Check. Embarrassed about how the entire gym shakes when I'm on the elliptical? Check. Shocked when I see my reflection in a window? Check. Longing to shop for clothes somewhere other than Lane freaking Bryant? Check. Haven't had a picture taken in a year? Check. 5'6, 233 pounds, don't want to die, trying to stick with this until I'm at least below the obese range. I gained 25 pounds this year eating and drinking like crazy without tracking, thinking time in the gym would make up for it. Nope. Ummm, this is *not* muscle. Now I have a minimum of 60 to lose. Hope you succeed. Hope I do. Hope we all do.
  • JRenee180
    JRenee180 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm turning 40 in January and that's what started this journey for me... not wanting to go into it soo fat and unhealthy :( I started in March and I'm currently down 62 lbs from my starting weight of 261...hit 199 last week ;)
    ..I'm also looking for new friends to so add me up