Help me to understand please



  • MBL512
    MBL512 Posts: 32 Member
    I used to easily maintain on 2000-2500 a day. Would eat in that general range. Maintained for years at a time. I have a bad habit of screwing up my metabolism with severe restriction and weight losses. Not even sure where my maintenance is at this point. I will be staying off of the scale for a few weeks and will just allow myself to continue where I am and hope that the gain doesn't continue. I suppose if it does, I am good at getting the weight back down again. LOL
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Stick it out. Please stick it out. 600-1000 is very unhealthy. Most of your recent gain will be water weight anyway. Throw away your food scale and try to find middle ground here. ( give it time and you should even out with 1600-2000) I eat 2000 per day without gaining any real weight so don't worry . throw away your real scale too and just worry about getting healthy.
  • MBL512
    MBL512 Posts: 32 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Stick it out. Please stick it out. 600-1000 is very unhealthy. Most of your recent gain will be water weight anyway. Throw away your food scale and try to find middle ground here. ( give it time and you should even out with 1600-2000) I eat 2000 per day without gaining any real weight so don't worry . throw away your real scale too and just worry about getting healthy.

    Thank you for your kind and reasonable response. That middle ground just seems to be so difficult to find. I have not weighed or measured any of my foods for well over 2 weeks. I am not putting myself on a scale either. Worried what I would do if I don't like the number. Just going by how my clothes feel for now. I think I have leveled off in regards to the gaining. Not sure, but I think I have. Will find out in a couple of weeks.
  • HelenaDixson151
    HelenaDixson151 Posts: 9 Member
    I think it's incredibly brave of you to open up about this. Youll find your middle ground in no time and your body will love you for it. I find some light stomach exercises help move the water around quicker too, which helps with any bloating you may experience. Keep going strong :)
  • MBL512
    MBL512 Posts: 32 Member
    I think it's incredibly brave of you to open up about this. Youll find your middle ground in no time and your body will love you for it. I find some light stomach exercises help move the water around quicker too, which helps with any bloating you may experience. Keep going strong :)

    Thank you. :smile:
    I am eating a couple of foods that I have not allowed myself to have for many years. No compensatory behaviors either. Staying off the scale- that is getting hard for me! I went from weighing 4-6 times a day to nothing. But, I do think my weight has stabilized. I will try the stomach exercises- I want to start working out and toning up a bit more. Not happy with how my weight gain came back on. LOL