Needing some friends and some motivation

Hello my name is jalyssa and this is my second time around starting my weight loss journey but this time i swore to myself that no matter how hard things get ill NEVER EVER give up.. I'm just needing a friends friends to keep me motivated and may be even get some workout ideas from .. This weight loss journey can be very lonely sometimes lol


  • Kasymira
    Kasymira Posts: 88 Member
    I'll be your friend!
  • mmanns731
    mmanns731 Posts: 2 Member
    Totally agree. I'm down!!! I'm new too!!
  • samparnell92
    samparnell92 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi how are you doing ? I do am here for the second time and defiantly sticking to it now
  • deescrafty
    deescrafty Posts: 174 Member
    Hi how are you doing ? I do am here for the second time and defiantly sticking to it now

  • deescrafty
    deescrafty Posts: 174 Member
    I am also restarting with mfp, with a lot more motivation this time around. I had a high A1C and my family has diabetes touching almost everyone. I want to control it with diet and exercise, not meds. Will need friends to help me keep motivated and on track.
  • evieball2015
    evieball2015 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new, just learning how to use this app..
  • Josh_lol
    Josh_lol Posts: 317 Member
    I'll gladly be your friend. I'm looking to add some people as well for motivation :smile:
  • whoiskeely
    whoiskeely Posts: 8 Member
    Hey pick me pick me!
    Haha just kidding but no seriously, I'm in the same boat as you girl. Let's motivate each other. We can totally do this.
  • katekams
    katekams Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I'm from Poland and looking for friends do reach our goals together. I'm active in replays
  • Newalex16
    Newalex16 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi definitely be your friend
  • divamoe1
    divamoe1 Posts: 2 Member
    I totally agree this weight journey is so hard and lonely I'm looking for friends as well I always need to be motivated