Food portions and meal times

Curious to know what times everyone is eating their breakfast, lunch and dinners and snacks in between around? Also I eat a lot of fruits and veggies wonder if I am overeating them is that possible? What are the recommended serving sizes and portions for a day ...what about salads what portions of veggies are you mixing with your greens ( is a cup of cucumbers or peppers and a cup of grapes tomatoes too much I'm lost TIA


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    If eating fruits and vegetables puts you out of a calorie deficit, you won't lose weight. Or if they crowd out other foods you need so you don't hit your overall nutritional goals, that could impact your health. So yes, it is possible to over-eat fruits and vegetables. But it would usually have to be a LOT of them.

    I usually eat breakfast at 6:30 AM, lunch around noon, and dinner around 7:30 PM. I don't usually snack.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    Meal timing does not matter. Eat when you are hungry or fits with your schedule.

    Lots of fruits and veggies are fine, and serving sizes don't matter as long as the calories you are consuming don't put you over your daily target and aren't limiting the amount of protein and fat you need per day.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited August 2015
    You can have one huge meal a day or 12+ tiny meals a day, whatever works for you. Overall calories are what's important for weight loss, not when you eat them.

    Record everything that you eat and drink into your Food Diary. See how many calories you are using for fruits and veggies and decide if you'd rather use some of those calories for different foods.

    You need to experiment over time to find what works for you.
  • sweetiepie781
    sweetiepie781 Posts: 75 Member
    Thank you :) and I am just returning to using this app so hoping it will help me now know what I am doing calorie wise through the my day to know if I am over eating or not.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    It really depends on your own needs, that is why calorie counting is so powerful because it enables you to figure out what is right for you.

    For me, I eat a fair amount because I'm pretty active and I like food. So I'm typically 1800-2100 kcals per day. I'll have a 500-600 kcal breakfast (4-6oz protein, 1/2 cup grain, and often some veggies, whole milk in my coffee). My lunch and dinner are also about 500 kcals, and I'll often have a 200 kcal snack in the afternoon and perhaps a treat after dinner such as ice cream. Meals are (ideally for me) about 1-2 cups of fruits & veggies, 4 oz protein, and 1/2 cup grain/starch.
  • jenmckane86
    jenmckane86 Posts: 50 Member
    I don't have much of an appetite in the morning. I usually eat something around 8 am. Either a protein shake with fruit, or some yogurt. Lunch is around 11:30. I usually get in a lull around 2:30- 3pm. I usually have a snack then. Dinner is around 7:30. I've been trying to wait until I am actually hungry to eat.

    I am a big fan of salads and it was hard for me to figure out how much of what I was getting. Getting a food scale has helped me a ton. I always weigh by gram, and then I know exactly how much I am eating.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    edited August 2015
    It would be very hard to overdo it on vegetables... you MIGHT have problems if you use a lot of high calorie additions to veggies (e.g., fry them, put on a lot of butter or dressing), if you eat a ton of one specific veggie and don't have variety, or fill yourself up so much on low cal veggies that you don't really get enough of the other foods that you need too.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Curious to know what times everyone is eating their breakfast, lunch and dinners and snacks in between around? Also I eat a lot of fruits and veggies wonder if I am overeating them is that possible? What are the recommended serving sizes and portions for a day ...what about salads what portions of veggies are you mixing with your greens ( is a cup of cucumbers or peppers and a cup of grapes tomatoes too much I'm lost TIA

    That is a perfectly lovely salad. :) Record the calories in the diary and you will be fine.

  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Also, I eat breakfast 7:30, lunch 12, and dinner around 5 (often later to accomodate social things, though) Snack in afternoon around 3, ideally I like to not eat after 7.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Fruit and vegetables have calories so you can definitely overeat them if you aren't logging them in your food diary. Fruit, especially, can be very high sugar/calorie. Bananas, for example, are 100-200 calories each depending on size. Most vegetables have a lot less calories by comparison.

    Meal timing is irrelevant for weight loss. Eat at the times you are hungry. Whether you choose to eat 6 small meals or one big meal each day is completely up to you, as long as you stay under your calorie goal for the day.

    Serving and portion sizes are different for everyone based on how many calories they are eating to meet their goals. Start weighing your food with a kitchen scale and you'll soon learn how large your serving sizes should be to help you meet your goals.
  • badwolf4
    badwolf4 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi everybody! I've spent four years now in and out of different nutrition programs and meeting tons of fabulous dietitians and nutritionists and I just thought I'd let them channel through me:
    Bodies need consistent and sufficient intake in order to feel comfortable letting go of their energy stores (fat). This means eating 5-6 times a day, or 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. Rarely, some people find they work better eating more in less sittings or less in more sittings, but 99.99999% of the time that's the way to go!

    Back to me:
    They are SO right. I've worked with probably around 50 people who have beyond serious eating issues, ranging from overeating to anorexia to binge eating disorder to everything else. This template fits everybody because it's the healthy center line, and not one extreme or the other.

    Fruits and vegetables are my absolute fav, so yeah, I've actually been told I eat too many! But really, it's about balance. And as the users above me said, log it. Log everything and it'll turn out okay. Even if you're atrociously over, log it, knowledge is power! For instance, if I choose to have some silly amount of carrots and bell pepper for snack I count those calories, and more importantly, the deficit between them and something like crackers. Maybe I chose more nutrient dense hummus to go with it, it depends.

    Hope this helped!
    Too often people forget they have to take care of their bodies in order to sustainably lose weight :)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    badwolf4 wrote: »
    Bodies need consistent and sufficient intake in order to feel comfortable letting go of their energy stores (fat). This means eating 5-6 times a day, or 3 meals and 2-3 snacks.

    If our body had to be "comfortable" to burn energy, nobody would ever starve to death. I wish it was true that one had to be consistently fed to lose weight -- if this was the case, human history would have much less tragedy and we would have an instant solution to a global problem.
  • badwolf4
    badwolf4 Posts: 49 Member
    If our body had to be "comfortable" to burn energy, nobody would ever starve to death. I wish it was true that one had to be consistently fed to lose weight -- if this was the case, human history would have much less tragedy and we would have an instant solution to a global problem.

    Okay, maybe I wasn't clear enough, but what I meant was losing weight in a healthy manner... You do need a deficit, I just meant don't starve yourself.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    badwolf4 wrote: »
    If our body had to be "comfortable" to burn energy, nobody would ever starve to death. I wish it was true that one had to be consistently fed to lose weight -- if this was the case, human history would have much less tragedy and we would have an instant solution to a global problem.

    Okay, maybe I wasn't clear enough, but what I meant was losing weight in a healthy manner... You do need a deficit, I just meant don't starve yourself.

    You shouldn't starve yourself -- it's miserable, bad for your health, and there are ways to lose weight without it.

    But if you starve yourself, you will lose weight. Our bodies don't have to be "comfortable" to burn energy. There are many great reasons to NOT starve yourself though.

  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Just eat less and exercise more. Does it every time.
  • MrsSylvie
    MrsSylvie Posts: 301 Member
    i try to follow the recommended servings of foods but, in the end i base my portions around my daily calories/ if i want a bigger serving/portion of one particular food, its no big deal if calories/etc permit.

    i personally have 2cps of matcha green tea around 9:30am. i have a 16oz breakfast fat/protein shake, with maybe some granola/fruit/seed dry cereal from time to time, around 11am. i eat dinner between 3-4pm and have a small lunch at 7:30-8pm and sometimes i also have a snack around 10pm (i don't go to sleep till around 12:30-1am).. i chose to go back to eating my dinner midday, it's my biggest carb/fat/protein meal time and i feel it's best at that time since i am still semi active afterwards and won't be laying around on couch watching tv..
    i follow this schedule because i was a once a day eater for years and it was bad for my personal health but, sometimes life happens and schedules get changes so like others said, logging your foods and watching your calories/etc. is what is most important in the end.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    If eating fruits and vegetables puts you out of a calorie deficit, you won't lose weight. Or if they crowd out other foods you need so you don't hit your overall nutritional goals, that could impact your health. So yes, it is possible to over-eat fruits and vegetables. But it would usually have to be a LOT of them.

    This. I log everything, but don't worry about how many fruits and vegetables I eat (I eat a lot more vegetables than fruit, though). I focus on staying within my calories and getting enough protein, mostly, and try to eat both protein and vegetables with all meals. (If I weren't getting enough fiber I'd focus on that too.)

    Meal timing doesn't matter -- it's personal choice/what helps you. However, I like seeing what others do too.

    I usually have breakfast around 5:30, lunch around noon, a later afternoon snack around 5 (I skip this on non workout days), and dinner around 9. I often follow dinner immediately with a little ice cream or some other kind of extra (like some cheese or fruit).

    I don't pay attention to serving sizes at all, but what I think appropriate calories.macros for my meal are and what looks like a good amount to me. I believe I had about 3.5 servings of vegetables with breakfast today.
  • sweetiepie781
    sweetiepie781 Posts: 75 Member
    Thank you everyone
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    My meal times are all over the place, yet somehow I have managed to lose more than 90 pounds and maintain for quite some time. There is no magical formula--do what works for you. I am pretty consistent about lunch, but everything else varies.

    Generally, I have:
    -medium-sized breakfast--between 7-10 AM
    -large lunch--between 1-2 PM
    -very small snack--between 5-6 PM (optional/not every day...depends on hunger and workouts)
    -small dinner--9-10 PM

    I drink coffee and (mostly herbal) tea all day.

    I try to get 10+ servings of freggies/day (mostly non-starchy vegetables) and it hasn't killed me yet! Veggie consumption is kind of like water consumption in that you are unlikely to harm yourself unless you do something really extreme.

    Track everything and see what works for you over time. You can use the notes box to keep track of your meal times if you want to see if that makes any difference for you.