needing help keeping motivation alive

just recently started back at the gym. (1 week and 3lbs down)
i find the hardest thing to do is keep motivation if i miss a day or two at the gym.
i have a 6month old so it's hard to always get away but the husband has started to help with taking him while i run to the gym for an hour or so.

add me


  • JaimusWilliams
    JaimusWilliams Posts: 84 Member
    What time does your husband go to work? Some gyms are open pretty early. Maybe while your child and husband are sleeping you can go. I found it easier just waking up at 4:30 AM and just grinding it out. It has become such a habit now, although was very difficult waking up that early. Just keep at it, know that you may miss a day or two but what will make the difference is if you go back.Start with a small goal. Perhaps just 3 times a week. Then when you get more comfortable do more?
  • Brittaney_218
    Brittaney_218 Posts: 20 Member
    i guess i should have added i'm also a working mother. i work four 8 hours days. but my husbands scheduale is all over the place. with such a young little guy, and nursing, i'm exhausted between caring for him and working. at least i work in a place that doesn't have AC in the summer so it's like a sweat box. (just trying to think positive on that part)
    i tried getting up before the rest to work out it lasted a day. i also live 30 minutes from my gym. so going to the gym and getting back in time to hopefully catch my son before he wakes up is even more difficult. and on work nights i'm so exhausted by the time i put my son down, i myself just want to crash.
  • zorahgail
    zorahgail Posts: 91 Member
    @BrittaneyH_7712 congrats on getting back into the gym! 1 week in and 3 lbs. down is awesome.

    Thanks for sharing your challenges; motivation can be so tricky! I'm curious, have you looked into home workouts or bodyweight workouts that you can do without going to the gym? That way you don't have to deal with the 30 minute drive back and forth from the gym.

    Ditto on what @HiddenAgenda88 said about putting a missed day or two into perspective. It's your consistency over time by building these active healthy habits that counts.

    Way to go again on taking care of you!
  • Brittaney_218
    Brittaney_218 Posts: 20 Member
    I have tried at home stuff I either distract myself with something else I see needs to be done or my husband doesn't give me the time or space and is always thinking the baby needs me. (Don't get me wrong he's a great dad, but first sign of crying he jumps to the baby is hungry or other things where I have to take over) so the 30mim commute both ways and the gym workout itself gives me my "me time" that I don't normally get, not to sound selfish I love being a mom.
    But also the gym I feel motivates me more. Specially where I see what others with (not to sound rude) but bigger bodies . Where they are doing things I don't think I could do myself, also helps motivate me
  • zorahgail
    zorahgail Posts: 91 Member
    @BrittaneyH_7712 that all makes perfect sense. Getting in much needed "me" time is so so important. Thanks for letting us know more about what's going on, I feel like I understand more about your situation.

    So to go back to your original post, how's your motivation level doing now? How else can we help you? :smiley:
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited August 2015
    Are you in a position to have a sitter watch your child while you are at the gym at least a couple of days a week? Keep in mind that your husband could probably also use some time of his own. Maybe ask around to see if there is a responsible teen or stay at home mom in your neighborhood who cold use some extra cash.

    Since you say you enjoy that time alone I don't think motivation is really your problem. You have motivation. What you need is to build the habit and to do that you need to develop a plan that allows you to do this consistently and put it into practice.
  • darkcrow13
    darkcrow13 Posts: 37 Member
    That's cool that ur husband watches the baby so u can go to the gym!!! I have a 3yr and 5yr old daughters and find it hard to find time to workout?