
Where to begin.... I started this journey, officially, two weeks ago and have lost a solid 5 lbs. When I originally started, I wanted to do this slow and steady, so its sustainable...Started making smarter choices and actually eating the appropriate portion size, cut out sodas, and just generally eat healthier... But I should add that Im in the process of donating a kidney... A week ago, my coordinator called and said that the surgery was on hold until I lost 15 lbs. I know I will lose the weight, no problem at all, but until I lose it the donation process is on hold longer-causing my recipient to sit on dialysis even longer. So a week ago I started incorpirating daily exercise into my plan, which will help....
I dont plan to stop once I lose 15... Regardless of weightloss, I am trying to make a lifestyle change...and while Im not perfect, Im leaning more tword a clean diet. Oh and let me add, I am averaging 60-70 oz a water a day... Drinking ONLY water, with the exception of a small (4-5 oz) cup of coffee aome mornings. Can any of you look at my journal, or go off of what I Have told you, and tell me ways to get the last 10 lbs off quickly (and as healthfully) as possible.

Incase if helps, I am 5ft 1in... 33 yr old female... My current weight is 166.


  • Jalita1
    Jalita1 Posts: 13 Member
    I think I made my journal public, but not sure...
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    First of all... what on earth is a clean diet? Do you wash your food under water?

    I'm seeing a lot of cups and tbsp entries... these aren't accurate at all. Use an electric food scale and use grams or ounces if necessary...
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I can't really tell you not to rush it because I know that if it meant helping someone I loved, I'd starve the ten pounds off as fast as I could, too. Most people would.

    Just make sure to do this as healthily as you can. Surely the doctors can help! Get your vitamins and minerals and eat enough so that you can donate a healthy kidney.

    Be safe.

    I will say a prayer for you and your loved one.
  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    Your protein intake is far too small. the numbers on the scale will go down on this diet but you will be shedding lots of muscle as well as fat. i would raise your protein intake to 1.5 grams per KG of LBM to minimise muscle loss..... Also i find carb cycling the best way to lose fat at a high rate.
  • Jalita1
    Jalita1 Posts: 13 Member
    Wow, you have never heard of eating clean? Im sorry, I assumed everyone knew what that meant. Clean eating is about eating whole foods, or "real" foods — those that are un- or minimally processed, refined, and handled, making them as close to their natural form as possible. Im not sticking to that perfectly, but trying...

    And yes, I was just telling my husband I needed a food scale...
  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    Also stop eating pizza and peanut butter. have chicken and spinach for lunch.
  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    LOL at not knowing what a clean diet is.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited August 2015
    1-1.5 pounds a week as a reasonable goal, you should be able to lose the 10 pounds in 2-3 months. You have an awesome motivator. Doing it faster but in a way that is also healthy? Well if you have the time to work out aggressively 2-3 hours a day AND the resources to be under a doctor's and dietician's care constantly, there is always that.

    But realistically, just eat to nourish your body. Get plenty of fruits, veggies, grains, lean proteins, healthy fats. While eating at a caloric deficit.

    I imagine the reason the donation was put on hold is to increase chances of success for both you & the donor. Keep that in mind. Doing something reckless and drastic would not help anyone.
  • Jalita1
    Jalita1 Posts: 13 Member
    First of all... what on earth is a clean diet? Do you wash your food under water?

    I'm seeing a lot of cups and tbsp entries... these aren't accurate at all. Use an electric food scale and use grams or ounces if necessary...

    And a lot of the items I choose on here have the ck mark beside them, so I Would assume they are accurate. Is that not always the case if they are cked.

  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    this ...

    But realistically, just eat to nourish your body. Get plenty of fruits, veggies, grains, lean proteins, healthy fats. While eating at a caloric deficit.

  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    Also stop eating pizza and peanut butter. have chicken and spinach for lunch.
    Well that is ridiculous! Pizza and Peanut butter are awesome! I eat Tortilla pizza for lunch 2 times a week.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Accurate may not be the issue.

    A medium banana may accurately have 90 calories. But what is a medium banana? You and I may each go and pick out a medium banana, in our own opinions, but they would probably not weigh the same. If yours is 90 grams and mine is 110 grams, they can't both be 90 calories.

    Same is true for anything measured in a cup. Depending on settling, you may not have the right amount for the serving indicated. That's why a food scale increases accuracy.
    Jalita1 wrote: »
    First of all... what on earth is a clean diet? Do you wash your food under water?

    I'm seeing a lot of cups and tbsp entries... these aren't accurate at all. Use an electric food scale and use grams or ounces if necessary...

    And a lot of the items I choose on here have the ck mark beside them, so I Would assume they are accurate. Is that not always the case if they are cked.

  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    Also stop eating pizza and peanut butter. have chicken and spinach for lunch.
    Well that is ridiculous! Pizza and Peanut butter are awesome! I eat Tortilla pizza for lunch 2 times a week.

    LOL. pizza and peanut butter over skinless chicken and spinach? Is this real life?
  • Jalita1
    Jalita1 Posts: 13 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    Also stop eating pizza and peanut butter. have chicken and spinach for lunch.

    Haha. Wow. Okay... My "pizza" was a whole wheat tortilla, 1 tbs of tomato sauce And 1/4 cup lite motz cheese... And then I added some raw veggies..

    And yeah, peanut butter isn't the healthiest... Ill agree with you there. I would assume, that 1 tbs every day isn't bad?

    But thank you for your advice.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Ps-unless you have health reasons to avoid certain foods, then nothing is totally off limits. You can eat pizza and peanut butter (though peanut butter ON pizza does not appeal to me personally) just need to be aware of how that fits into your daily needs. If you need 1500-1600 calories per day, then eating a jar of peanut butter: not great. Eating 16-32 grams of it, no problem.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    LOL at not knowing what a clean diet is.

    Based on the responses that I've seen here, not even "clean eaters" know what it is. Every person who claims to follow it gives a different description.
  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    Jalita1 wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    Also stop eating pizza and peanut butter. have chicken and spinach for lunch.

    Haha. Wow. Okay... My "pizza" was a whole wheat tortilla, 1 tbs of tomato sauce And 1/4 cup lite motz cheese... And then I added some raw veggies..

    And yeah, peanut butter isn't the healthiest... Ill agree with you there. I would assume, that 1 tbs every day isn't bad?

    But thank you for your advice.

    Was just what caught my eye when looking at the food diary. I just try and think whats the most nutrients and macros i can get out of my calorie allowance. Was just thinking you could get more bang for ya buck with swapping the peanut butter and pizza for something better.
  • Jalita1
    Jalita1 Posts: 13 Member
    Jalita1 wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    Also stop eating pizza and peanut butter. have chicken and spinach for lunch.

    Haha. Wow. Okay... My "pizza" was a whole wheat tortilla, 1 tbs of tomato sauce And 1/4 cup lite motz cheese... And then I added some raw veggies..

    And yeah, peanut butter isn't the healthiest... Ill agree with you there. I would assume, that 1 tbs every day isn't bad?

    But thank you for your advice.
    Accurate may not be the issue.

    A medium banana may accurately have 90 calories. But what is a medium banana? You and I may each go and pick out a medium banana, in our own opinions, but they would probably not weigh the same. If yours is 90 grams and mine is 110 grams, they can't both be 90 calories.

    Same is true for anything measured in a cup. Depending on settling, you may not have the right amount for the serving indicated. That's why a food scale increases accuracy.
    Jalita1 wrote: »
    First of all... what on earth is a clean diet? Do you wash your food under water?

    I'm seeing a lot of cups and tbsp entries... these aren't accurate at all. Use an electric food scale and use grams or ounces if necessary...

    And a lot of the items I choose on here have the ck mark beside them, so I Would assume they are accurate. Is that not always the case if they are cked.

    Ohhh makes total sense! Thanks!
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    edited August 2015
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    LOL at not knowing what a clean diet is.


    So how do you define it then? Because, from the all the people on here that I've asked; they couldn't get a definition which was the same.
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    Also stop eating pizza and peanut butter. have chicken and spinach for lunch.

    LOL at this too right? Peanut butter is fine - unless you have any medical reasons on why you can't have it... then eat PB. Pizza - it's fine in moderation (like everything).
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    LOL at not knowing what a clean diet is.


    So how do you define it then? Because, from the all the people on here that I've asked; they couldn't get a definition which was the same.
    You knew good and well that she didn't mean she was washing food.