


  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    It's cool if ppl wanna eat what they want and meet their goals and they are happy with that. At the end of the day its about what makes you happy.

    And what can be sustained, longterm.
  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    It's cool if ppl wanna eat what they want and meet their goals and they are happy with that. At the end of the day its about what makes you happy.

    And what can be sustained, longterm.
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    It's cool if ppl wanna eat what they want and meet their goals and they are happy with that. At the end of the day its about what makes you happy.

    And what can be sustained, longterm.

    Yeah. One of the reasons I'm regimented. Fitness for life :smile:

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    It's cool if ppl wanna eat what they want and meet their goals and they are happy with that. At the end of the day its about what makes you happy.

    If that is truly what you think, you might want to avoid writing things like "Also forget about moderation if you want to achieve."

    Some people may find lasting success through permanently eliminating certain foods from their diets. But many others have found success with moderation. Telling a new user to "forget about moderation" isn't helpful.
  • Jalita1
    Jalita1 Posts: 13 Member
    Wow. My first post ever started with a bang. Haha
  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    Why would i avoid giving advice which brings great results? It may not be your system. But it works. I'm not gonna stop believing in something which works well. When did you get to decide 'what isnt helpful' or saying 'avoid writing things like this'? If it is not your mentality then don't listen. Ppl can take in what ever information they can and make things work for them.....
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    Why would i avoid giving advice which brings great results? It may not be your system. But it works. I'm not gonna stop believing in something which works well. When did you get to decide 'what isnt helpful' or saying 'avoid writing things like this'? If it is not your mentality then don't listen. Ppl can take in what ever information they can and make things work for them.....

    Well when you say "forget about moderation if you want to achieve."... there is an instant conflict with a lot of MFP's members who are very successful and eat whatever they want in moderation... check the success stories thread section.
  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    Jalita1 wrote: »
    Wow. My first post ever started with a bang. Haha

    Ha ha ha ha. Hope you got some helpful info out of this lol ;)

  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    Why would i avoid giving advice which brings great results? It may not be your system. But it works. I'm not gonna stop believing in something which works well. When did you get to decide 'what isnt helpful' or saying 'avoid writing things like this'? If it is not your mentality then don't listen. Ppl can take in what ever information they can and make things work for them.....

    Well when you say "forget about moderation if you want to achieve."... there is an instant conflict with a lot of MFP's members who are very successful and eat whatever they want in moderation... check the success stories thread section.

    There will be lots of great success stories. Its just my personal belief that we can be the best by eating as well as we can.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    Why would i avoid giving advice which brings great results? It may not be your system. But it works. I'm not gonna stop believing in something which works well. When did you get to decide 'what isnt helpful' or saying 'avoid writing things like this'? If it is not your mentality then don't listen. Ppl can take in what ever information they can and make things work for them.....

    Why would you give advice in definite terms when you freely admit that it is your personal experience and other people will not have it work for them? You don't know anything about OP. It's unkind to advise a newbie to "forget moderation" when you don't even know if she is like you (willing to never again have a piece of cake in her entire life) or like the many successful maintainers here who sometimes have cake.

    Why not say "This is what has worked for me" from the beginning?
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    Why would i avoid giving advice which brings great results? It may not be your system. But it works. I'm not gonna stop believing in something which works well. When did you get to decide 'what isnt helpful' or saying 'avoid writing things like this'? If it is not your mentality then don't listen. Ppl can take in what ever information they can and make things work for them.....

    Well when you say "forget about moderation if you want to achieve."... there is an instant conflict with a lot of MFP's members who are very successful and eat whatever they want in moderation... check the success stories thread section.

    There will be lots of great success stories. Its just my personal belief that we can be the best by eating as well as we can.

    Right... ok.
  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    Why would i avoid giving advice which brings great results? It may not be your system. But it works. I'm not gonna stop believing in something which works well. When did you get to decide 'what isnt helpful' or saying 'avoid writing things like this'? If it is not your mentality then don't listen. Ppl can take in what ever information they can and make things work for them.....

    Why would you give advice in definite terms when you freely admit that it is your personal experience and other people will not have it work for them? You don't know anything about OP. It's unkind to advise a newbie to "forget moderation" when you don't even know if she is like you (willing to never again have a piece of cake in her entire life) or like the many successful maintainers here who sometimes have cake.

    Why not say "This is what has worked for me" from the beginning?

    If i would have said at the start of my first relpy "This is what has worked for me", would you have not got your jimmies rustled so much? You would have started moaning anyway. All i said to OP was that from the diet log there are better things to eat than pizza and peanut butter lol.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    My father donated a kidney to my mother, at ages 71 and 69 respectively. It was a very positive experience for my whole family.

    Getting in the habit of tracking now is a great idea. After the surgery, there will be a period of time when you need to eat carefully and get quite a bit of protein as you recover. If you are already in the habit of tracking, you are making things much easier for yourself.

    Of course clean eating is an amorphous concept, but moving in the direction of eating less high-fat, high-salt, processed food is a good idea for long-term health. With only one kidney, you may find that your blood pressure goes up a bit or becomes harder to manage as you age. A cleaner diet will be helpful in dealing with this.

    Good luck to you!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Good post Azulvioleta, I was just thinking along the after op lines too, you put down what I was thinking so well. Nice to hear from someone with a past experience.

    Cheers, h.
  • mmnv79
    mmnv79 Posts: 538 Member
    I just wanted to say good on you for donating your kidney, you are very brave. That is an amazing thing to do and I wish both you and the other person all the best.
  • Jalita1
    Jalita1 Posts: 13 Member
    My father donated a kidney to my mother, at ages 71 and 69 respectively. It was a very positive experience for my whole family.

    Getting in the habit of tracking now is a great idea. After the surgery, there will be a period of time when you need to eat carefully and get quite a bit of protein as you recover. If you are already in the habit of tracking, you are making things much easier for yourself.

    Of course clean eating is an amorphous concept, but moving in the direction of eating less high-fat, high-salt, processed food is a good idea for long-term health. With only one kidney, you may find that your blood pressure goes up a bit or becomes harder to manage as you age. A cleaner diet will be helpful in dealing with this.

    Good luck to you!

    Thank you for the tips.

  • Jalita1
    Jalita1 Posts: 13 Member
    mmnv79 wrote: »
    I just wanted to say good on you for donating your kidney, you are very brave. That is an amazing thing to do and I wish both you and the other person all the best.
    Thank you. Never something I thought I would do in a million years, but God just lead me to this and has given me such a peace about it that there is no doubt.