It's been three weeks!

I've been using myfitnesspal for three weeks now and have already lost 10 pounds. I usually hit my calorie goal or just go over but it's been easier to stay under lately. Feel free to follow!


  • aholowka1
    aholowka1 Posts: 14 Member
    Great work! I have been at it for a little over 2 weeks and have lost 5.6lbs. I have the calorie thing down and now need to start working on exercise. That is going to be the difficult part for me. Once I start I am good but getting the motivation to start is the problem. One day at a time. Good luck, seems you are doing great so far! Feel free to add me.
  • noraofthefuture
    noraofthefuture Posts: 38 Member
    Wow, that's great! Keep up the good work! Add me for mfp motivation!
  • tkdchick1985
    tkdchick1985 Posts: 12 Member
    Great progress so far and welcome :) Feel free to add me!