Just started on this Site/Diet

DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
This is my first day on this site and i am looking to lose 100lbs. I hope to find motivation on this site because for some reason its hard for me to just do it. "/ Does anybody have any advice?


  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    Welcome! You're in great company here.

    Honestly, I would just say, take it one day at a time. Everyday you're good on your diet is one more day towards the new you! Set mini goals too, those will help keep you motivated. If you would like, feel free to add me.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    That wasnt very good introduction... Let me get a lil more into detail about myself. Im a 25 year old single mom who goes to school and work both full time. I have hypothyroidism and its my biggest insecurity and downfall when it comes to my weight. I had gone on a diet before and was down to my goal weight... & then i got pregnant, having toxemia I gained 100lbs... well that was 3 years ago and I have yet to lose the weight. I am tired of feeling sorry for myself and unhealthy... Tired of looking in the mirror and only seeing the bad about myself. Its time for me to do something about it! So i googled and found this site and it seems encouraging so I figured I would try it out. :smile:
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member

    My best bit of advice. Don't think of this as a diet. Diet's end. To make it last make it a lifestyle change. But the other most important thing I can tell you... is always believe in yourself. Because you can do it!

    Welcome to MFP. You will find great resources here to help you log and keep track of your work. AND ADD FRIENDS!!!! nothing helps more than a group of people who are in the same boat you are in rooting you on. Wit that said, add me if you like!
  • booberj
    booberj Posts: 69
    welcome to the site... like you I'm in the 100+ lbs to lose club... these guys are great for giving motivation... you'll find plenty of help here... add me if you'd like
  • wysmom2000
    wysmom2000 Posts: 101 Member
    Set achievable small goals, open your profile and food diary, accept criticism for your poor choices and praise for your good ones, read the message boards religiously for helpful information and never, ever give up. This is the best "community" that I have found dealing with weight loss issues. Although I did not have quite as much to lose as you do, it was just spinning my wheels until I came here and followed the "plan". Good luck to you!
  • Lissaannco
    Lissaannco Posts: 39 Member
    I completely agree, this is definitely a "lifestyle" change!! Many of us have found out over the years that diets don't work, you have to change your lifestyle! My husband and I (we've been on here since March) have decided that we aren't going to deprive ourselves of foods that we enjoy (with the exception of fast foods!), we just control the portions and the frequency that we have them. One thing to remember is to log your food, if you go over on your calories, don't sweat it! Exercise, exercise, exercise...enough said. I personally have found that I feel 100% better during the day if I get my workout in. Rest days I tend to get cranky and not very fun to be around, so I always try to make sure I go for a swim or a walk. Feel free to add me if you would like, I'm on here daily and try to support my friends in their journey! Remember this is a journey and it won't happen overnight (sometimes I forget this if the scale is not doing what I want it to do!), but you CAN do this!! This site has been an amazing tool for me and I know it will be for you as well!!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Thank you everybody for your response and advice. I have tried many other diet sites before and this being my first day on here i already feel like this one is gna work out for me. :happy:
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