lose weight with the law of attraction?



  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Pfftt. Stop harshing the buzz on my good vibration excitation spontaneity.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited August 2015
    Carnhot wrote: »
    This would be funny were it not for the flip side; this sort of thinking causes some people to believe that they deserve the bad things which happen to them, which may sometimes be true but more often, I would suspect, isn't. I hate the thought of people with, for example, inoperable cancers, being led to believe that the reason they don't get well, or even that they have the cancer in the first place, is that they don't have enough "positivity". (I know what it means, so I'll use it.)

    That isn't how it works, and no one believes in it in the way you just said. When reading about law of attraction and positivity it clicks with some people and with others it just doesn't. So when you read about it you either understand it or you forget it and move on. But it is ridiculous to say being and feeling positive is somehow harmful even in life situations like you described.

    Are you kidding? SO many people say stupid things like that when someone gets really sick. The sick person had a "bad attitude", they were "too stressed" (ie they reacted inappropriately), made bad life decisions... Stress can be a factor in immune health, but it doesn't give you cancer, for crying out loud. People with cancer do not make themselves sick bc of negative thoughts. The idea is disgusting. And yes, people absolutely say this kind of crap all the time.

    As for the "law of attraction" - well, confidence, goal-setting, visualization, and holding certain expectancies about yourself and how others should react to you can work as a self fulfilling prophecy if everything else in the objective world lines up with those expectations. If you don't occupy a position in society that gives you opportunities to act in accordance with your expectations, or if you get stuck with a s**t sandwich instead of a silver spoon, your luck might just suck, regardless of your attitude, expectations, or beliefs.
  • ldg2779
    ldg2779 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you for comments to all of you people now i know the answer i will just have gratitude to my life and be happy with positive mindset and act propery.
  • EmmaKennedy2
    EmmaKennedy2 Posts: 1 Member
    people need to realise that they need to develop a habit before they can follow any type of diet.the number one reason why it's so hard for people to lose weight is basically our habits which is controlled by our subconscious mind ,for example every new years when people decide to lose weight they go to the gym for about a week and end up going back to their old routine of eating unhealthy foods and not feeling motivated to work out ,
    but once you change that habit ,your subconscious will make you do the right things on auto pilot without even thinking about it and feel any resistance towards it,there's no such thing as a magic pill/diet that people out there keep on advertising ,it comes down to developing that new habit.
    i've been using this method that makes you create that new positive habit EASILY and i haven't been missing out on days of going to the gym or do i ever feel tempted to eat junk food,if you want to know how to do this go to this website [url=" http://subconciousmindzone.com/2015/06/15/subconscious-mind-tools"] subconciousmindzone.com/2015/06/15/subconscious-mind-tools[/url]
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    ldg2779 wrote: »
    Thank you for comments to all of you people now i know the answer i will just have gratitude to my life and be happy with positive mindset and act propery.

    And I think that's the point. Yes, you have to go do things for yourself, but a positive mindset will help you do that. If you want to think happy thoughts because you gives you energy and motivation, that's great, so take that energy and motivation and turn it into action.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    nm212 wrote: »
    Honestly, I am a big believer in the law of attraction but I don't think that you are interpreting it right. If that's what it truly means, then it's probably B.S. My take on it , is that you need to change your perspective on the food you put into your body and develop a better relationship with food. When you feel at peace with yourself AKA love yourself, you will not crave the same types of food that you did before....because you are raising your vibration to that of love! If you nourish yourself, then you will want to put healthy foods into your diet. It doesn't mean you should just sit there and keep wishing for something to change. You need to take action on your desires BUT in order to do that , you need to raise your vibration to that of love first!
    Usually after I love myself, I'm craving a sandwich.

    I used to crave a cigarette.

    Then I quit.

    Smoking. ;)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    If you are practicing optimism and visualising a future where you are fit, healthy, and making positive food choices, chances are you'll notice the fresh fruit bowl in the lobby sooner, and take the stairs to the office more often.