What made YOU decide it's time to change?



  • kkzmom11
    kkzmom11 Posts: 220 Member
    edited August 2015
    some of my reasons are similar/same as others. most important to me
    1. i want to be able to walk and "hike" with my husband, whether it be 2 miles or 6.
    2. i want my mother's tapes to stop in my head and when she stands in front of me
    3. i don't want or need to be the trophy wife, but i want my husband to be proud of me for what i accomplished
    4. i want to be able to use the stairs at work and, for those in Cincinnati, OH, Mt Adams
    5. i want my husband to stop worrying about what "diet" i am on today.
    6. and MY selfish reason, I want to be proud to have my picture taken.........at any time (tho not nekid. LOL)

    BTW, i am keeping a picture of myself, though not at my highest weight, DEFINITELY shows how lazy i've become. my husband is smiling next to me. I don't want to look like a beached whale anymore.
  • ksboyd20
    ksboyd20 Posts: 21 Member
    #1 We are being stationed in Italy next year and I don't want to be a "fat american"
    Their clothes run smaller and I want to be able to shop there without walking in and walking right back out because nothing would fit.
    #2 I just turned 34 and I want to live the rest of my 30s looking good.
    #3 I refuse family photos because I hate the way my body looks in them these days. My kids aren't getting any younger.
  • Eri0515
    Eri0515 Posts: 85 Member

    jstyles49 wrote: »
    I broke my ankle and was bedridden and when i went back to work my shirts didnt fit and my belts were uncomfortable. Also, i figured it was cheaper to lose weight than buy a whole new wardrobe. I'm down 19.7 pounds in about six weeks so far

    Buying new clothes is so expensive. Now that I'm on this journey, I wish I had saved my old clothes that I got too fat to fit into!
  • hockeyliz
    hockeyliz Posts: 2 Member
    My ah hah gotta do it moment was when my Dr looked at me this summer after dealing with worse than usual knee pain for months and told me I have arthritis at the ripe old age of 35 and that I need to see an orthopedic surgeon to decide what needs to be done with my knee and deciding on short and long term treatment. I know that reducing the weight that I have been carrying for most of my adult life despite having an active lifestyle needs to go once and for all to prolong the inevitable knee replacement that is somewhere in my future.
  • Heydew
    Heydew Posts: 54 Member
    "Did you know obesity is considered a disease?"

    This is the way my doctor brought it up. I think that was the straw that broke the camels back.

    I've been very down about my self esteem for a while. I hated the way I looked in clothes. I hated all the folds of fat I had. I didn't want people to look at my husband and I and think "why is he with her?" And I didn't want to be obese.

    I'm not even half way through my journey but I have lost around 32 lbs since April. I'm still struggling with my self esteem but I do feel in a much better place than I was. And it feels good knowing that I can lose weight. Just watch me, I'm going to get to that healthy weight. ;)
  • akboy58
    akboy58 Posts: 137 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    some really bad blood work that illustrated that I was very much on the same health issues path as my dad who died at the ripe old age of 62...I was 38 when I started out a few years ago...I am a father of two young boys and I determined that I wanted to see them become men and have families of their own.

    I really could care less about the weight...I was never unhappy with my weight or anything. It was the health scare that got me. I didn't want to be that guy that leaves his wife and babies behind when there's something that can be proactively accomplished to remedy the situation.

    Three years later and all of my blood work is in the good to optimal range. The only meds I take currently are for my hypertension which would not appear to be a result of diet and exercise, but rather hereditary. In RE to heredity, I still fight an uphill battle...diet and exercise have fixed a great many things for me at least for the moment...but I won't be surprised if down the road issues arise simply due to heredity; particularly cholesterol.

    A nice bonus of all this good livin' is that I dropped 40 - 50 Lbs or so.

    Health issues did it for me, too. At 255 lbs the extra weight was constantly aggravating a back injury, and I was pre-diabetic. But it was the diagnosis of severe sleep apnea that made me get off my butt -- I have a horror of those cpap machines, so I made a deal with my doctor: give me six months to lose some weight, and in the meantime we take the cpap off the table. 18 months later I'm down 80 lbs, off one blood pressure med and tapering off another, stellar bloodwork, and the apnea's disappeared. Just wish I'd done it a decade ago!
  • carlyp79
    carlyp79 Posts: 95 Member
    KarlaH9801 wrote: »
    carlyp79 wrote: »
    wonna13 wrote: »
    carlyp79 wrote: »
    So many reasons...
    1. I have twin girls who turn 3 in December. I want to be happy to be in pictures with them
    2. I want my girls to see a strong and healthy mother as a role model, and not to hate their bodies like my mother does
    3. I have rampant diabetes in my family
    4. My Mom gave me some shorts she was getting rid of or bought from a Thrift shop - they were very tight, and I even wore a size larger than I normally wear (like a glove!)
    5. I take ages getting dressed because I hate how I look
    6. I have lots and lots of clothing that i cant wear because they are too small now
    7. I would like my husband to have a confident and sexy wife again (and it still is me!! hahaha)
    8. My husband has an autoimmune disease, and I need to be healthy incase I am suddenly the only one left to look after our girls
    9. I think we will be moving house in about 10 months and I need to be able to pack and lift as much as I used to!

    I'm sure I could go on, but that's plenty.
    Number 7 is me. I want to be a trophy wife. I want people to think she is with him for the money. lol lol (he don't have any). I know that is vain. That's the other side of being healthy. Number 2 is me too. My little girl will be 3 in october. I can't keep blaming the baby weight either.

    Haha, trophy wife! I was thinking that when I get to my goal weight I should get a shirt that says 'trophy wife'.
    I could get it now but the irony would be monstrous... :-D
    I want to stop the cycle of yoyo diets and body hating in my family. My girls are so different, one is much heavier and broader (so muscly!) and the other is tall, bendy and wispy - I will destroy anybody that makes them feel awful about their bodies.
    ^YES!!! My girls are the same, and I ONLY discuss health/fitness/healthy food choices NOT weight. I have lost a lot, but I want them to focus on being healthy, not a certain number on the scale!!!!

    I always say 'You're so heavy!' when I pick one of the girls up... she's 17-18kg and not even 3 years old. Her sister is almost 2kg lighter.
    I go to the gym most mornings before they get out of bed, and my husband gets them up and gives them a drink. They know I go to this place called 'gym', and they have been told that 'Mummy is getting strong'. When I get home they ask if I went to the gym, one of them worries over my wet (sweaty) hair, and the other flexes her arms and says 'Mummy getting strong...uuunnnghhhh!'
    My father and brothers were awful, they used to constantly rate the women they see, checking out anything large breasted that moves, and generally perving on anything female. Grumbling about a woman having small breasts and a bigger bottom...commenting on my thighs if I wore a short dress...large hips just referred to as 'child bearing hips' etc.
    I would probably be a completely different person if I hadn't been so self conscious and terrified of being seen and judged as a child/teen. I have spent a large part of my adult life undoing all their criticism, and nobody deserves that.
  • michelepiper940
    michelepiper940 Posts: 29 Member
    I started having difficulty breathing, night sweats. not happy with the way my body looked in the mirror. I felt sluggish, had no energy.
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