Tried everything! tired & close to break down!



  • GirlBossGoals
    GirlBossGoals Posts: 49 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    Search the term "recomposition". I think you're focusing on the wrong goals. You should focus on lowering your Body Fat%, not your scale weight.

    just searching now!

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    wow, three whole months huh?

    in my experience, when people are "trying everything" they tend to lack consistency over time and patience...all of which are requisites.

    a fitness body doesn't come from working out for a couple of months and is a bi-product of living that lifestyle over time...three months is nothing.

    that made me cry... i need 10 yhears to lose weight, no hope for me?

    There is a lot of time between 3 months and 10 years. I'm betting you could do it in one year, if you really apply yourself.
  • GirlBossGoals
    GirlBossGoals Posts: 49 Member
    If you are unhappy where you are at...then THE LAST THING YOU SHOULD DO IS GIVE UP! You need to have patience... It took me 1 year to lose 35 lbs...but doing it in a sustainable way makes it a lifestyle change. Hang in there. We are all in the same boat.
    i know but i have been trying for years, losing patience and next year starting again...
  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    wow, three whole months huh?

    in my experience, when people are "trying everything" they tend to lack consistency over time and patience...all of which are requisites.

    a fitness body doesn't come from working out for a couple of months and is a bi-product of living that lifestyle over time...three months is nothing.

    that made me cry... i need 10 yhears to lose weight, no hope for me?

    Nobody can put a clear timeline on what you can achieve. 3 months can make a massive difference, particularly with you being not being over weight to start with. I lost 49 pounds of fat in the last 5 months and put 7 pounds of muscle on. You just need to focus on resistance training, keep doing some cardio, and getting a clean diet. In 3 months you could have made a massive change :smile:
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    edited August 2015
    You can abuse me now. yes im stupid, role models all that... but why on earth no one want to accept the fact I just want to have healthy skinny body?? how come the fitness girls can do and this is acceptable but with normal girl it ''must be something wrong with her''??

    If you're talking about fitness models, most will have an 'off season' when their body fat is higher. Aspiring to look like them is another unrealisitic goal.

    I recommend reading this:
  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    You can abuse me now. yes im stupid, role models all that... but why on earth no one want to accept the fact I just want to have healthy skinny body?? how come the fitness girls can do and this is acceptable but with normal girl it ''must be something wrong with her''??

    If you're talking about fitness models, most will have an 'off season' when their body fat is higher. Aspiring to look like them is another unrealisitic goal.

    I recommend reading this:

    Yeah. basically fitness model look that way only a couple of times a year for photo shoots. In real life they are not perfect all year round. Some of the ones who become obsessed with looking that good every day end up becoming ill, or worse.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    You have to want it enough to stick with it. If you give up you are guaranteed not to succeed. Whereas if you keep trying, you at least have the chance of getting there. Plus, just the act of trying will make you feel better about your weight ("yes, I'm overweight, but I'm doing something about it.")
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    wow, three whole months huh?

    in my experience, when people are "trying everything" they tend to lack consistency over time and patience...all of which are requisites.

    a fitness body doesn't come from working out for a couple of months and is a bi-product of living that lifestyle over time...three months is nothing.

    that made me cry... i need 10 yhears to lose weight, no hope for me?

    you're missing the point entirely. the betterment of yourself in all aspects is a result of doing things over time, not just doing things for a couple of months. I live a fitness centric and nutritionally driven lifestyle...thus I'm fit and healthy and maintain a healthy weight.

    It took me almost a year to lose about 40 Lbs...that was almost 3 years ago...since then I've been training and eating right...two years later I'm the same weight, but I'm down to 12% BF vs same weight on the scale, but leaner...but yeah...time and patience...this isn't some t.v. show.
  • jessica22222
    jessica22222 Posts: 375 Member
    Ermygawd! You look beautiful if that's your profile pic. The most sexy thing a woman can have is self confidence. No ones looking at small fat rolls or anything like that. I'm Telling you, everyone loves confidence and it doesn't matter how great you look, without it everyone can see your weak self esteem, which comes off as needy for attention which is not sexy. Find out how to give that a boost. Cancelling a holiday over how "fat" you are is no way to live a life. A tad obsessive. I hope you can get over that attitude because it ain't healthy.

    this is 2005 picture 10 years ago.. i was 43kg kilo's then...

    lol! K I had 2 kids and my body will never be the same. I'm not crying over the stretch marks on my belly, my saggy boobs or my hoohoo. I won't ever be 10 years ago. You can't turn back time. Like I said being happy with who you are is the best thing for your mind and spirit. Patience and perseverance like many people you see on here will get you where you want to be.
  • steph2strong
    steph2strong Posts: 426 Member
    HITT stands for High Intensity Interval Training, it is an effective cardio method for weight loss. You can find some simple HITT routines online. If you don't have any equipment the best thing to do is lace up your sneakers and run ( I run). Essentially you want to intersperse high intensity bursts (all out sprints) with recovery. Ex, 5 minute warm up, 30 second sprint, one minute recovery X 10, 5 minute cool down. Plyometrics are explosive body weight exercises (jump squats, burps, jump lunges, power push-ups, etc). You can find good plyometric routines on-line. You only need running shoes and an open space to do it in. HITT and plyometrics are intense forms of exercise and you should work at your own level and progress slowly because if you do too much too soon you can injure yourself. Oxygen Magazine, FitnessRX for Her, fitness blender and pop sugar all have home routines. Combine with diet (I used to be 40-45% carb, 40-45% protein, 15% fat before I eat 45-50% carb, 30-35% protein, 25% fat... I'm 20 weeks pregnant) and it's a good way to start. You won't see changes over night but with time and dedication you should start to see changes in your body composition.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Profile picture is from 2005- its my goal to look again like that! I was 43kg!!! ( i dont want to be 43 but 47)I want to look the same but i dont care about the scale, i just want to get rid of the belly fat & arms.

    EDIT- I a not about the scale! I am only only about the areas!! only arm and hips! exercise them daily for 30min! Agin, not a scale is my goal but areas, okey?
    I know there are going to be comments that this is not healthy etc. but this is not the point! I am 158 and got 50kg which is absolutely healthy and normal weight but I do struggle with self acceptance. I am trying to lose since May. It go down do 47, next day to be 50 again. I am exercising, eating healthy. I totally ditched white bread& potatoes. I have pretty bad ''love handles'' or whatever the area is called and fatty arms. No exercise or diet is helping to get rid of it. even if one week I am happy the next it all comes back! I know for some people I am ok, but I can't accept that. I feel like a little fatty thing on the beach. I am comparing myself to other all the time.Whatever anyone says- is just doesn't wok. Is inside my head. People who says im ok only just p*** me off because I know how I look like. There is nothing I can do.

    How come girls are on diet for 2 months and lose weight and I cant work areas since May??
    I do strenght exrecise 30min a day 2-3 times a week and walk to work fast 5km a day.

    I cant d anymore exercise neither eat less. If i go on strict diet I do for 2 weeks, im miserable & hungry. If I eat normal ( heatlhy porrigge, fruits veg - no fasts food, smoothies & water) im feeling ok, but I look bloated no matter what!

    I geunine dont have time to exercise everyday day as I work 12h a day and im tired! I also had bad hand breakge and I cant lift heavy.

    I dont want to ''just accept myself'' and live with fat hips and big arms! It looks aweful!
    I wear size 6 tops and 8 trousers. My fat & belly sticked out of trousers always!! and top with long sleeve are very tight. If i buy size bigger trousers then fall off or top look ''to big'' but arm wis is ok.

    I am thining to cancel my holiday as i cant stand the fact that i tried for soo many months and i still have fat around my belly & hips.

    I know some of you will say perfect.. but funny enough... only girls who are 'bigger'' than me saying im ok, and slimmer girls agree.

    I dont want to accept my fat, its not looking good! if you look at me you ''can tell i dont exercise'' but i do exercise!

    You can abuse me now. yes im stupid, role models all that... but why on earth no one want to accept the fact I just want to have healthy skinny body?? how come the fitness girls can do and this is acceptable but with normal girl it ''must be something wrong with her''??

    What do you do for 12 hrs a day?
    Can you exercise during your lunch hour?
    Can you try to exercise during your shift?
    I get that your tired after a 12 hour shift, who wouldn't be.. can you try P90X, or Insanity for 30-45min a day?
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    If that is you in the profile then I am confused???
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    If that is you in the profile then I am confused???

    OP says that picture is ten years old and she no longer looks like that.
  • GirlBossGoals
    GirlBossGoals Posts: 49 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    wow, three whole months huh?

    in my experience, when people are "trying everything" they tend to lack consistency over time and patience...all of which are requisites.

    a fitness body doesn't come from working out for a couple of months and is a bi-product of living that lifestyle over time...three months is nothing.

    that made me cry... i need 10 yhears to lose weight, no hope for me?

    Nobody can put a clear timeline on what you can achieve. 3 months can make a massive difference, particularly with you being not being over weight to start with. I lost 49 pounds of fat in the last 5 months and put 7 pounds of muscle on. You just need to focus on resistance training, keep doing some cardio, and getting a clean diet. In 3 months you could have made a massive change :smile:

    I could have but it didnt change a single 1cm!! I am still looking same as I started 4 months ago...
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    wow, three whole months huh?

    in my experience, when people are "trying everything" they tend to lack consistency over time and patience...all of which are requisites.

    a fitness body doesn't come from working out for a couple of months and is a bi-product of living that lifestyle over time...three months is nothing.

    that made me cry... i need 10 yhears to lose weight, no hope for me?

    Nobody can put a clear timeline on what you can achieve. 3 months can make a massive difference, particularly with you being not being over weight to start with. I lost 49 pounds of fat in the last 5 months and put 7 pounds of muscle on. You just need to focus on resistance training, keep doing some cardio, and getting a clean diet. In 3 months you could have made a massive change :smile:

    I could have but it didnt change a single 1cm!! I am still looking same as I started 4 months ago...

    Are you counting calories?
  • rhyolite_
    rhyolite_ Posts: 188 Member
    What WBB55 is trying to tell you is that if your goal is to look better rather than see a specific scale number, then you need to look into weight lifting (recomposition). If you are doing recomp, the scale won't tell you much of anything, since it may not change at all even though you have clearly changed your body composition.

    Also, I don't understand why you're preemptively angry with everyone. You got one post making a suggestion to help you get to your goals and you reacted really negatively to it.
  • Bacchants
    Bacchants Posts: 92 Member
    What do you do for work? Is there a way you could add body weight exercises into your day?

    Where I work we have a really big ladies toilet/changing room thing and throughout the day I'll do some bodyweight stuff. Could you go on your days off?

    Do you have the money to have some personal training sessions? As if you train with someone good they should be able to work round your broken hand and help work up to heavier weights.
  • GirlBossGoals
    GirlBossGoals Posts: 49 Member
    rhyolite_ wrote: »
    What WBB55 is trying to tell you is that if your goal is to look better rather than see a specific scale number, then you need to look into weight lifting (recomposition). If you are doing recomp, the scale won't tell you much of anything, since it may not change at all even though you have clearly changed your body composition.

    Also, I don't understand why you're preemptively angry with everyone. You got one post making a suggestion to help you get to your goals and you reacted really negatively to it.

    I am angry with myself, .. better I am pis*** off with my body that the belly fat or arms didnt moved since 4months now.. i cant lift... i have had wrist injury(very badly one)

    For past days, all my ''bigger'' frien ds keep telling me i look fine. Yes for them, not for myself.

    I dont attacked anyone here, I am just trying to get realistic and make sure people read what i wrote as few thngs were missed, scale goal, picture etc.
  • GirlBossGoals
    GirlBossGoals Posts: 49 Member

    What do you do for 12 hrs a day?
    Can you exercise during your lunch hour?
    Can you try to exercise during your shift?
    I get that your tired after a 12 hour shift, who wouldn't be.. can you try P90X, or Insanity for 30-45min a day?
    no a chance, i work in office, i don t get breaks either. i eat by computer, tr to sneak for a walk or get fresh air but thats it/ I an only exercise in the morning
  • GirlBossGoals
    GirlBossGoals Posts: 49 Member
    lovellm122 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    wow, three whole months huh?

    in my experience, when people are "trying everything" they tend to lack consistency over time and patience...all of which are requisites.

    a fitness body doesn't come from working out for a couple of months and is a bi-product of living that lifestyle over time...three months is nothing.

    that made me cry... i need 10 yhears to lose weight, no hope for me?

    Nobody can put a clear timeline on what you can achieve. 3 months can make a massive difference, particularly with you being not being over weight to start with. I lost 49 pounds of fat in the last 5 months and put 7 pounds of muscle on. You just need to focus on resistance training, keep doing some cardio, and getting a clean diet. In 3 months you could have made a massive change :smile:

    I could have but it didnt change a single 1cm!! I am still looking same as I started 4 months ago...

    Are you counting calories?

    I used to.. but stopped. Eat pretty much the same as I was sticking to 1200calories a day