How do "single" moms fit lots of exercise in?

Hello, Im actually not single but my husband does work away alot and isn't home much.....SO - what do you mom's (full time working mom's I should indicate!) do to get all your exercise in plus keep your "shite" together? (clean house, food prepped, kids got all there needs and dah dah dah) Looking for some sweet tips here ladies! Thank you!


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    If exercise is a priority, then you make time for it just like you would shopping for food, or helping kids with homework.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    When my 3 were younger we used to cycle together. When they were even younger they used to cycle and I ran along beside them. When they were babies I ran with their pram. 30 minutes a day is enough.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    i run with my daughter, i hit the gym while shes at school

    but im not a working mum (had to give up work when my daughter was born too early, too sick and disabled and now i spend my days in appointments with her, about her and helping out at her school since im a parent forum member and we fundraise, hold events, coffee mornings etc ) so i dont count
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    I think they must get up at the *kitten* crack of dawn!! Ha Ha I am trying to figure out how to fit it in myself. I would like to build my workouts into my house cleaning ( like lunges while vaccuming, plank while scrubbing the floor, etc. ) It's all about multi-tasking :) I will let you know how it goes.
  • Leka1000
    Leka1000 Posts: 160 Member
    whouwannab wrote: »
    I think they must get up at the *kitten* crack of dawn!! Ha Ha I am trying to figure out how to fit it in myself. I would like to build my workouts into my house cleaning ( like lunges while vaccuming, plank while scrubbing the floor, etc. ) It's all about multi-tasking :) I will let you know how it goes.

    Yay! I like your way of thinking! I walking during lunch breaks for 20-30min during lunch breaks 3 times a week and I lift weights at home 2-3 nights a week (sometimes with toddler playing next to me and sometimes after he goes to bed) I find it very difficult to get myself to do it as there's always cleaning to do or im already tired and just wanna go to bed...I wish I had mega energy - that would be awesome!

  • AshleyGurganus
    AshleyGurganus Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I know that being a mom, especially a mom that doesn't have much help, makes it hard to find the time to exercise. I, too, had this problem. You need to slowly incorporate it in to your daily routine. Fit exercise in when your kids are napping, playing with toys, or schedule a time when they can color/play with play dough/arts and crafts so that they are entertained while you are getting fit! I am here to help, if you need the encouragement or advice.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    How do you define "a lot" of exercise? and why do you think you need "a lot" of exercise. you need regular exercise...30-60 minutes 5-6 days per week is just fine...

    you don't need to be doing hours upon hours of exercise every day to be healthy and fact, over exercise can be just as harmful as no exercise.
  • LolaKarwowski
    LolaKarwowski Posts: 217 Member
    My gym has a daycare. I make sure to go when the daycare is open.

    Eating is all me. I choose to eat a healthy balanced diet daily.

    If you're gym does not have a daycare and you have no other options for childcare, find some great at home workouts (there's a bunch online) and do that while the kiddos sleep.

    Make it one of your priorities.
  • jessica22222
    jessica22222 Posts: 375 Member
    I'm much like you. Feels single because hubs is gone so much. I do Jillian michaels, strong curves and take soccer balls to the field and kick them around with my 2 and 3 year olds and if I'm really lucky can get some laps in while they pick flowers.
  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    My kids are grown now, but I was a full time working single mom. I worked out while they were at practice for whatever event or doing homework. Gymnastics? Take my yoga mat and do body weight exercises. Baseball? Take my running shoes and run the field perimeter. Football? Run the bleachers. School work? Ride the stationary bike. Movie night at home? Do lunges and pushups during popcorn breaks.

    Everything else was lesser priority...if the dishes weren't done we ate off paper, laundry was rarely folded, the bills got paid during my lunch, I grocery shopped at the corner store & cooked in the microwave.

    My kids have always said we had a great time, I was involved and I was at EVERY event. They have never said we had a clean house lol
  • earthnut
    earthnut Posts: 216 Member
    edited August 2015
    When I have the kid we jog to the playground together and I do bodyweight exercises on the play equipment while she plays. Swings are great for the abs too.
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    funjen1972 wrote: »
    My kids are grown now, but I was a full time working single mom. I worked out while they were at practice for whatever event or doing homework. Gymnastics? Take my yoga mat and do body weight exercises. Baseball? Take my running shoes and run the field perimeter. Football? Run the bleachers. School work? Ride the stationary bike. Movie night at home? Do lunges and pushups during popcorn breaks.

    Everything else was lesser priority...if the dishes weren't done we ate off paper, laundry was rarely folded, the bills got paid during my lunch, I grocery shopped at the corner store & cooked in the microwave.

    My kids have always said we had a great time, I was involved and I was at EVERY event. They have never said we had a clean house lol

    You are awesome!!!
  • emiliebecause
    emiliebecause Posts: 63 Member
    I am a single mom and the solo parent to my kids. In order to fit in exercise I commute to work by bus in the morning and then walk home at the end of the day. My kids are old enough to be home alone now so I go to the pool for waterfit or go out for a run in the evenings after everyone is fed and settled. When they are at friends houses or otherwise occupied I go for long hikes.
    I will be starting in-home resistance exercise of some sort in September.

    ps. if you have a husband or partner even if s/he is away a lot you are in no way a single parent. I have been there too and it is worlds different from being the sole provider and caregiver for the kids and the only person in the world to worry after them as a parent would. There is no comparison.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I am divorced, work a full-time job and have 3 kids ages 5, 4 and 3. I get up early (5am) and jog on my treadmill or exercise after they go to bed (around 9pm). 30 minutes 5 days a week is enough for me. They are gone with their dad Tuesdays so that night I do extra exercise and jog outside Wednesday mornings. For me, meal prep and planning is key to eating healthy. I try and cook 3 meals each night and then eat left overs and 1 pizza night. I still keep a clean house, dishes put away and feel I still get ample time to play with my kids. We go out every night and I make sure I run around with them and do minor yard work if they are occupied with playing with each other. Like previous posters have mentioned, if it's important to you, you will make the time. If you sit down and watch a 30 minute show each night, then you have time to exercise. :)
  • emiliebecause
    emiliebecause Posts: 63 Member
    This is what a typical day looks like in a nutshell:
    get everyone fed, ready and off to where they need to be

    brisk walk to bus and then from bus stop to work--about 15 minutes

    Lunch break--brisk walk after a nutritious meal

    After work-- brisk walk home --about 3 miles

    then relax at home, cook supper, hang out with kids

    around 7:30-8 go to the pool or go for a run
    maybe some yoga

    bed by 10 ish.

    Weekends include longer hikes.

    It's important that everyone in the household contributes. There is no reason whatsoever that all the drudgery should be on one person.

  • amillenium
    amillenium Posts: 281 Member
    Here is my routine:

    4:45 wake up
    5:00-600 work out
    6-8:30 get everyone ready, drop everyone off and go to work
    8:30-5:30 work (no one takes a lunch here so I eat what I have packed at my desk)
    5:30-6 pick everyone up and get home
    6-9:00 dinner, homework, bathtime, bedtime
    9-10: paperwork (school forms, random work emails) and some food prep for both the kids and me.

    I usually crash around 10 or 10:30.
  • slowrollem
    slowrollem Posts: 55 Member
    I'm a stay at home Mom with 3 kids and my husband travels a lot. I found a gym with a daycare. Although it was difficult at first to let someone else watch my kids, I found that it was a much needed break for us all.

    The kids get to socialize and have fun while I get my workout on and then I feel much more energetic and ready to tackle responsibilities at home. It's an hour out of my day.

    I prep my food once or twice a week by cooking large dishes for plenty of leftovers, pre cook, weigh and bag chicken breast and pre weigh/bag all of my go-to snacks.

    Lastly, I try my best to prelog my meals so my day is figured out for me already and I spend less time on MFP.
    Bonus: My kids are eating healthier too! It's a win for everyone!

  • Hi! :) How old is your kiddo? Mine is 4, I have her 50% of the time, otherwise i study full time and work extra. Before I became a parent, i was very tidy.. After a year i was totally exhausted and realised i had to rethink my prios... Happy Mom > Happy baby. I stopped worrying about cleaning, shopped grocerys for the whole week, and went to bed with my kiddo. In Sweden we have a saying that means aprox: 'better some dirt in the corner than a clean hell'
    So, Slept 9-5, trained at home 5-6 (crosstrainer 30 min, 15 min excercise w bodyweight, strech, shower) IF she woke up, i told her this is mommys time for training and she could watch tv. When she got older she made some excersises with me, i had her on my back while doing pushups, and made it a game for her :) (making farts while doing crunches also fun :D )
    I spent time with family and friends on weekends, made sure to take my other friends out on walks, and I explained to 'friends' why i couldnt go out on aw, take coffee all the time or be home late. Real friends understand <3 Good luck!

  • missg6984
    missg6984 Posts: 12 Member
    Outside of leg day I can get in the gym and lift with a warm up and cool down in 45 min. Long enough for the little ones to watch one show and play
  • reese00s
    reese00s Posts: 15 Member
    I work out at night in the garage. On weekend, we take bikes to the park and I walk and they bike on the path. It's tough and many nights sleep wins over a workout, but I try my best