Question on Swelling?

MonroeGe Posts: 5 Member
edited August 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
Just not sure whats up.

Basically, About a week ago I took a endurance class, now I work out five-six days a week but I don't go balls-to-the-wall so to speak. So I was excited about this class, as I'd like to put alot of effort into a workout once a week.

During the class we had to do some arm exercises. push-ups/etcs. Now I don't do push-ups alot or work my arms in general, I enjoy running/cardio, so I focus on that.. but I was nervous because the class was mostly made up of dudes, so I didn't want to seem weak.. so I sorta pushed my arms too much, they felt wobbly/weak by the end of the class but I didn't think much of it.

Got home, they were sore, not terribly so, but you could feel it. I showered went to bed and woke up with really bad arm pain/muscle pain. Not quite sure whats going on, I put ice packs on it and take hot showers and massage my arms, this lasted about four days before the pain went away..

Now my arms are pain free, but they are swollen? Not horrendously so, but it's noticeable.. Did I mess up my arms -that- badly, It wasn't like I was weightlifting or something. Not sure If I should go see my doctor or not? I've just never had swelling occur from a work out.

Just sort of upset by this entire thing, It was a super fun class and I loved being all sweaty by the end of it, but now I have to deal with this mess.. I didn't realize I was so out of shape that basically 25 push-ups can mess up my arms so much.

No other symptoms by the way, and like I said no pain.. Just rocking some pop-aye arms.. Also kinda hurting my self-esteem, my arms are already the pin-point of most of my fat and now they are even bigger.


  • MonroeGe
    MonroeGe Posts: 5 Member
    Sorry if this is the wrong place for this by the way! First post and I didn't really see a exercise help area?
  • JamestheLiar
    JamestheLiar Posts: 148 Member
    So you're saying you did some push-ups and now you're muscle's seem bigger. You may have stumbled onto something here ...
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    To me it sounds like you worked them too hard, which caused massive DOMS.
    Most likely your muscles are now retaining water while they heal.

    I am no expert though, so if this lasts too long for your idea, you might want to consult a doctor.
    However, if they don't cause further issues I see no reason not to take the class again, but you might want to start with pushups on your knees rather than your toes.
    Also, this is the correct forum.
  • MonroeGe
    MonroeGe Posts: 5 Member
    Jamloche wrote: »
    So you're saying you did some push-ups and now you're muscle's seem bigger. You may have stumbled onto something here ...

    I apologize if you're being sarcastic/joking! Just kinda upset.

    It's not muscle growth, It's literal swelling as in If I poke/touch that area it feels tights/swollen and there is a very obivous line between the swollen portion of my arm (( The upper arm)) And my lower arm. And I doubt that muscle's would appear four days after one work out.
  • JamestheLiar
    JamestheLiar Posts: 148 Member
    Actually, the pain in your arms can probably be explained by something called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). It's temporary, as you found out, and nothing to be alarmed about (even though it can be excruciating).

    I'm not sure about the swelling because it's been a week since the exercise. There is a phenomenon called, "the pump" where muscles are temporarily swollen after a workout, but I've never heard of that lasting more than a day.

    I guess we'll have to wait for the wise poster to show up.
  • MonroeGe
    MonroeGe Posts: 5 Member
    edited August 2015
    AsISmile wrote: »
    To me it sounds like you worked them too hard, which caused massive DOMS.
    Most likely your muscles are now retaining water while they heal.

    I am no expert though, so if this lasts too long for your idea, you might want to consult a doctor.
    However, if they don't cause further issues I see no reason not to take the class again, but you might want to start with pushups on your knees rather than your toes.
    Also, this is the correct forum.

    Anything I could do to help the healing process? I've been putting ice packs on it.. I'd love to take the class again, just not until my arms are good to go.

    They are already slightly better since yesterday, so I know it's going down.. but just not sure what the average wait-time would be before I should freak out about it, It's been two days since the swelling was apparent so I was thinking of waiting two more?

    Jamloche wrote: »
    Actually, the pain in your arms can probably be explained by something called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). It's temporary, as you found out, and nothing to be alarmed about (even though it can be excruciating).

    I'm not sure about the swelling because it's been a week since the exercise. There is a phenomenon called, "the pump" where muscles are temporarily swollen after a workout, but I've never heard of that lasting more than a day.

    I guess we'll have to wait for the wise poster to show up.

    I learned about DOMS shortly after.

    It's really strange to me aswell, I tried poking around on the internet but most of the posts were in regards to weightlifting. I guess I'm just alot weaker in my arms then I thought. Just really hoping I didn't like permanently harm my arm muscles or something.

    Thanks for the comments though!
  • ephiemarie
    ephiemarie Posts: 264 Member
    This almost sounds like compartment syndrome to me. Worth a check with Doctor Google perhaps?