HELP!!! First 10 pounds

Hey everyone -
So I just really started trying to lose weight and was curious what techniques people used to lose the first ten pounds? I keep fluctuating between losing 4-6 pounds...lose 2 pounds, gain 3 back. I am currently interning right now so I sit at a desk 8:30 - 5:00; class 6:15 - 8:30 and then work in retail on the weekends! I am definitely trying to watch my calorie intake and starting to exercise, but I would love any advice!

Thanks all and good luck on your weight loss journey!



  • makeachange22
    i lost ten lbs in a week by , cleanse eating day one, then eating fruit for an entire day then autmoatically changing my eating pattern. since it was my first "diet" life style change, i lost 10lbs in a week.
  • RobinMSills
    RobinMSills Posts: 27 Member
    Are you eating on a deficit? If so, make sure it's not too much. Make sure you're getting enough protein, because without muscle your weight is not going to stay off, which might be why you're fluctuating so much. Also, I like to weigh myself two times a week because sometimes something I eat makes me really retain water and that can effect the scale.

    Are you taking measurements? If you track your body fat percentage and not just your weight you will have a better idea of what's actually going on with your body.

    Watch your sodium intake, try and eat minimally processed foods. Lots of veg and good fiber!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    My first month or so was rocky. Up and down like a roller coaster. But now 4 months later things are humming right along. Try to find what works best for you. Only YOU know YOU. What you are willing to do, what you won't do. Many people join gyms, but I'm not a joiner. The to and from is a waste of time for me. I prefer exercise videos I can do at home. I also just walk the dog and ride my bike. Journaling your food, documenting your exercise is crucial. Also eating your calories and drinking as much "water" as you can. My opinion is to be pretty strict with whatever diet philosophy you use and don't keep "cheating" or "taking a day off". That will potentially delay any progress especialy in the beginning when you are trying to learn new habits. Pick a "diet" that you can fit easiest into your daily routine. Plan ahead. Plan your food, bring your food, and plan your exercise routine. The first month is the roughest. Know that this is a process and there is no "end". Personally I went for a lifestyle change. I picked regular routines and food plan that I could live with forever. Making those changes in my life was traumatic enough. I don't want to have to re-invent the wheel in a year or so. I am happy with my diet and exercise plan and can live with them forever. You'll get some good advice here on any topic you need help with. It is a great community of folks here! Welcome! = D
  • em1823
    em1823 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you to everyone!!! I really appreciate all of the great advice!