When did you notice that the weight loss was actually workin

I know what my scale numbers say, and I know how much better I feel. But today, when I put on my favorite pair of pants, and they fit better, I felt awesome. I know that it's the little things that matter, but this one actually makes my feel proud of myself. What was your first "Ah ha" moment, so to speak?


  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    My big aha moment was in being able to cross my legs comfortably....:) Great question and this will be a nice read.
  • bacarter18
    bacarter18 Posts: 48 Member
    After the first two weeks and seeing those numbers on the scale be 6 pounds less... that was exciting! But it was great to SEE and FEEL the difference... in the way my shirts from years ago fit me better... pants were looser, and shorts from last year are TOO big now! So I think my first "ah-ha!" moment was putting on a tshirt and now seeing the belly fat in the front ;)
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    This morning I put on a pair of pants and my fiance told me they were to long, I couldn't figure out what the heck was going on!! Then it hit me, OH!! it's because I've lost weight!
  • hellokatee
    hellokatee Posts: 211 Member
    This morning I put on my favorite work pants (one of the only pairs I have at the moment that aren't too small) and they were loose! I know that in no time I will be fitting back in to my skinny pants... And then even smaller sizes as I go! :smile:
  • CharNordie
    CharNordie Posts: 96 Member
    For me it was when I looked at a picture from last year and compared it to a picture I took 3 days ago. I don't even recognize that unhappy person in the first photo anymore. I'm down 18 pounds in just 2 months of being on here. I can't beleive the difference in how I feel and how much energy i have now.
  • amaried621
    amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
    Just that I felt better. After getting rid of so much unhealthy food and adding exercise into your life makes such a huge difference. I would say my A-Ha moment was when I realized that I felt awful if I didn't go to the gym. I have turned my life into a healthy one and haven't looked back since! And buying a size smaller pair of pants was another little milestone :)
  • tatesmom
    tatesmom Posts: 56 Member
    I have to agree with Sherbog...my ah-ha moment was when I sat down last week and noticed that I could cross my legs with having to grab my pant leg and pull :wink:
  • sayuri1
    sayuri1 Posts: 111
    when I tried on my favorite blouse, which I hadn't worn since high school and was able just to put it on again hahaha. I have to lose a bit more before it fits just as it did in my high school days =)
  • Kayers713
    Kayers713 Posts: 10 Member
    Mine was exactly like yours!! I first started my current job in January, and I put my dress pants on that I hadn't worn in months--I had a muffintop, red lines everywhere when I got home, and I was so mortified by it, that I wore a suit jacket every single day for a week, to cover it all up, until I could buy more pants, in the appropriate size.

    This morning, I realized I forgot to iron my clothes for today, so I went in the closet and pulled out my old dress pants since they were ironed, fought with pantyhose (in attempt to make the muffin top smaller) put them on, and whaddya know, they FIT and are LOOSE! so I took the pantyhose off, and they are STILL loose. Feels even better =]
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    WHen I dragged out the bag full of too small purchases I've made over the last year and tried them all on. And they fit!! Or were too big!
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    OOOh i like this... mine was when I hit 160 (which was a loss of 18lbs) and I didn't have to turn a certain way in the mirror or suck in my stomach in an attempt to ignore my weight and tell myself that I looked ok, even though I felt terrible about my appearance. I was totally in denial for the longest, since I've never been very thin.

    Also, tt's really nice sit down and NOT squirm to find a way to sit without the roll protuding too much. I don't miss that at all :)
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I had a few ah ha moments... I believe when I lost my first 25-30 pounds I noticed all my clothes were fitting baggy (and I start giving them away immediately, and putting on some close I hadn't fit in years--what an awesome feeling) and really what did it for me is noticing in pictures how much smaller you look...your face and just the overall bulkiness was of your body...and when my kids and others began to say...wow are you losing weight...When I lost 60 pounds...my pastor's wife came up to me and was OMG I didn't know you were losing weight...go figure we see each other weekly. Crossing my legs comfortably is a plus and oh yeah walking in heels doesn't feel so horrific either...(oh if you guys heard the heels story, you'd ROFLMBO) Also, I get a lot of open mouths now...cause I've been a big size for at least the last 8 to 10 years...I started my journey January 2010 and I cant wait for the finish product, which I'm projecting to be before the end of fall... MFP Rocks! Keeps me on track!
  • Jwls23
    Jwls23 Posts: 37 Member
    I bought some dress capri pants in August before school started but never had the chance to hem them....so I never wore them. At the end of April I pulled them out of the closet to try them on and to decide how much I needed to shorten the pants. To my shock and horror they were soo tight! I looked ridiculous in them and I wanted to cry. That is when I started on MFP. I officially started May first. I felt my first sense of real accomplishment when I put those same pants on last week. They fit perfectly and now are even a little bit loose. :)
  • shrinkinggg
    I've only been doing this for a week and a half and I already notice. I'm not as bloated. I have a bit more energy now. My skin feels better from the water.