Get rid of lower stomach



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited August 2015
    Oh yeah @psulemon genetics are a HUGE battle for me. So many women in my family have the lower tummy issues, however they have had kids. I've not, so its just really depressing for me.

    Kids or not, almost anyone can get a flat stomach or a defined stomach. Genetics will determine at what body fat % will be required. Some women can do it at 22% body fat, some need 18%..

    Read this thread
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    if its loose skin it can take up to 2 years to tighten if it will

    loose skin comes down to age, genetics, how overweight you were, how long youve been overweight, if your weight has yoyoed over the years etc

    even then a full body progressive weight lifting routine can improve the look of things
  • giggles_del
    giggles_del Posts: 7 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    I would also like to add, that you should look into a few things. First a structured weight lifting program such as: New rules of lifting for women (NROL4W), Strong Lift, Strong Curves (this one is more focused on lower body and towards women who want that booty), or starting strength. All of these are beginner workouts. There are plenty of other good routines depending on access to equipment. So if you want, let us know what access you have an we can give a few suggestions.

    Also, regarding your calories, drop your per week weight loss goal down to 1 lb or .5 lbs. This is where you should be aiming. Or what you can do is switch over to the TDEE way of tracking. TDEE = total daily energy expended or maintenance. This way of doing calories incorporates exercise into the equation and gives you a standard calorie goal to reach. So each day, you are aiming to get the same calories instead of eating more calories on workout days. Many of us prefer this way because it makes it easy to hit our macronutrients.

    If you want some helpful threads below are some good reads:

    Logging Accurately..step by step guide

    Calorie Counting 101

    A guide to get you started on your path to Sexypants.

    So NROL4W is a program, or a workout routine I can do? I have was going to the gym, but I haven't been able to go in the last 2 months due to my schedule. At home I only have a set of Dumbbells. Thank you for the time and help. I am just starting at trying to lose a few lbs and mainly tightening my body since I do have many lose skin.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    NROL4W is a structured lifting program but it also provides information on diet. You can get the book for like $15 or something like that. And while somw of the science is older (it was written in 2006), it is still fairly solid. There is also strong curves which is a structured lifting program that you can find online. It puts a lot of focus on lower body.

    For your free weights? How weight range does your set go up to?
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    i'm down forty pounds, and i've got the same problem...the Flesh Colored Fanny Pack. :)

    i'm hopeful that time and continued effort will at least minimize it, but I'm also putting in the work necessary to give myself the best possible chance of seeing it go away.

    i'll keep my fingers crossed for both of us. :)
  • giggles_del
    giggles_del Posts: 7 Member
    @psulemo I will look into them. For the weights I only have a set of 3lbs, they r not heavy. I'm working on fitting the gym in my schedule starting next week.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    @psulemo I will look into them. For the weights I only have a set of 3lbs, they r not heavy. I'm working on fitting the gym in my schedule starting next week.
    Cool. If you dont have gym access you could also purchase selecttech dumbells and resistance bands. There are some workouts that are pretty good. Generally, the limitations of those are hand strength.
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    What worked for me

    The last 15 lbs I have lost seemed to have come out of my core

    I added a few things at the suggestion of my trainer to work my core and glutes since they are joined and an improvement in one compliments the other

    Kettle bell swings and stiff leg deadlifts and regular deadlifts.

    I added long duration fairly intense cardio to dig out the body fat. I bought a bicycle and ride that thing 100 miles a week now. The drop from 34-36 waist jeans to 32 was dramatic.

    My profile pic is a month old and kind of shows the narrow waist.

    Not sure what exactly was the thing that narrowed my waist and burnt out the hip area fat. Maybe a combination of it all.

    I will say it has been the hardest fat to lose so far. Next will be the six pack fat covering the horizontal muscles.

    Just grind away mercilessly at it. It will come off eventually.