just joined

Hello my name is Koko. I have tried everything to to lose weight.If anyone can give me some helpful tips,please do so. Im willing to try anything to get this weight off.


  • eparrilla
    eparrilla Posts: 1
    Watch your calorie intake and must do excersise to get results.
  • RenaeMG
    RenaeMG Posts: 19
    Hi Koko, welcome to MFP. i have problems losing weight as well but so far this seems to be working. Well, as long as i accurately track what i eat and stick to my daily calorie limit I've had success. Some weeks aren't a good as others but they tend to be when i get lax in my calorie tracking and portion sizes. Just make sure to be patient, it won't happen over night.

    I've also found that when i start getting frustrated at my progress i read the success stories on the message boards. they are very helpful.

    good luck with your goals! i'm sure you'll meet them. :)