Weight Loss Goal - Realistic?

I have lost 30 lbs since late February and 9.5 inches from my body. My goals are listed in my signature, as far as weight loss. I don't have a realistic timeline though. I made them smaller as I get closer to my goal because I do realize the closer I get the harder it will be to shed the lbs and I won't always be able to use a 2 lb per week loss and high deficits to my advantage. So, realistically could I healthily lose 76 lbs by Christmas? Any seasoned vets that have some advice for me along the way? I'm currently eating a clean diet 80% of the time and the other 20% aren't cheat meals, I always am under or right at my calories and under on sodium and meeting my other ins perfectly. I do some cardio now, I am working up to being able to do more and more each week. I am 256 lbs now, down from 286, my all time high. I would love to be at 180 lbs by my husband's work Christmas party so I can weigh 106 lbs less than I did at the last one. :-) Thanks for any and all responses in advance.


  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    Congrats on your weight loss! But another 76 lbs by the Christmas party is almost 3 pounds a week. Most likely not realistic if you are looking to lose and maintain what you've lost. Remember that as you loose, your calorie deficit won't continue to support two pounds per week and still maintain a healthy diet.

    Continue to eat clean, exercise, and live a healthy lifestyle. Good luck!
  • KatyG0409
    KatyG0409 Posts: 74 Member
    Thank you for the reply! See, I hadn't figured the lbs per week yet, I should have done that before. I will bump it up a bit and try to lose 2 lbs per week til then. I will still have 20 to 30 lbs to go after that until I reach my ultimate goal. I would definitely settle for 200ish by then, at least I could wear a cute dress --- unlike last year.
  • JessesGirl05
    JessesGirl05 Posts: 253
    All you can do is try. my goal is to lose 73 by Jan, and ive heard that "drastic" by some. You just have to work hard and in the end, if you havent reached that goal, at least you know you are healthier, and that much closer!
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Looking at the calendar, there are about 30 weeks till Christmas. I'm not sure when the party is, but probably within a couple of weeks of that. As you probably already know, sustainable weight loss is typically at or under 2 pounds per week. So I would think that losing much more than 60 pounds between now and then would be quite difficult. It would probably be more realistic to aim for being at 200 by the time the party arrives. Though as your exercise increases you may notice more inches being lost and may end up being happier at 200 than you currently anticipate.

    I wish you much success on your journey. You will reach your goals, it might just take a bit longer than you hope.
  • MelanieP_TX
    MelanieP_TX Posts: 159 Member
    Well, it took me a little more than a year to lose 74 pounds- I think goals are simply "goals" and if that is what's keeping you on track then keep on working towards that goal. Whatever the number ends up to to be at christmas time will always be better than what it was last christmas!!!

    Sooo- just keep doing what you're doing it seems to be working. You will most likely have to tweak things along the way. Your body/mind will keep changing- this is an amazing process. :) Best of luck! Congrats to all that you have lost and hopefully you gained a few things along the way as well!
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    Losing is better than gaining. I'm trying to realize this is a lifestyle change and not about any event. God forbid the event comes and either way if you make it you feel relieved and slack off or you get disappointed. Really you have already come so far. And you have the encouragement and tools to keep going. Thats what matters.

    I just want to get the weight off and keep it off for good not matter how long it takes. I'm in it for the long haul.
  • Smith3803
    Smith3803 Posts: 5 Member
    Great job so far. I don't want to burst your great attitude but you are right it gets harder as you get closer and if there is anything you can count on between now and Christmas is that nasty word *plateau* and even if you are perfect they happen. It's your body's way of saying- Hold on a minute you are making to many changes (even if they are good) I need to adjust. Some plateau's can last weeks, many last months ( I had one that lasted 10 weeks). But don't be discouraged- with every 10lbs you will feel better and you will look better. I have lost 83 pounds total but it has taken me over 2 years. I have not been perfect by any means but what I have been is committed to a lifestyle change this is not a diet but a commitment to look at excercise and food differently. I think if you keep on this path and commit to this change you will be thrilled with the results in December! Remember there is more to it then the scale- inches and confidence go along way to looking better. Think about adding in some strength training along the way- sometimes when they scale wasn't moving the inches still come off.
    Good Luck I know you will look awesome in December!
  • KatyG0409
    KatyG0409 Posts: 74 Member
    Great advice ladies! I will be much happier than I was last Christmas, whether it is 200 or 180 lbs. I will keep working hard at it and hopefully by the time I get there the inches will have fallen off and I will look super cute in a formal dress! That's another vice for me, not acknowledging the inches and waiting for the scale victory.
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    Good Luck!!! Just do a lot of trial and error to get to where you want to be. I have been on my journey for 2 yrs and counting so far and I have just lost 30 lb -- not my highest weight loss -- the highest is 30.2 (May 12th), but I am ALMOST back there. My goal is to lose another 12.3 lbs by February 8th, 2012, my 3rd year anniversary for weight loss :) My 2nd year was pretty much a bust because I gained 2 lbs back instead of losing weight... but again I lost focus for a while... but now I'm back! :) I started MFP march 29th of this year and I have lost 6 lbs since I have used this site, but a total of 7.7 for the year so far so I am PROUD of myself :) Good Luck!!!!
  • KatyG0409
    KatyG0409 Posts: 74 Member
    Great job so far. I don't want to burst your great attitude but you are right it gets harder as you get closer and if there is anything you can count on between now and Christmas is that nasty word *plateau* and even if you are perfect they happen. It's your body's way of saying- Hold on a minute you are making to many changes (even if they are good) I need to adjust. Some plateau's can last weeks, many last months ( I had one that lasted 10 weeks). But don't be discouraged- with every 10lbs you will feel better and you will look better. I have lost 83 pounds total but it has taken me over 2 years. I have not been perfect by any means but what I have been is committed to a lifestyle change this is not a diet but a commitment to look at excercise and food differently. I think if you keep on this path and commit to this change you will be thrilled with the results in December! Remember there is more to it then the scale- inches and confidence go along way to looking better. Think about adding in some strength training along the way- sometimes when they scale wasn't moving the inches still come off.
    Good Luck I know you will look awesome in December!

    Thank you for the encouraging words! I have lost down to 185 lbs before I had my daughter (my high at that time was 255) and it was so hard trying to get that last 20 to 30 off...I ended up getting pregnant before I could get below 185, then I just gained from there. I have PCOS too so it is extra hard for me to lose. I am ecstatic at the 30 lbs in 3 months! I also realize that might not continue and to look for smaller losses as I go. It's all just part of it. I will start taking my meds for my PCOS again soon though and those always make me lose weight rapidly right after I start them. I do not modify eating or exercise, they regulate my hormones and insulin resistance and it just falls off.

    I am doing some strength training as well, dumb bells and medicine ball exercises. Also some high impact circuit training now and then. I try to switch it up and keep my body guessing so that hopefully I can avoid a full on plateau. Thank you for all of the advice! I was honestly surprised when I checked my measurements today and I was down 9.5 inches. :smile:
  • JceCarolinaGirl
    Awesome job, Katy!!! For me, setting high goals makes me strive harder. Even though I may not reach it all the time, I think I make more progress than what I would if I set a goal that I knew was attainable. Just keep doing what you're doing because it is obviously working! I'm so happy for you. :)