Starting my first bulk - any advice welcomed.



  • teamwellness9119
    teamwellness9119 Posts: 7 Member
    Bulk slow versus bulking fast. I made that mistake and it got me fat in my lower body. I didn't know before that when you bulk, you gain fat as well. I would rather bulk slow and less amounts of fat in the process than getting very high amounts of fat.
  • hybridfit88
    hybridfit88 Posts: 1 Member
    0.8g of protein per lb, 0.4-0.5g of fat per lb rest is carbs. Carbs should be primarily veggies and and whole grain with some starch on training days. No need to cycle and your focus should be on big lifts and assistance exercises that compliment them. Probably only need 4 training days a week; upper push, lower push, rest day, upper pull, lower pull, rest, rest then repeat
  • Shouliveshappy
    Shouliveshappy Posts: 161 Member
    Well.. I would say 0.4 g of fats and 0.8lbs of protein is minimum. I usually hit my protein and substitute for more fats than carbs. For satiety and hormonal balance. I feel females need a higher percentage of fats in their diet. Approx 25% to 30% of your calories should be from fats
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Well.. I would say 0.4 g of fats and 0.8lbs of protein is minimum. I usually hit my protein and substitute for more fats than carbs. For satiety and hormonal balance. I feel females need a higher percentage of fats in their diet. Approx 25% to 30% of your calories should be from fats

    The range for fats is .35-.6g per lb of lean body mass, which is generally very easy to hit when in a bulk. Using me as an example, I am 175 @ 15% (lbm = 148)

    Fats = 51-88g

    I maintain at 3000 and cut around 2400

    Fats calories = 459 - 795
    Fat percentages = 19.1% - 33.1%

    This is why it's typically not recommended to work in percentages because there is a very large range. So I can hit the minimal requirement with just less than 20%. I hit around 70-80g during my cut. During a bulk, like the OP, it's going to be very easy. Even during maintenance, it will be easy to hit the high end of the range.