No More Rants About Skinny People!

Some people labeled "skinny" are not "skinny." They're healthy. Skinny is not a flattering term. Healthy is. Nobody wants to start a rant about healthy people because it's desirable and nobody will comment. Healthy what we're all here to be.

Some skinny people are couch potatoes.
Some skinny people feel horrid about themselves.
Some skinny people have the same negative self-image about themselves that someone who is overweight has.
Some skinny people complain about their weight because they "see" a "fat" person in the mirror.

Not all skinny people judge fat people. On MFP, it's not Skinny vs. Fat. It's not a war. We're all out here battling our pasts in the same way. Some people eat to fill the void. Some people exercise compulsively. Some people drink. Some people do drugs. Society accepts all but the "fat". And it sucks and it's unfair. But not all skinny people judge fat people for filling the void with food.

Too many of us place the value of our self-worth on the size of our pants or the number on the scale or the ticker. We discount all the beauty we contribute to the world through our parenting, friendships, love of family, church, education, and our simple ability to laugh. We contribute so much more than a number.

I propose that we nix the rants about skinny people. It's hurtful and insulting. The anger is misdirected. Direct your anger at the awful state of nutritional choices available to all but the well-off (I can't afford Whole Foods!). Direct your anger at companies that make addictive food from non-food sources, refined sugar, enriched flour, and harmful chemicals and then market it as "diet," "healthy," or "wholesome." Channel your anger into a place that produces some good in the world instead of insulting a group of people whose battle rages on the inside instead of on the outside.

Support and love will help us all succeed. Instead of making ourselves look taller by pushing down others, let's raise each other up!


    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I was having a talk with my boy thats a trainer about Fat skinny people.....thats all.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    It's not directed at anyone. I've just noticed a few posts that have elicited some passionate, unproductive responses.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    LOL too funny............You don't want rants about skinny people yet that is exactly what you have done.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    I agree with you! :) I have heard enough about what people look like... and it hurts me... because I have had the problem since I was in grade school. I am struggling now to keep my weight off... just these past two weeks I have GAINED all the weight I lost over the year... :( I'm very unhappy. It doesn't help when people point out the fact that I already know.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    LOL too funny............

    not really.
  • LaurieBLouise
    LaurieBLouise Posts: 48 Member
    this post hit home! though i'm viewed as thin, I can't stand when I'm asked "why are YOU here?" when participating in a fitness class or event. just because I'm already thin doesn't mean I don't glare at what I see as large thighs. I still get bent out of shape when I gain a few pounds, even if I am in a good weight range.

    animosity towards thin people is just as bad as animosity towards overweight people. animosity is simply THAT-- there is no degree of it, or a "better" version of it. negativity be gone. life is too short to spew negativity for ANY reason.

    thanks for sharing!
  • LaurieBLouise
    LaurieBLouise Posts: 48 Member
    she ranted about nothing! she spread positivity and put negativity on blast!
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    LOL too funny............You don't want rants about skinny people yet that is exactly what you have done.

    How did I rant about skinny people?!? I'm expressing that rants about thin people are misguided. I don't care what weight anybody is. I care about helping people get where they want to be.
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    You hit the nail on the head!
  • ronniesgirl1982
    This sit is not called my fatness pal or my skinnynes pal it's called my FITNESS pal. I know some people who are slimmer than me but are also alot more unhealthy than me also. Yeah I need to lose weight to have a baby but I would not say I'm unfit as if I were I would be incapable of doing any exercise.

    Anyway my point was that we al look at ourselves in our own way and we all want to change ourselves otherwise we wouldn't be on here. You would be in uproar if there were "fat" comments so why allow "skinny" comments to go ahead while presuming they won't hurt someone which they do?

    Just to reiterate though I am fat!
  • AngelJLV83
    AngelJLV83 Posts: 59 Member
    I love this post! I get the same thing at the gym. I don't think I am fat or overweight, but I do see "squishy" parts that I would love to tone up. Plus, after I do, I plan on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and lets face it, in the world of delicious processed sugars it is a hard thing to do!! I have a few people on here that have met there goals and are maintaining. They still need advice and they still need support. As soon as you slack and go back to filthy ways you are back in the department of needing to lose it and not just keeping it off. Its My FITNESS Pals. Being fit and healthy is a lifetime commitment! So I agree. We all come here for support and friendship and advice. If I wanted to feel bad about myself I would talk to my ex. Or my in-laws!!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    LOL too funny............You don't want rants about skinny people yet that is exactly what you have done.

    How did I rant about skinny people?!? I'm expressing that rants about thin people are misguided. I don't care what weight anybody is. I care about helping people get where they want to be.

    You opened this post/ rant about not ranting about skinny people. How does that help anyone? Who are you to say certain topics are not up for discussion? Do we now not mention fat or obese people either?

    I have no problem being called skinny or fat I have been on both sides. People need to not be so sensitive on these forums.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    LOL too funny............You don't want rants about skinny people yet that is exactly what you have done.

    How did I rant about skinny people?!? I'm expressing that rants about thin people are misguided. I don't care what weight anybody is. I care about helping people get where they want to be.

    You opened this post/ rant about not ranting about skinny people. How does that help anyone? Who are you to say certain topics are not up for discussion? Do we now not mention fat or obese people either?

    I have no problem being called skinny or fat I have been on both sides. People need to not be so sensitive on these forums.

    The thing is, we can't determine for others how sensitive they "should" be. In reality, people are sensitive about their weight. That's why a lot of people are here. Complaining about other people's bodies helps nobody, and these forums are about support.

    Engaging in discussion is one thing. Complaining or drawing insulting conclusions about a group of people because of an unfair perception about them something entirely different. It's stereotyping, and it's wrong.

    It's my opinion, but from the private responses I've recieved since I posted this, a lot of people (whose feelings are valid) feel the same way. They feel insulted and judged. Again, let's support each other.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    The point is you are telling people they cannot start posts about skinny people. Where do you draw the line on topics up for discussion? If individuals were being discussed on the forums, I would be the first to say Hey that's not on. But that is not the case here. Until Admin say that topics or groups of people are not to be discussed then they should be allowed to continue.

    The forums are not a compulsory part of the website nor does it aid in the loss of weight.. If people are too sensitive then perhaps bypassing the community pages would be better for them, or stick to the recipe, fun and games forums where they would be more comfortable.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I have felt very sensitive about this topic in the past. Usually my forum sensitivity corresponds with real life ugliness being spewed by people who don't know else to do but be nasty and judgemental. When my efforts are diminished, when I am struggling emotionally to sustain my health and balance and I get treated badly because I maintain a level of fitness etc then I see the fit and healthy bashed on this site it upsets me...foolishly yes, but it is mfp friends know how hard I work in my workouts, myefforts to be near calorie goals and keep a healthy mind set. To have that dismissed because of someone else,s personal frustrations is silly and petty and really should be curtailed. I can't make anyone else be kinder but I wish they would keep their nastiness to themselves...
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I feel like someone posting "why are skinny people here?"
    would be the same thing as a person posting "why are fat people here?"
    Someone could argue: Skinny people don't need to lose weight.
    They could also take the same close-minded stance and say: fat people obviously don't take part in fitness.

    Everything these days is biased.
    But this is a community to help each other.
    Not hate each other.
    Or judge each other.
    If you want to be a judgemental prude, go back to middle school.

    Edit: Silly typos. [:
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    The point is you are telling people they cannot start posts about skinny people. Where do you draw the line on topics up for discussion?

    Read the title again, honey.
    It says no more RANTS about Skinny People.
    That's a little different than posts, don't you think?
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm typo-ing.
    Double posting.
    I'm just blowing this bidness up.
  • AngelJLV83
    AngelJLV83 Posts: 59 Member
    Mads1997, we don't come on here saying like "hey fatty fattster" cuz it is way insensitive, but skinny people have sensitivities too. I think that is all she meant. People dont think twice about being like "eh youre too skinny" or "eh why would you complain you arent fat" and it is unsupportive and rude. All she meant was we dont harp on people because they are fat, so dont harp on people because they are skinny. If you have such a hatred for the topic, then DONT POST. No, we shouldnt make posts about skinny people. And we shouldnt make posts about fat people. Its about BETTERING OURSELVES. Why do we need to talk about any other people at all?